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World Bank hacked, Economy crashes and the Election

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posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 01:32 AM
Is it just me? Or, does something smell fishy?

A freshman senator comes out of nowhere with only two years senate experience and announces his candidacy for president of the United States. He spends the next two years running for president. He beats out the favored candidate for the party nomination against all odds.

This candidate, whom no one knows anything about, has no record of senate achievement, is obviously favored by the main stream media, raises a record amount of contributions from untraceable sources, has links to nefarious individuals and organizations and has managed to gain the support of one of the wealthiest men in the world (Warren Buffet). Why would Buffet support a candidate that promises to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations? This runs counter to common sense. Unless, maybe, it is a ruse?

In July, the World Bank’s computer system is hacked from the inside with information about the financial status of all western countries compromised and sent to an ISP in China (which may be a diversionary ISP address).

Only weeks before the election the world’s economy crashes, effectively eliminating the competing party’s candidate and throwing the free market nations into panic. Citizens of these countries are beginning to become extremely vocal and tensions are rising and bordering on civil disobedience.

The above occurrences can’t be just coincidences! Is it divine intervention? I doubt it! It smells an awful lot like a Hollywood James Bond movie plot.

Based on the above “movie plot”, I would say the rest of the story will go like this:

The elections will be held and Obama will be elected. The civil unrest will increase and riots will start across America and Europe as the economy worsens. Martial law will be declared and in America, there will be an emergency law passed that will require all gun owners to turn in their weapons or face prison terms. There will be resistance and armed incursions will escalate in all-out rebellion and civil war, only, the citizens rebelling will not stand a chance against the power of the government. The constitution will be suspended and freedom of speech curtailed in order to “help quell” the civil unrest. There will be a “civil watch force” made up of party loyalists (read ACORN) to spy on potential trouble makers and anti-government groups and individuals. Obama will be seen for what he is, just a puppet of much more powerful men who plotted his political stardom and paid for and manipulated this election.

America and Europe will be controlled by a “central power” or group of wealthy powerful individuals. The New World Order once dreamed of by Bush senior will become something entirely different in the form of a single corporate type of government that will subjugate the population of Europe and North America. Elections will cease except for “Party” or “Corporate” positions voted on by corporate or government “employees”. There will be only one party and that will be the corporation.

Could this be the Bilderberg Group? Who would have the resources and power to obtain inside information by hacking into the World Bank computers, have the money to engineer the successful election of an unknown to the US Presidency, and pull the necessary strings and manipulate the financial status of huge corporations in order to bring about the economic collapse of the entire free world? I think someone did!

Call this “Fear Mongering” if you want. But I smell something rotten and it ain’t in Denmark! If I’m wrong, at least it would make a damned good movie!

edited for spelling

[edit on 12-10-2008 by Hopup Dave]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by Hopup Dave

I guess it could be that way. I can do the opposite for you with a rootin tootin Palin playing her flute while DC burns, but that would paint a pretty grim picture, and what is the fun in that? Instead, I'll go to bed knowing morons voted Bush in twice and still have their "W" bumperstickers. In other words, don't be so sure who'll end up President. Palin, shhesh, where did SHE come from?

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by Hopup Dave

Based on the above “movie plot”, I would say the rest of the story will go like this:

The elections will be held and Obama will be elected. The civil unrest will increase and riots will start across America and Europe as the economy worsens. Martial law will be declared and in America, there will be an emergency law passed that will require all gun owners to turn in their weapons or face prison terms. There will be resistance and armed incursions will escalate in all-out rebellion and civil war, only, the citizens rebelling will not stand a chance against the power of the government.

Uh, do you understand the American People? Within 30 minutes of Martial Law being declared most every Federal Building in most every big city will be inundated by demonstrators. The Police, if they are smart, will walk away. The FBI will of course be stupid and forget that The People are the Government and dutifully start the next revolution by shooting someone. At that point the Military will tell the President and his cronies to that they are all under arrest pending Military Tribunal, which is their prerogatave as signed into law by Shrub.

You see, the Military is being affected as much by this BS as the populace is. The Military would suffer horribly if they attempted to enforce a criminal regimes commands, they would be better off falling back to Constitutional Law.

If a shooting war started in the United States, from the sentiments I have seen, I would not want to be working in Finance, Politics or Military Contracting because every Executive out there will become a high value target.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 03:17 AM
"You see, the Military is being affected as much by this BS as the populace is. The Military would suffer horribly if they attempted to enforce a criminal regimes commands, they would be better off falling back to Constitutional Law."

Now that would be the Hollywood happy ending! And, yes, I understand the American People - I am one! The problem is that it would take a while for the typical American soldier to understand that the bad guys are not the citizens who are rioting. Do you remember Kent State? But, I agree that it would not be long before suppression commands would be difficult to enforce. These same soldiers would be facing family and friends. But, history shows us that this scenario is possible - it happened in Germany, Italy, Panama, Venezuela and other democracies throughout history. The big difference here is that we the people have the 2nd amendment and wresting guns from the citizens will not be easy and without bloodshed. The 2nd amendment is subject to "clarification" of convenience if the Supreme Court is stacked in favor of more restrictive gun control. People don't realize the significance of this right and how it helps to curb the ambitions of powerful political zealots.

This one right of the American people put a stop to Japan's plans to invade the US in WWII. Remember that it was just a few months ago that the Supreme Court re-interpreted the 2nd amendment and it remained unaltered by only 1 vote (as I recall)!

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by Hopup Dave
managed to gain the support of one of the wealthiest men in the world (Warren Buffet). Why would Buffet support a candidate that promises to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations? This runs counter to common sense. Unless, maybe, it is a ruse?

Not really. Buffet is a liberal capitalist. They are rare, but they do exist. He does genuinely believe that he should be paying a larger share of the tax burden. I think the man is 80 and it isn't a new position for him. There's plenty of documentation.

I distinctly remember a talk he gave several years ago where he promised 1 million dollars to anyone that could provide an example of a wealthy person paying less in taxes than that person's subordinate. I think he said he pays 16% in taxes while his secretary pays more like 40%.

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