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Perino:Whitehouse Won't Extend Jobless Benefits, Says People Should Just Find a Job!

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posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by drsmooth23

na, you can't say to a 35 year old that they're not getting help because they left school at 16, unless, of course, your willing to support them while they finish it now.

i'm all for encouraging people to help themselves, but a responsible society needs to offer a safety net.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
That is the problem with many Americans they have not clue as to the circumstances that somebody in a middle or higher income may find themselves overnight and prompt them to live on government assistance.

but then what happen when is not employment to fill the income gap?.

They will lose everything.
Because actually is the middle class tax payer the one that is been scammed as the poor do not pay taxes at all.

sorry marg, i've chopped your post a little for size.
i cannot disagree more with you. why should anybody be kept in the comfort to which they have become accustomed? if you haven't got enough money to support your lifestyle, change your lifestyle. there is a whole lot of gradients between a five bedroom, 3000sq ft house in the burbs and homelessness.

people need to get real, you might have a right to expect a means tested subsistence income, but there is no reason i can see that the guy paying taxes on his job at mcdonalds should pay your lifestyle bills.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 04:26 PM
I should also add that most labor depts. (at least in my area) offer all kinds of help. They will help you fill out resumes, offer programs for retraining for career changes, GED programs, computer and internet access, active job postings, alternative search options, etc.

As long as you abide by their rules they can be a lot of help. Sometimes things just don't work out, especially when a whole area dependent on a single industry goes under.

I saw a thing on TV a while back that kind of put things in perspective.

A women was interviewed after losing her job (can't remember what but it was relevant) because a Super WalMart went up in her town. Now that she has to scrape to get by, she is forced to shop at the WalMart because they cost less.

Kind of a vicious circle, having to give your money to the company that caused your unemployment. Maybe she ended up getting a job at the WalMart, dunno.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by pieman

You fail to see the trend here, my friend, when in America the American dream has to die.

So the ruling class can benefit? is that the way it goes?.

You build your life in a dream, work hard for it, try to get the best for your family and yourself and because we have a corrupted system of government fattening themselves and their cronies with tax payer money the regular American have to forget their dreams and downgrade themselves, while the fat pigs still reap their profits and gets bail out by the tax payer?

This no how America was build this is not how opportunities are given to be take away at will, that is deception and corruption.

The trend that is falling on America is the one that is going to turn this nation into a third world country as high income employment is lost and replaced by lower wages.

What you don't seem to understand is that as the pockets of the American consumers gets empty and is less income to spend on an economy that is base on consumerism and not wealth building America will not be able to support itself.

Right now our nation lost its wealth building status so our nation rely on borrowing and debt to survive.

We are a bankrupt superpower and very soon bankrupt will be the consumers of this nation.

[edit on 9-10-2008 by marg6043]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 04:46 PM
I agree with them. Time is coming when the right is going to put those FEMA camps to good use and toss the socialist left wing scumbags in there. Our American version of 1938. No I am not kidding.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I agree.

Let's ignore the high stress and increased suicides. We need to be cold hearted in these times. There's just no place for common sense, forgiveness, or understanding. Poor people deserve to suffer.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by marg6043

ffs marg, i do get it, i know what your saying. the point you seem to miss is that the american dream isn't about consumerism, it's about the opportunity to make a better life for you and your family, it's about establishing an independent life, free from the interference of the state and the bankers. it's about freedom of expression and freedom of worship. it's not about a big TV and a big house and two cars. i'm not even an american and i know that. the american dream won't die with the death of consumerism.

the government didn't pay those fat cats for the last twenty years, you did and i did and everyone else that feeds into the consumerist system that has been in operation. you need to be realistic, it was never going to be sustainable, it had to end sometime. now, later, whats the difference?

the west cannot continue to consume, just can't, industry cannot continue as it has been, this had to end, it needs to be reset. it's not an if thing, it's a when thing. either way, if they do manage to pull up at some stage, we'll still be flying on fumes. it's going to crash. today, tomorrow, soon, whatever.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by pieman

I agree with you pieman I agree with you, I am one of those people that been able to stay at home while my husband is the bread earner, but as the nation's keep falling into debt even my husband job and his retirement is in danger.

