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Could it be one of the entrances proposed by the Hollow Earth Theory?
Based on Newton's law of gravity, if the Earth was hollow and of uniform density you would weigh less and less as you moved down a mine shaft or elevator. In fact, you would be weightless anywhere "inside" the Earth, not just at the center. In practice, however, weight will actually increase as you descend. Why? Because the Earth's core is more dense than its rocky crust. Your weight increases as you get closer to the dense core with more mass. 1
Even in the model where the Earth has a dense central sun to explain the above observation, inner earthlings would be pulled to the center, not to the shell surface. An inner earth person's"down" couldn't be your "up".
xenophilia Hollow earth
xenophilia the hollow earth image
Then again, perhaps the US Navy Admiral did find something. According to, "On February 19, 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd left Base Camp Artic and flew northward." The site claims that when Byrd returned to Washington, on March 11, 1947, he was interviewed by top security forces and a medical team and was then ordered to remain silent."
"I'd like to see that land beyond the (North) Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the Center of the Great Unknown:"
Richard Evelyn Byrd
“I was stationed at Area 51 from January 1971 to 1982, and in that time visited the hollow interior of the Earth six times, 800 miles deep. There are many tunnels below Area 51. I met several shuttle operators who are 13 to 14 feet tall and have existed there for a very long time. The first 15 levels of Area 51 were man-made, levels 16 to 27 were already there. My father had been stationed at Roswell. There were 150, 000 personnel at this facility, about 85 percent military and 15 percent civilian. After going underground, I did not see the light of day for 11. 5 years.
Den ältesten bekannten germanischen Sagen nach, wartet seit "Äonen" tief drin im verzauberten Wotansberg in einem unterirdischen Dom aus Gold, Silber und Edelsteinen Wotan oder Odin, der höchste Gott des germanischen Göttergeschlechtes der Äsen, mit seinem "Wilden Heer" auf seine Wiederkehr auf Erden. Der Gott und sein "Wildes Heer" verharren so lange in einem tiefen "Schlaf, bis die beiden Götterraben Hugin und Munin (Gedanke und Gedächtnis) nicht mehr "um den Wotansberg kreisen" und "die Not der Menschen groß ist". Erst nach der zumeist gewaltsamen "Christianisierung" der Germanen ersetzt an Wotan-Odin durch den Frankenkaiser Karl den Großen, auch "der Sachsenschlächter" genannt.
Im Untersberg, dem "Zauberberg", ist "die Zeit anders". Menschen die in eine Höhle kletterten, seien, obwohl sie "nur kurze Zeit" in den dunklen Gängen verbrachten, erst "in ferner Zukunft" wieder ans Tageslicht gestiegen, hieß es in alten Sagen des Mittelalters. Ebenso werden Berichte von "einem Schacht, aus dem Stimmen drangen und - Brunnen, aus dessen Tiefe Geräusche von Schritten laut wurden", überliefert.
Originally posted by Barak
A simple experiment to conduct...
Since a number of people here have mentioned about going to the mountain, maybe a little experiment is in order.
Take 2 clocks, make sure they are completely synchronized, leave one in a room in the town below, and take another up the mountain and place it inside a cave ( not deep, just in there, so it is 'inside' the mountain ).. After a day, then a few days, then a week check the synchronization.. If they are good watches, there should be no difference.. a simple test if anyone would like to try it out I am sure we would all love to hear the results
Below, and on the other side of the chasm, was another ledge which appeared to lead to a doorway or tunnel in the far wall. We realise that what happened next might sound unbelievable to many who read this, but we ask them to draw their own conclusions as to its validity. Miss - swears that what follows really happened. She claims that out of this lower tunnel on the far side of the chasm emerged, in single file, several very large creatures of humanoid form but completely covered with hair from head to foot. Noticing her, they raised their arms in her direction, palms out, at which point a violent "wind" began to blow through the cavern, snuffing out her candle. Then, some �thing� wet and slippery (apparently a creature of a different sort) brushed past her.
The complete original text that is kept in the archives of the “Societas Templi Marcioni” says it even more clearly.
But the point is: In that text Jesus actually names the “people”, He talks to Teutons serving in the Roman legion and He tells them that it is THEIR people that He had chosen. That was what Sebottendorf and his friends wanted to know for sure: That the Teutonic, i.e. the German people was commissioned to form the realm of light upon Earth – in the “Land of the Midnight Mountain” (Germany). The place where the ray would meet the Earth was given as the Untersberg near Salzburg.
At the end of September 1917 Sebottendorf met with members of the Lords of the Black Stone at the Untersberg to receive the power of the “Black-Purple Stone” after which the secret society was named.
The Lords of the Black Stone who formed out of the Marcionite Templar societies in 1221 and were led by Hubertus Koch had set as their aim the fight against evil and the building of Christ’s realm of light. This dark power they were to fight had revealed himself in the so-called Old Testament through Moses and other medium as God, starting with the words by YHWH = JAHVEH = Jehovah to Abraham: