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Recession could spark rise in crime and extremism: and lot's of BS from the uk government

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posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 06:47 AM

Recession could spark rise in crime and extremism: and lot's of BS from the uk government

The economic downturn may lead to a rise in crime, illegal workers and far-Right extremism that could drive more people towards terrorism, according to a leaked government document.

A draft letter from the Home Office to Downing Street warns that a recession could create the conditions likely to increase support for radical Islamist groups.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 06:47 AM
This story really sounds to me like the drowning UK government trying to shift the thoughts of recession onto terrorism, just because they know that the economy is failing, I don't know about economics but know that it doesn't have anything to do with creating increasing support for terrorists
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 06:48 AM
Why am I getting double and tipple posts? some one please delete this and my last post please, it also happened here:

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:55 AM
They are correct in one sense. If things get really bad the people, the ones that pay their wages, may turn on them and seek to forcibly remove them from power. Therefore, anyone harbouring such thoughts is a terrorist.

Despite all the crap our governments feed us about real or unreal bogeymen, sitting in caves thousands of miles away plotting the fall of the western world, they know that the real threat to their power is us. As a result they have to keep inventing more and more terrorists and scenarios to keep our focus off them. Perhaps that's why we are seeing a more militaristic police force emerging and the idea of public snitches being promoted.
All they have to do is arrest some patsies every once in a while (after tipping off the press of course) and voila!, more funding and more curtailing of our privacy - it's for our own good.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 08:29 AM
Yeah, but I like to thing that living in a so called democracy gives us the right to get rid of bad political party's, not by force but peaceful means, if they are going to call every person who wants rid of Labour terrorists, then I guess we are living in a terrorist state, there's not many who actually want the current government, does that mean we're far-right extremist terrorists? how does a failing economy give them the right to push there own failings on to the people?

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Pockets
Yeah, but I like to thing that living in a so called democracy gives us the right to get rid of bad political party's, not by force but peaceful means, if they are going to call every person who wants rid of Labour terrorists, then I guess we are living in a terrorist state, there's not many who actually want the current government, does that mean we're far-right extremist terrorists? how does a failing economy give them the right to push there own failings on to the people?

I wish sheeple would stop using this term 'Democracy' as something that upholds the rights of the majority. The majority haven't voted for any of the 3 'popular' parties for many many years (if ever?). If our governments really thought that a majority of people would vote them out they would very quickly tell us why they were no longer using the current system. My first right should be to be counted as a 'None of the above' vote (no not a spoiled vote) and this would be advertised as voters not in favour of any of the parties.

The 'failing economy' is a contrived/planned situation not created by you and me but World Banks with the helping hands of world governments to create their agenda that will further control us the sheeple. Look at who will benefit from increased mortgage payments or people loosing homes, increased fuel costs, decreased personal wealth, feelings of insecurity, dread for the future etc etc

Global warming (who pays, who makes money and/or is controlled?), Global terrorism (who pays, who makes money and/or is controlled?). Global Economic unrest (who pays, who makes money and/or is controlled?)

See any pattern?

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Britguy

Its like any 'civilized' society. Civilization is stressed when a citizen or citizens are unable to meet the needs of himself or family to survive. We all know that the basic law is to provide for yourself/family no matter what. In an un-failing state there is a clear path to get this done. When the state fails to allow the citizen to achieve this end legally, the resort to illegal means will be swift, as the choice between the societal contract and watching your child suffer is pretty rapidly made.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by wytworm We all know that the basic law is to provide for yourself/family no matter what. ..

I agree..Then the law of the land becomes the law of survival..Anything and everything goes.
I dare anyone to defend civil law when it fails the people it is supposed to protect.
As I've been saying and SEEING for some time now,things are bad and getting worse.
People around the UK are so despondent,soon it will turn to frustration then anger and violence.
What is deemed 'legal' and morally right/wrong will cease to become a consideration when people are fighting to put food in front of their family.
I am constantly disgusted when MP's award themselves huge salary increases/bonuses and perks when they are doing NOTHING to help the people who are doing the actual/real work.

Now they seem to be establishing a new definition of the rules and throwing 'terrorism' in there..Wow.. predictable or what.!!

So now people trying to survive will be 'terrorists'.. pathetic.
UK is rapidly turning to crap.

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