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Regarding Icke

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posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 09:38 PM
Over a lot of the time I've been reading the forums here, I haven't seen much said or referenced to David Icke-- so my question to you all is, how much merit do you, on the whole and individually, lend to the ideas/theories that he offers?

I already know such people as Alex Jones and others lend him some credibility, atleast in regards to his outlook on extensive government powers and takeover agenda(s)-- but what about the reptilians, and the power of man's perception?

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 09:44 PM
My personnal opinion about the guy is

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 09:53 PM
I consider David Icke to be one of the most enlightened people on the planet. True, I do have problems with some of his theories but he has certainly brought a lot of information into the light of day that otherwise would have been kept hidden.

As for the reptilians - I have certainly met people who fit his profiling. My ex wife (who worked for the Illuminati's Lord Carrington) was certainly one - cold blue eyes and the power to scare the living # out of anyone she was annoyed with ... as I found out at the end of our relationship
. Another was a woman I met in York - and she was fecking scary !!! However, I certainly have not seen anyone shape change into a reptile. Not to say it isn't possible, just I have not seen it.

David's theories about the creation of religion in order to control the popluation, certainly fits with mine, as do his ideas about the NWO / Illuminati.

I think there are quite a few people who owe him a debt of gratitude for bringing them out of the 'preprogrammed sheeple' stage of their lives.

[Edited on 18-3-2004 by Pisky]

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 04:11 AM
David Icke is always a subject to get peoples backs up. We have had many colourful discussions on him in the past and you may find a search on the site search tool is what you need.

Personally I still remember Icke going on prime time national TV claiming to be the son of god an this tends to colour my opinion of anything he says. It may be in his own personal madness he has hit upon the truth somewhere but I doubt it.

If you have any trouble finding old threads on Icke give me a shout and I`ll help you find some.

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 05:10 AM
it all makes pretty good sense, but the part about reptilian blood lines.. thats where i stop reading... i could believe there MIGHT be reptilian speicies out there, but the shapeshifting etc. uh...

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 06:58 AM
To be honest, I think the shape-shifting part might be a bit of a bad description.

I know he has said 'shape-shifting', but I'm thinking it might be more of a case of perception shifting, or light-shifting or something like that.

His last book goes a bit further into some new ideas than his older books (of which I have read only 2) - I think he might have refined his terminology a little with concerns to shape-shifting - not so much physically transforming as altering other factors to appear as one thing or another.

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 07:15 AM
The 'shapeshifting' is a representation of the fact that the people in power (i.e. presidents,world leaders, etc..) put on a face with a smile, reads a nice little speech to make themselves look good, when all the time that smiling face is spewing out lies, or lies to cover up lies, or half-truths that are presented in a pretty package. Why? To perpetuate an agenda. And what is the agenda... POWER... pure and simple. So in this respect Icke is very right on what he's saying. In my opinion, he just puts it in a reptile package in order to to make people look at what he has to say.

[Edited on 19-3-2004 by thirdeyeching]

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 07:15 AM
Indeed I've read about 2 of his books, but I've also listened to hours worth of interviews with him, as well as approx 2 hours worth of video from him. I believe he only calls it 'shapeshifting' when he's trying to relay his point across to help the listener understand exactly what he's saying. After that, he's gone into saying that it appears less as shapeshifting and more as something of a visual facad, like a trick of the eye.

He's claimed that, in order to keep the facad up, those who are reptilians, or are being controlled by reptilians, need to consume human blood (he's theorized that the 'essence' of the human soul might be contained therein) and hence we have all the claims of human sacrifice, child abduction and etc.

He has claimed that eye-witnesses have come to him, out of their own free will (which doesn't lend any more credibility-- we all know about misinformation campaigns), and described that they've seen the following high-ranking members of government shapeshift :
George W. Bush
The President of Mexico
The British Royal Family*
Many other members of British Parliament

* - He has also claimed that Princess Diana has confided in certain friends that, quote, "those people truly aren't human"

Cassini - When Icke was on Nat. TV, how was he claiming to be the son of god? Was it in the Christian sense of "we're all the sons of god", or was it more of a maddened state of "I AM THE ONLY SON OF GOD!"?

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 07:21 AM
Cappa it was in the Jesus Christ way not the other. Some of the other posters such as JB1 remember this as well. He also did it in possibly the worst fashion accessory knowm to man "the shell suit" which if I remember correctly was purple with green stripes on the arms.

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 09:18 AM
He puts across some interesting points, and I'd like to be able to take him more seriously. He does, however, seem to gleefully embrace any and every crackpot theory. I see that he's now jumped onto the "Matrix" bandwagon...

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by cassini
Cappa it was in the Jesus Christ way not the other. Some of the other posters such as JB1 remember this as well. He also did it in possibly the worst fashion accessory knowm to man "the shell suit" which if I remember correctly was purple with green stripes on the arms.

Being new to Icke, I have a question, was this during the time in his life when he claimed to have had some life-altering event.
In The biggest secret, he certainly seems to not believe he is a god, but someone who wants to enlighten others.

By and larage, I agree with Pisky assessment on Icke. He certainly opened by eyes.
Therefore, even if everything is not 100% fact, so what?
It got us to deny ignorance.

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 10:30 AM
i myself am a fan of his work, and find his material to be very interesting. while alot of his material seems extremely far fetched, i still make sure to indulge in his research with a very open mind. while his ideas of reptillian slave masters is debatable, i'm still very open to the possibility. as far as the rest of his reasearch goes, i strongly believe in his ideas regarding government conspiracies, religious fraud, the realm of infinity, the infinite oneness of god, the infinite power that we hold within ourselves, the illusion that is "reality", and how our "reality" is ultimately one big system of control.

[Edited on 19-3-2004 by mutehalo]

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by cassini
Personally I still remember Icke going on prime time national TV claiming to be the son of god an this tends to colour my opinion of anything he says.

That's one of the main reason I have a problem with him. That, and the whole lizards/hollow earth stories.

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 11:06 AM
I think that while there MAY be seeds of truth scatterd throughout the BS he is spreading his embrace of almost every crackpot conspericy threoy that comes along pretty much destroys ANY credibilty he might have.

As I have stated MANY times in these threads if I honestly believed ANY of this I would be leading an armed rebelion against these Reptilians and not touring the world making myself rich off of those easily fooled.

I come closer to believing that he is a government plant to discredit any REAL research into UFOs and Government controls.


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