If the government starts to downgrade the military and the defense spending is cut due to allocate funds to support the economy bail out package so my husband employment will be in danger.

That means that he will be joining the lines of unemployment benefits and our standards of living will be in jeopardy, we are in an age that we can not start over while his military retirement will pay for the house mortgage it leaves no much for other expenses and dipping into his other retirement accounts will deplete funds that at this time can not be replaced.

Yes the future is looking very dark indeed, no for the young but for us the baby boomers.

[edit on 9-10-2008 by marg6043]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by marg6043

sorry marg, i know i seem heartless, but your standard of living shouldn't be paid for by a person with a lower standard of living than you. that can never be fair.

i know you have worked hard for what you have but what you have is part of the system that is the problem. the bankers who have stripped you of your life style should have their assets frozen and a prison sentence imposed, but you cannot say on one hand that you deserve to be supported by those poorer than you as well, this is equally incorrect.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by pieman
reply to post by drsmooth23

na, you can't say to a 35 year old that they're not getting help because they left school at 16, unless, of course, your willing to support them while they finish it now.

if they get some assistance, why cant someone inquire about the struggles that lead them to their current situation. help them by getting to the root of the struggle and not just throwing cash towards a seemingly infinite black hole.

I know that almost sounds like a human rights/privacy violation, but so is going to the doctors office with the same amount of information you divulge.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:59 PM
This is where my being a conservative splits off completely from the GOP and the current administration. Republicans who identify with Hannity, Limbaugh, Cheny, Bush and so on are NOT REPUBLICANS! They are fascist hiding under a GOP blanket.

The purpose of unemployment is to give a person the time they need to find a job in the industry they are trained for and possibly invested a great deal of money on education in order to work in.

It serves the nation's best interest to maintain these people in the same station in life, especially the skilled workers using money contributed by employers and workers than encouraging everyone to accept any job and take a huge drop in lifestyle. For one, we want people to continue to pay the same amount in taxes. Do you folks not get that without unemployment our middle class would constantly be sliding downwards into lesser paying jobs?

Companies and the government want to play the global workforce game and take jobs away from Americans who often went into debt in order to get those positions. Each job shipped out of our country takes tax dollars and consumer spending money with it. People who think the benefit of the bribes paid to politicians and possible stock dividends outweigh that loss are clueless. Then these same politicians who helped take jobs out of the country turn around and call the victims of those policies lazy and parasitic.

Meanwhile, the banks and corporations who wanted to jump on the gravy train and play fast and loose with your investment money are all collapsing. These same people who get all offended over unemployment insurance seem to have no problem handing billions over to corrupt and incompetent CEO's.

You folks who defend that attitude just keep enjoying fantasy land. I know you think you're special, that the pain everyone is in for won't take everything away from you and your family. Just keep believing that lie.

We need change people and that change is not going to be gained from anyone in the democratic or republican parties. Your govt doesn't care about you, they never have and they never will. You are simply here to supply the elite with labor and money, don't you dare ask to be treated fairly.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective
What jobs they're all being either "outsourced" to India or given to people who migrated here from south of the border, Japan or India.

Wait until China's 1.2 billion citizens come over and get American Green Cards, jobs are really going to be scarce.

Cheap labor will force most of us to live in grass huts in the next few decades. Welcome to globalization.

There is going to be two classes in our country. Rich & poor.

I'm lucky, have had the same job for 15 years.

BUT no raise this year. My workload has doubled but no raise.

I'm sure our CEO gave himself a big raise.

Our company has been buying out other insurance companies at the rate of about 2 a month for the last 2 years, yet my company couldn't afford to give any of us a raise.

The large corporations fund the "right" candidates and get them elected to do their bid and call. We should be calling ourselves, The Corporations of America.

Now, want some interesting reading: Google "companies that profit from Iraq War".

Our leaders have sold out to the highest bidders, the corporations and the money is not going to trickle downward.

[edit on 9-10-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 08:09 PM
There are jobs out there. They just happen to pay minimum wage, are +30 miles away from where you live, and either work you to death or not nearly enough. Our unemployment rate may only be 6 percent (if you trust government figures
) but the underemployment I've heard is around 15% and likely going to go way up.

Is it worth spending 50 dollars a week on gas if your job only pays 200 or less?

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by CapsFan8

Yep been my situation since March. 97 mile round trip everyday. When gas was pushing $4/gal was spending $20/day in gas. So after taxes, insurance, union dues and gas...$225/week take home. $400/month rent, $150/month utilities and rising food prices means I am not buying a more fuel efficent car (new or used), not moving due to a contractual lease until July 2009 and guess what else?


I have no extra money to either save for a rainy day nor to freely spend where someone else works, sales are down so there goes their job...evenutally it will trickle up to business owners who's solution is labor layoff (glad they paid that $80,000 for that education for problem solving).

So one of those guys has to take a low paying job working 10 hours/day in a factory 50 miles from home and be just like me....broke, unable to save for needed purchases to improve their situation.

Yep let's remove unemployment compensation completely. After all looking around work yesterday my math shows that all the work orders for this year will be completed by Halloween. Company has already posted that we get the whole week of Thanksgiving off without pay and we are free to take Unpaid Leave of Absences the rest of this year without penalty to benefits. I mean that alone speaks volumes of confidence that I will have a job there next year, right?

[edit on 9-10-2008 by Ahabstar]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by nyk537
Don't give me "skill shortage". The ability to gain those skills is also readily available. If you aren't smart enough for a job, go back to school. If you can't do a certain trade for a job, learn it. It's simple. The fact remains, whether or not you choose to believe it, that the means to succeed are out there. People just have to have the motivation to go after them.

Ah. Go back to school that you can't afford. Good thought, that.

So simple. Go further into debt so that you can vie with all the others for the few jobs that are available. I LIKE that reasoning!

The fact remains that the few who do succeed are the lucky ones, while many of us, fully trained, have applied to 100-150 jobs a week for over 2 years, in person and on the 'net, and are still unemployed.

Perhaps you are writing from a different planet?

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I'm thinking not from another planet, more specifically FROM this planet, the planet where not caring for our fellow man has superceded logic.

"As long as IM ok, damn right the REST of you had better make your lives as good as mine because, well, *I* did it."

What kills me is that, posts like the one you replied to, come from people who TRULY believe that THEY are paying for these unemployed to actually get the money FROM INSURANCE (hence the name UI) that they are due them.

Sad people, is all I can say...


posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by alphabetaone

Yeah, I agree.

It's sad that there are people who have managed to "make it" that think that because THEY did, EVERYONE can. And therefore do not do what they can to help, but instead applaud efforts to deny assistance.

And sadly, it IS this planet. (Maybe we can ship all those sort to another planet!)

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
reply to post by alphabetaone

Yeah, I agree.

It's sad that there are people who have managed to "make it" that think that because THEY did, EVERYONE can. And therefore do not do what they can to help, but instead applaud efforts to deny assistance.

And sadly, it IS this planet. (Maybe we can ship all those sort to another planet!)

Exactly what I said.

While I'm fortunate enough to be working at home and have my own business, not everyone can do the same thing; we're all different with a completely different set of priorities and goals, so we all enjoy other things - or do other things we need to do to make a living.

I know right now I'm lucky to have my own business and thank goodness I'm still working, but there are many who have lost or will be losing their jobs within the near future - all due to no fault of their own - and that's devastating; both for the individual and for us as a nation.

How completely disgraceful that some feel the need to lay blame at the feet of the working class, while they sit in their ivory tower and smirk because they believe they're somehow "above it all."

I wouldn't get too comfortable in my chair if I were them.

[edit on 10-10-2008 by Artista]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by Artista

Yes, you are fortunate, as am I, while I am not self-employed, I made sure long ago that I would never be hurting for money either in a crunch.

I bought next to NOTHING for years, people would laugh at me wondering why I would drive around cars until they dropped and rusted away. Why I lived with a single 20" television (even though I rarely watch TV anyway), you know the routine...and I invested wisely ... a safe bet is ALWAYS maintain 50% cash in your portfolio because you just NEVER know when that next "meltdown" is only a day away.

They're not laughing so much anymore, and while I'm not working now by my OWN choice and not taking IN money, I'm also not hurting and to further that, I would give the shirt off my back if I see someone suffering, even if I couldn't really stand them as a PERSON.


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