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Mormon Conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 07:13 AM
What about that fact that Mormon's believe that Black people don't have soul's??? Some of the faith might have changed there political tone, but with most of them they still carry the belif that black people are like animal with no souls?.

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by darklanser
Anytime I said Mormon around my cousin, he would correct me and say L.D.S. (Latter Day Saints) Is this a name thing? Do they not want to be know as Mormon?
Like the Amway people switching to Quixtar?

What or Who is Quixtar? And no, I didn't rip it off for my nick.

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by DaTruth
What about that fact that Mormon's believe that Black people don't have soul's??? Some of the faith might have changed there political tone, but with most of them they still carry the belif that black people are like animal with no souls?.

DaTruth, the mormons do not believe that. In fact there are several black prominent members of the LDS church. If the mormons thought blacks didnt have a soul, why would they even allow them into the church, let alone allow them to hold certain positions within the religion.

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by DaTruth
What about that fact that Mormon's believe that Black people don't have soul's??? Some of the faith might have changed there political tone, but with most of them they still carry the belif that black people are like animal with no souls?.

It seems this was actually just a matter of policy. In 1974, the LDS church updated their doctrine to accept people of various ethnic origins into the priesthood.

It's strange, because the LDS church is the only one I know of that changes their doctrine based on what is generally accepted to the public. That's fishy in itself.


posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by quintar
What or Who is Quixtar? And no, I didn't rip it off for my nick.

Quixtar was Amway's feeble attempt at an internet based pyramid scheme.

It was a massive failure.


posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by DeltaChaos

Originally posted by DaTruth
What about that fact that Mormon's believe that Black people don't have soul's??? Some of the faith might have changed there political tone, but with most of them they still carry the belif that black people are like animal with no souls?.

It seems this was actually just a matter of policy. In 1974, the LDS church updated their doctrine to accept people of various ethnic origins into the priesthood.

It's strange, because the LDS church is the only one I know of that changes their doctrine based on what is generally accepted to the public. That's fishy in itself.


Where does it say that the church changed their doctrine based upon what the public accepts?

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Mayhem
Where does it say that the church changed their doctrine based upon what the public accepts?

It doesn't, that was just an inferrence that I made. What I actually believe is that they realized they were cutting out a potential for a much greater number of members to spread thier word.

Of course, during and after the civil rights movement of the '60s, exclusion based on race wouldn't have been particularly prudent for any organization, regardless of their beliefs.

You see what it did for the Ku Klux Klan?



posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 01:14 AM
Wow! Good thread!

Personally, I don't have a bad opinion of Mormons at all. They're not that prevalent in this part of the country, but I have known a few. By and large, the ones I've met appear to be pretty good people. They seem to have a few eccentric beliefs, but I think certainly no more so than any other religion. The Mormons I've known are generally very respectful, honest poeple who I've gotten along with very well. I'm not sure about all of their beliefs (good info in your other thread, DeltaChaos!), but I gotta say I think they do have a few things right that a lot of other religions haven't quite figured out yet. I honestly don't know enough about the 'higher ups' to make a judgement on whether there's a conspiracy or not. Still, on my personal scale, Mormons are 'O-tay'.

Better than the Jehovah's Witnesses, who unfortunately are a bit more prevalent here. (Either that, or there's just 3 or 4 who are very persistent!
) What is with this business of banging on people's doors at the butt crack of dawn, anyway? I come stumbling out of the bedroom all in a funk, seriously displeased at being awakened, trying to figure out who the hell is at my door at 8 A.M.
Obviously, they're not my friends because they value their lives more than to do that. I open the door, and before I know what's happening there's a pamphlet in my hand I'm staring dumbly at (note the salesman's tactics!) while it slowly dawns on me what just happened. Yes, someone just got me out of bed again just to tell me that if I don't join their church I'm doomed to hell for eternity. SLAM, back to bed I go. Why would anyone actually believe that God is that partial anyway?

[Edited on 16-3-2004 by Q]

posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by DeltaChaos

Originally posted by quintar
What or Who is Quixtar? And no, I didn't rip it off for my nick.

Quixtar was Amway's feeble attempt at an internet based pyramid scheme.

It was a massive failure.


Oh, it wasn't a massive failure my friend. It's going very, very strong. I joined it to investigate it, no lie. I'll come back on later today and discuss everything I know - its some crazy shiite! One hint, the reason why you may think its massive failure is because it is not advertised, purposely. It is indeed a giant pyramid scheme that essentially started with Britt Worldwide and Amway.

Amway went under because of too much criticism and other crap and the fact that it was a relatively slow business since it didn't have the power of the internet. Amway became Quixtar, Quixtar is the internet version of Amway. Quixtar joined up with Brit WordWide to become even more global. I think Quixtar/BWW must have some power for having the ability to not go under in decades - its a pyramid scheme disquised as a legit business for God sakes. I'll go into depth about it later today.

