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Bizarre weather last night in LA

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posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by amatrine
Maybe you are getting some monsoon storms. Here in Arizona ,the area I live in, there is lighting without thunder every night. Sometimes in originates in one large cloud, and that is the effect. I like watching them as long as they are not near my house. Lighting freaks me out when it is close. I am always afraid the house will burn down or something, lol


I think the Monsoons in Az are coming the other way from the eastern desert.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by ibelieve2

Hi, this is my first post on this forum. Pardon my writing, i even suck with my own langueage, so sorry for that.

Recently I started to see many freaky things. It started on July the 13th. There were three stars (my girlfriend noticed four) and they where lighted like al the other stars, except these moved in opposite directions of each other. So when the upper star was moving up, the lowest was going even lower, and then they returned to their rightful position, this kept going on for over an hour and I have to admit it amazed me! Although I used to be into this stuff. Born in 76, Belgium, at age of six I already read a Bermuda triangle book tree time or so! Obviously I was also attracted to the other similar occurrences. But as it came to me, over time (and believe me, I think I lost my beliefs in the late nighties (probably with the success of the X-files which me used to love, but since the series also created a bigger side of none believers whom saw the series too serious!) And since I had over al that time never seen credible evidence I lost my believes and interests (although recently from time to time I looked at some vids but since I always wanted to see prove on first sight (own eyes of course)

But then the moving stars occurred and since then my eyes rarely leaves the sky (in the way that is possible of course, since a got a wife and two children a job as chief editor and games journalist and other hobbies) First thing that caught my mind was the Nibiru stuff ,one of the rare things I somehow missed when I was younger. Then it moved on to more realistic stuff to be back at wich I loved most, a bit of everything!

Now, before you go start thinking I got way of topic. The lights in the Sky. Yesterday, wel very early this morning 6 pm, the sun was rising when I also noticed strange flashes in the sky above the clouds. No sound at al. Last Thursday it was the same, big flashes in a cloud that looked like a typical thundercloud but somehow there was no sound at all (which is not something I never saw before, but still, it looked way closer) But this morning, I was filming cause I was looking at five am to a strange sight in the sky. Together with a friend whom saw the exect same stuff! When I tried to film it, it was already getting to clear for me and especially the cam to notice the stars! But still, I kept looking and searching for things out of the ordinary. The the flashes started. I think I counted 7 or so, but it was probably more since I didn’t keep looking al the time (was also surfing the web)

It didn’t ocure as “Woaw, that is something you never see twice” but still, there were no clouds at all and when I saw this topic it caught my attention! I was filming during the time of these flashes (I suspect it will be metroids/asteroids) I will check later if these are visible since I didn’t film much upward (was straight above me way high in the sky!) and you know that, people tend to see flashes in the corners of their eyes especially when you are tired. TYhats why I did’t have something like “lets film those flashes) and when I started to realize it did happen it was almost over . Still if I got something ill upload the movie!

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 01:21 PM

That would've been great to witness,if not a bit scary......

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 05:21 PM
i like these phenomenon of storm, i prefer when they are dry than with strong rain ,because they can be dangerous and devasted much .
it's right also that for the aeronautic , the storm are not our friends , they are very dangerous . but i like to see these marvellous phenomenon of the nature . I made a slideshow with some pictures took during this summer 2008 in different place of FRANCE , near the sea , near the mountains , near big city as paris and other city as Nice , much have been taken in south of FRANCE because there are much storm in august , good weather condtion to have storm in this place , a climate similar to the California .

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by helico0_3
i like these phenomenon of storm, i prefer when they are dry than with strong rain ,because they can be dangerous and devasted much .
it's right also that for the aeronautic , the storm are not our friends , they are very dangerous . but i like to see these marvellous phenomenon of the nature . I made a slideshow with some pictures took during this summer 2008 in different place of FRANCE , near the sea , near the mountains , near big city as paris and other city as Nice , much have been taken in south of FRANCE because there are much storm in august , good weather condtion to have storm in this place , a climate similar to the California .

I like those kind of natural phenomenon too . Those who are not dangerous...
Speaking about natural phenomenon... tonight I saw an eclipse of the moon.. it was partial eclipse and I found it FASCINATING ...!!

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 04:56 PM
Thanks for the video...
All these flashes that are tearing the's really very impressive and fascinating ...
The stars were like trapped ...

I already had the opportunity to observe this kind of phenomenon, but it was not so powerfull, intensive...

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 02:05 PM
We had a pretty full on storm in the UK last week,combination of sheet & folk lightening went on for a couple of hours and the sheet lightening lit up the whole sky....was great to watch very atmospheric....

