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What, Why, and How?

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posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 12:17 AM
I don't know what exactly it is that I'm sensing, but I feel like something is coming. Something is calling out to me and I feel the urge, no, the NEED to express it in some form or another.
All I'm able to say really, is that something is coming. I cannot say why I feel this way, and I can't begin to extrapolate what this 'thing' might be. Every time I try I'm at a loss for words.
What is this?
Has anybody experienced or been experiencing something similar?

There have been several occasions, regularly, where I've been compelled to write something, or draw something, but as my pen strokes my paper, or my fingers reach to click on the keys, a strange force keeps them from expressing that which it is I'm sensing.

I'm not sure why this is happening. Why I'm unable to share this... this thing... and perhaps I'm being paranoid, but could it be something like hypnosis? Am I hypnotized, my brain scored with mental blocks put there intentionally by something, perhaps television or internet?

I'm sorry everybody for the vagueness of it all, just this bit was very difficult.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Crabmeat
I don't know what exactly it is that I'm sensing, but I feel like something is coming. Something is calling out to me and I feel the urge, no, the NEED to express it in some form or another.
All I'm able to say really, is that something is coming. I cannot say why I feel this way, and I can't begin to extrapolate what this 'thing' might be. Every time I try I'm at a loss for words.
What is this?
Has anybody experienced or been experiencing something similar?

There have been several occasions, regularly, where I've been compelled to write something, or draw something, but as my pen strokes my paper, or my fingers reach to click on the keys, a strange force keeps them from expressing that which it is I'm sensing.

I'm not sure why this is happening. Why I'm unable to share this... this thing... and perhaps I'm being paranoid, but could it be something like hypnosis? Am I hypnotized, my brain scored with mental blocks put there intentionally by something, perhaps television or internet?

I'm sorry everybody for the vagueness of it all, just this bit was very difficult.

I have had that feeling many times as well.

There will be moments when I feel compelled to write a story, or a new song, or draw a picture, etc..

But that "compelling" sensation is hard to put into words.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 01:37 AM
Is this something you feel regularly, or only just recently?

Do you think this event will happen only to you, or will it involve more people?

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 12:02 PM
It's happened on more than one occasion, and a lot recently.
I know for sure that others feel similar sensations... I talked about it with my girlfriend and she knew exactly what I was talking about, as she's experienced similar things.

I'm sure others in the world feel it. I just wish some sense can be made from it, and I don't know why, but I feel like whatever it is that I'm feeling is not getting expressed because someone, or something, doesn't want me to express it, thusly this entity suppresses it.


posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 12:04 PM
I have been vaguely; somewhat. I feel it has to do with aliens...

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 06:59 AM
alines lol?? couldent it be evolution of some sort? some people bealive everyone is going to evolve or somethign great and whonderfull is going to happen to everyone. im not really sure tho.

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