As far as the Mormons go, I was born in Salt Lake City, UT and lived there for 10 years of my life. I've seen a lot of f'd up # go on in and around that religion. My Mother got drawn into it even after having been raised a Christian - she went to BYU (she's originally from VA). My Father was born and raised in SLC, UT. He was born into a Mormon family and can tell you ALL about it. It severely f's you up. After they screwed both my Mother and Father over for not letting them marry in the Mormon Temple as they were promised (and many other things), my Father shunned the Church and never looked back - my Mother soon followed suit. Because my Father was born into the religion, it of course messed him up even more than my Mother. His mental problems from the religion ended up causing my Mother to finally divorce him (it took him about 10 years to become "normal" again. And they were both on Anti-Depressants - DeltaChaos (and everything else) is right about that problem in UT. They are still pretty screwy from it to this day, even after almost three decades (they're in their fifties now). They've seen everything that goes on in that church.

My Father's side of the family are still Mormons of course and I must say, weird as hell. My Aunt on my Father's side is one of the most well known and highly regarded Genealogist in Utah (won't name names), and therefore has access to the true Mormon Records (that big vault in the Rockies, can't remember which mountain). My Father very rarely speaks to his relatives (except for his immediate family of course : ) - I don't associate with them whatsoever.

That niceness that Mormons emit is just a facade - don't trust 'em, they'll do anything in their power to convert you. And if you don't budge, they probably won't be your "friends" anymore and cause other Mormons to shun you too. Shoot, if the store is run by Mormons and they "know" who you are, they won't sell anything to you (its best to just not say anything to anyone Mormon - casual talk only, nothing else, or you can, if they are disaffected by the church - unless you've already gone to the "Dark Side" : ). I must add though, Mormons that aren't in Utah usually seem to be okay, not totally out of their heads - its the ones IN Utah that seem to be the most f'd up. I always found that strange.

To end this, I must say: Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb dumb, duMB, dUMB, DUMB!

[Edited on 3-16-2004 by EmbryonicEssence]

posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 11:08 AM
Mrs. Harris Smart, Smart, Smart,

Mr. Harris Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, DUMMMMB!!!


posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 01:38 PM
I live and have grown up in Salt Lake City proper, I am currently 21 years old and am an inactive member.

I went my whole life believing in the church, but I have recently woken up to the fact that this church has its basis in a lot of lies, cover-ups and deceit.

What changed my mind?

I pried open my mind to new information, information the church looks down upon. Information that I was told was off limits because I shouldn't dwell on the "mysteries of God".

Really, it started with a religious studies class I was concurrently enrolled in while finishing my last year of high school. I got perspective on all the main religions of the world and suddenly a whole lot of questions were answered while simultaneously leading to more questions, and more answers in my studies lead to more questions, and so on and so forth.

I found myself studying antiquity, mythologies of ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece and Babylon.

And then I discovered the Ancient Astronaut theory. I read Zechariah Sitchin's book, the 12th Planet, and suddenly everything made sense. I mean EVERYTHING, from everything I ever learned in the LDS church (which I still consider somewhat factual, just in a different light) to all the alternative studies I've done on the internet like on this site.

I then turned to church history once more to figure out how the church was connected with my studies. The NWO, Masonry, etc. More and more fell into place.

Then this book sealed the deal:

This is a MUST READ for ANYbody interested in the church. The author, a 4th Generation Mormon with a Masters in American History from BYU, was part of a research project at BYU analyzing primary sources of history (Journals, Newspaper articles, etc) from church history. What he finds, and soon discloses, is that there were so many changes to the official history lesson the average member gets taught at sunday school every week. Not just slight grammatical adjustments either, I mean the story completely changes when the evidence is taken into account.

The church put the author's membership on hold because he published this book. The church of today does NOT want the truth to be told.

This is reminiscent to the whole Dead Sea Scrolls fiasco with Allegro!

I turned 19, graduated High School, and I had to figure out if I was going to serve a mission for the church. I had to figure out if I was really willing to spend two years of my life proselyting the message and gospel of the church.

In the two years I would've been out n' about on a mission, I discovered that none of it makes sense and a lot of it is based on lies.

From my point of view now, the Church is very appealing on the outside, but once you get to the point of entering the temple you start asking yourself what you really believe. They don't tell you what to expect in the endowment ceremony. I turned to the internet and found that its nothing more but a neo-masonic blood oath (which was taken out in 1990 because it got leaked that it was even in the ceremony, hence, new "politically correct").

Based on my research, I honestly am willing to believe that the church is in fact just another neo-mason, NWO prison religion. You look at the SLC temple and you'll plainly see the all seeing eye of Ra is prominent on its Eastern side. Just another modernized worship of the Sun, Moon and Sirius... I mean Stars.

Its sad, because your average Member is so brainwashed that they'll automatically reject any new information that doesn't come from the church. They're lost.

I now consider my-self an un-affiliated Buddhist. Instead of studying scriptures I study Plato's Republic, Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings, and the Book of Family Traditions on the Art of War by Yagyu Munenori.

I hope my story will give insight to some of you, maybe even wake a few of you up who are still members.

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