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McCain would not suspend his election unless he was told to..

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posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 05:34 AM
America as we have known her is about to go into a
crisis mode, as Senator McCain has suspended his election bid. THIS APPEARS TO BE ALL PART OF A MASTER PLAN, carefully worked out long ago by the Illuminati elite, known in the Bible as the THE RICH MEN OF THE EARTH, who will do anything they need to do in order to grab total control of this nation, with no legal or congressional oversight. McCain would not suspend his election unless he was told to by the powers that be, and that means that Bush will, most likely, because of Congressional opposition to the BAILOUT, DECLARE A NATIONAL EMERGENCY AND WILL, BY EXECUTIVE ORDER FORCE THE BAILOUT THROUGH, IGNORING THE WILL OF CONGRESS AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. HE WILL THEN, MOST LIKELY, SUSPEND THE ELECTIONS, DECLARE HIMSELF DICTATOR, AND BRING IN ALL OF THE CAREFULLY LAID PLANS FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE BILL OR RIGHTS AND THE CONSTITUTION.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 07:24 AM
uh, no....

Mcain suspended his campian to get that "I was too busy trying to save the economy to debate with that other guy" look.

just a political move, nothing more.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 07:26 AM
Ok, now that we know how you feel about it.

What are you prepared TO DO about it?


posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 07:35 AM
I agree that someone is pulling his strings. I started this thread this morning with my take on it. In the words of Mr. Letterman, 'this doesn't smell right'.

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