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I miss Above Politics

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posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 12:19 AM
I truly enjoy all the bickering, namecalling, trolling and just general nastiness that politics engenders but it should be enjoyed away from
the flying saucers and bigfeet and things that go bump in the nite.

I too miss above politics...

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 12:29 AM
Everybody likes to have their own sandbox. The serious talkers always want to be sheltered from the partisan muckrakers. There are serious talkers here on ATS, but you've got to remember that this isn't JUST a politics board. It's like a public swimmng pool. You meet all kinds, and some will honestly rub you the wrong way.

You guys might want to think about fidning each other, and starting threads that you can all chip in to. When the muckrakers jump in, stand your ground and keep your debates moving forward. Trolls and agitators will move on, eventually. If you want to do the big brain stuff, you need to have a thick hide.

You've also got to use your own initiative. Look for the poster who want to be serious, and u2 them. Form your own networks. This is, after all, a conspiracy site. Hatch your own conspiracy to meet and interact with the people whom you most want to soeak with. If enough of you get together and post serious stuff, most of the muckrakers will pass you by. they won't want to stay away if they think they can yank your chain or de-rail your conversation.

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by Justin_Case
You've also got to use your own initiative. Look for the poster who want to be serious, and u2 them. Form your own networks. This is, after all, a conspiracy site. Hatch your own conspiracy to meet and interact with the people whom you most want to soeak with. If enough of you get together and post serious stuff, most of the muckrakers will pass you by. they won't want to stay away if they think they can yank your chain or de-rail your conversation.

Now I in no way want to infer that Justin is advocating forum gangs but it might pay for new and older members not to take a course of action that could be taken as such . If U2U other members who will give a differnt perceptive on a topic and then you wont ever face this possible problem .

I have no problem with high quality political discussions going unrecognised as they did on AP but it a bit much to then rant on about the lesser quality discussions .

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 10:02 AM
Thank you all for the attention. My point is this.

I love ATS. I think I've been a good proponant for the continuity of classiness that ATS inspires in most. I joined ATS when I found it was the leading discussionary site that deals in alternative topics. UFOs, Underground Bases, Ghosts and Paranormal, Secret Societies and Predictions.
At my time of joining (December 2005), I had been lurking for 2 or 3 years. Soaking it up and doing my best to shake the David Icke influence that I knew was pretty funky.
At that time, there were three options.

1) ATS. The conspiracy theories and evidence to prove such.
2) BTS. The lighter side of discussion. Fun, games and comeraderie.
3) PTS. For those who were interested in the many nuances of our (and other) political sneakiness.

It was nice to know that I could go over to PTS (AP) and read some political muckity-muck if I so chose to.
(I often chose NOT to because I am completely sick of our concrete two-party system that is rife with beaurocracy, lobbying and dishonesty. To this day, I DON'T feel represented as a citizen.)
Now, there is really no escape. Oh, you can instruct me to block out certain forums and ignore the crappulence, but, it doesn't deflect from the point that is a conspiracy site and mainstream politics does NOT fit.
I've been watching Springer and SkepticO pull what's left of their hair out trying to keep the politics here at ATS from going crazy. The latest U2U from Admin pointing to the new thread about RNC "infiltrations" is another in a long list of things that distract the ATS reader from what he/she is really interested in.

I LOVE ATS! I miss AP.


posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 10:05 AM
The Madness Ends Today

Thread Closed.


posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 10:05 AM
We (the ATSers we are) feel the same way. Its all being solved and changed as we speak: Example

Its all about getting ATS back to its intended topic...which is not mainstream tabloid junk.

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