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Crop Circles. Alien Expression?

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posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:18 AM
Are you ex-military or active? Wait one is something we used a lot when I was in, that's all.

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:32 AM
I couldn't find the site I was looking for but these pretty much cover the translation.


Some good pictures

Pretty interesting stuff. The picture itself looks like it was generated by a computer. Notice the gradient in the aliasing...

Of course, hexadecimal is a system that even the most junior hacker is familiar with, still, that might be why an EBE would choose it.


posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:52 AM
That's crazy, man. It's weird how those things come about, huh? I wonder who is doing it...

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:54 AM
Army, huh? Good on you. I'm glad to see a fellow serviceman here on ATS.

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by StarChild
Army, huh? Good on you. I'm glad to see a fellow serviceman here on ATS.

Mr. M

That's what I told you in your introduction post! Well met!


posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by DeltaChaos

Originally posted by StarChild
Army, huh? Good on you. I'm glad to see a fellow serviceman here on ATS.

Mr. M

That's what I told you in your introduction post! Well met!


I didn't even realize it until just now! LOL!!!

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 01:21 AM
i believe they are done by E.T.
The binary one was/is a warning messageif i remember, i have links on other pc (post when i get home).
also i read that the laying of the corn is done in such a meticulas way it would take ages and alot of patients to do over a short time, when the corn grows on after a circle the stems are all growing at an angle (not snapped) i also read.
a UK tv program was looking at circles reacently, they visited one in a field of rape seed. it was in the middle but they couldn't get to it, well appart from 1 person but that took ages to get like 40mtrs. the pattern was quite detailed and it was questioned how could a group even with equiptment could design in the dark with 4-5 ft of rape seed growing around your ears, virtually impossible to move in the field without machette, plot out the circle, lay the crop down with planks, ropes or wotever, leave without anyone seeing you, not to leave a trail or any evidence of being there.

my theory is like in "close encounter"
the scientists play a tune to comunicate..,,..,(u know the tune),
the aliens comunicate back with tunes/sounds.

sometime back say someone did this as a prank,(crop circles),now the aliens have seen a good opertunity of communicating safely (the greys) and do so with out the dracos realising?

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