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"The media is just Scare-Mongering!"

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posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 09:21 PM
"The media is just Scare-Mongering!"

That is what a lot of people at ATS want to think, for some reason. Whether they truly believe it or not, I have no idea. I am honestly not scare-mongering.

Many of us here, at ATS have it pretty good still! So that means the MSM must be lying about all of those job layoffs!
Probaby all of us here, at ATS can still afford to eat everyday! So there must not be families that are going hungry tonight!
We are still online, so I would guess things are pretty good. What about some who really ARE down on their luck, and not able to log in here and tell people what is going on? Here's a hint.......

I know this is not important to most people here, but today I did something that is normally against my anti-social nature.

Today my room-mate had told me about one of my neighbours in this apartment complex, who is being evicted on the first of next month, has no money, and has no idea what she and all of her kids are going to do. Today, for the first time ever, I went to her apartment, to say Hi. And I asked her to walk with me to the store and pick out some food. It took a while, but eventually she was able to get all her kids dressed, out the door, and off we went. She shopped right along-side me today, with her kids, and her shopping cart, picking out some stuff they could use for the next couple days. The kids were excited to get snacks, and pick out something for dinner tonight.

Right now I cry, happy they are able to get a meal, and wondering how many others are going through this, or are going to if the economy keeps up it's current trend.

For all we know, maybe NONE of us will be able to go down to the store and buy what we need next week.... That is if some ATSers who have been watching the stock market, turn out to be right about an all-out crash. Even if not, who's to say that companies will stop laying people off, and start hiring again, anytime soon?

Don't flame me for sharing, some really are suffering, and I really don't believe the media has been scare-mongering. If anything, they might be keeping people from knowing that things can get REALLY bad, quick, to keep us from freaking out.

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