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Terra Serranum

Mr. Chrisonabike

There sounds inetersante what you contribute. His(her,your) experience makes me think that you this ataryendo something that searches... Do not think badly of my, only that I analyze it and realize that you look to the sky with the intenseness of encotrar at a response to a question that alone you know.

I wait not to offend it, actually(indeed) I think that he is a VERY GOOD HUMAN BEING.


posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 03:30 PM
my god!
it's very interesting!!
Hi, Rob
how are you? a regard to everybody,I'm Barbara from Italy
this forum is interesting

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:25 AM

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 29-8-2008 by Gemwolf]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 12:53 PM
is trues chrisonabike is bob??? robert williams???

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 12:59 PM
I'm over by South Mountain in Phoenix and i went outside to have a cigarrette about the time you mention and the lightning was like something out of a horror movie
Non stop- i mean to the point where i didnt even smoke, i just ran inside and went to bed.
It was like nothing i'd ever seen before

Yikes! One continous lightning flash that horrified me. I have been thru munsoons many times, pouring rain, electrical storms, and this one was one for the books!!!

Funny, this is happening in too many places

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by ely_bslove
is trues chrisonabike is bob??? robert williams???

it seems him
by the way it misses me ...

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 07:43 AM
Hi all!

I joined this site because last night we also had the strange strobe light sky with no thunder. I went online to see what the heck it could be or what was going on, the first page on google was this post that a member wrote in 2008... but omg... this happened in Florida last night!!

My family also lives here in Florida but are miles apart... we were all on the phone calling each other... it was happening everywhere!

It was the strangest thing I have ever seen... I've seen heat lightning many times... this wasn't heat lightning... so intense... so constant... so fast and lasted hours and hours.

We're all gonna watch the sky tonight to see if it's going to happen again. So strange!!!!

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 09:12 AM
Someone earlier posted that this is called "heat lightning."

...I saw it a lot when I was growing up - my dad called it "sheet lightning." ...No thunder, and almost like aurora borealis. ...FYI - the time to really worry is when the thunder comes before the lightning.

But yeah, way too much weirdness...

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 09:42 AM
I find this very odd. We also had this light show without thunder last night. I've lived in different parts of Canada over the years and I've never seen something like this. I've seen heat lightning before but this did not resemble that. There was no bolts it was more like a repeating flash in one spot of the sky. I found it so strange that I got my wife to come look. She also didn't know what it was. She said it didn't look like lightning to her. It was about 12:30am and I watched it for about an hour. It seemed to be slowing down around then. It was weird because I felt that you could almost time the flashes and it looked as if there was only 4 variations meaning it kept repeating the same flash design 1 out of 4 times. It was behind clouds and one flash looked like it lit up a round planet like object, but I only saw that once so that was probably just my eyes. It was probably just a lightning storm but it really looked different. I could see it from Moncton but it seemed to be more over northern New Brunswick.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 11:12 AM
Thanks for the responses you guys!

I posted because I was wondering how much of the atmosphere was doing this... and if it was also in Canada... holy moly batmat!

I KNOW this strobe light show wasn't anything normal... and that's really interesting that you saw a planet like shape and there was a pattern...

How far across the continent did it actually span? Strange!

[edit on 18-8-2010 by OceanStone]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Terra Serranum

I starred ya for reporting this. I wish I could have seen the show that sounds magnificient and eery at the same time.
Ahh the times we are living in...

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 05:59 PM
Ever experience snow with thunder and lightening .. thats just off the wall weird .. we had it all Christmas 2010 .. blizzards and lightening and sheets of ice .. it was like The Day After Tomorrow

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Tonight (5-27-11] I witnessed silent, extremely bright lightning about every 5-8 seconds with no thunder, it is bright enough to illuminate the ground, & my neighbors are wondering also. One neighbor walked me home after I walked over to inform him of a Fischer Cat in the woods, while I was searching for one of my pets.
I never heard any thunder but the sky is flashing like a serious storm was happening. It is the strangest sort of lightning that is extremely bright & it seems to be only over my house [& a few neighbors] I live in the woods on a private road in N.H. I have never seen such a weather anomaly as this in my life. Does anyone know what this is? [I suspect foul play, but do not know what may be causing it] When I was young I witnessed heat lightning like this, but it is not quite the same, & it didn't last this long either.
I am quite concerned, as it is not subsiding. [over 3+ hours now]
There are Chem-trails over my house at least 3-5 times a week, some appear without a "plane" in front of them.
I truly believe they are directly over my house because of my knowledge in seeking them out. I also have full time "pulsing" in my ears since I became informed of such matters. Can anyone help me figure out what is happening to me & what I can do to protect myself? The pulsing in my ears has kept me awake for many a night, all night, it is so very loud!
Thank you for your help.

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