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Israel PM contender: Iran is root of all evil

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posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by theblunttruth

We're interested to know why you chose to "flag" the particular topic below???? It discusses The North Side Flyover. You seem to be an Israeli spy or troll looking for those with information on Israel's role in 9/11 and whole host of other conspiracies involving Israeli/American dual nationals.
Would you like to explain where your loyalties lie?

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by oceanaut1

I guy by the name of John Schmittner just called me from an unidentified number....though I have a advanced telecommunications sniffing program that identifies all communications traffic coming and going from my facility...therefor I verified who he was....not sure why he just called me though I'm not interested in his Lofexidine that I discovered he working on and is in phase 3 medical trials.
I researched it further...and it appears to be a mind control substance. Now why would this fellow call me....tell me his name...I ask to repeat his name...he hangs up phone....I research him and discover this guy works for the NIH (National Institute for Health) and is also involved in "computerized contingency management for motivating behavioral change: automated tracking and Dynamic Reward Reinforcement Management."
Maybe he or his cohorts didn't like what I had to say today eh? Wow people be careful disclosing personal info about yourself to anyone you don't know. See links below if interested in this fellow.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by absente

Sorry for not posting sooner (been stripping wallpaper all day

The thread I started is here.

I put the sources in my first post in this thread though so might as well keep the discussion in this one.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 02:11 PM
I see Israel these days as I have read of Germany in the 40's.

Pardon the one liner. It is all I have to say about Israel and there "ways".

[edit on 6-8-2008 by Tomis_Nexis]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 02:52 PM
the real evil is when either side accuses another, as well and subverting the status quo of daily existence and reliances.

The rason this is happening is because were not moving into our fully realized conciousness' and we degrade into human invented uselessness rather than, going with the natural flow that our minds our tied to.

Modern religionists have faith in some god, but many refuse new wisdom about things that really matter most. Many just want to remain in the belief that they might be an earthly version of God.

Jews, Islamists and christians wll all one day see as demonstrated by the natural wonders of our time here, that God and our understanding are the same thing. Tied together as a goal, as somewhere to get to. But havent gotten yet, but war is always the way for scheming greedy genocidal maniacs who love power more than love. And lack the faith to let people empower themselves based in a misunderstanding of the word morality and a lack of justice.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by mastermind77

"Divide and conquer" is the mode of the day as it has been throughout recent history. Keep the people distracted by forming opposing groups attacking each other for silly ass reasons. The most powerful leaders of the past have almost always used religion, political groups (democrats, republicans) as a whore to garner one particular group on the tyrants side to gain power/influence for whatever their agenda of the day was. My point is...before people blindly accept the bidding of more careful to analyze the facts for yourself and never jump on another's bandwagon of which HE is the driver and you are the unknowing passenger. Time and again those in the wagon get sent off the cliff and the tyrant gets his quickfix of power/authority....only to live a short life in the process. How many times does history have to repeat itself till mankind wakes up to the manipulation and deception going on throughout the power centers of the world. The peoples of the world should focus on the uniqueness of another and to see another as a fellow....not an enemy. Come to think of it ...most if not all "organizations" are just another way of dividing/separating people from one another. When one joins an "organization" he sells himself by voting with the group....allowing other's agendas to prevail at the sacrifice of man's integrity. The world will change quite a bit by Feb 2009 for reasons I'd rather not discuss. Just head for the hills brothers and get the hell away from any cities and have lots of food/weapons on the ready. Never let em take your guns!! It is your God given right to defend yourself....badge or no badge.....don't allow anyone to take your weapons...America never became a great country by allowing others to threaten or control them with violence. This is a country of checks and balances, designed by the framers of the Consitution and the Bill of Rights. These rights are eroding exponentially. It's all about CONTROL. Most true Americans I know....and want to know are those that will never let "authoritarian" figures run all over the common man. To me, everyone is a "common man" regardless of how they "want" to be perceived....and regardless of how much money they spend to achieve that public perception.
I don't usually speak in the manner above though I'm trying to catch that vibe your on. Hope it worked and got through. my 02c

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by absente

oops i thought the title was israel is the root of all evil...

you know how TPTW like to flip the script on the world and mass eats it so sad

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by absente

As a Baha'i', I am no fan of the current Iranian regime since they are systematically trying to force all of the Baha'i's in their country (where it was founded in the 1840's) out... but all this talk of axis of evils and all that bullhooey has to stop... it does absolutely no good.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:37 AM
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Seven detained Baha'i believers have confessed to setting up an illegal organization in Iran that took orders from Israel and others to undermine the Islamic system, an Iranian newspaper reported on Sunday.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:51 AM
As far as I recall prior to 1948 no one had started a war in the Middle East apart from an outside power, for over 3 centuries or so.

Then Britian & the UN decide in all their wisdom to return the Holy Land the Jewish refugees from Europe.

Then the Arab-Israeli riots of 1948 start.
Then Israel is attacked by Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq.
After Israel attacked Egypt in 1956 and captured the Sinai.
Then Egypt, Syria and Jordan launched the Six-Day war to recapture their former territory now under Israeli possession.
Then in the 1960s and 1970s, Palestinian resistance groups launched a wave of attacks against Israeli targets around the world.
Then in 1973 the Yom Kippur War started, between Israel, Syria and Egypt.
Then Israel intervened in the 1980 Lebanese Civil War to attack Hezbollah.
And then.... you get the picture all the way up until 2006, Israel has been fighting with it's neighbours...

Now let's see here, what is the fundamental, underlying reason for all this bloodshed?

The existence of ISRAEL.

ISRAEL has been the root of all the evil, bloodshed and conflict in the Middle East for the past 60 years now and that's a well defended title.

Iran hasn't invaded anyone since the 1700's or so, and has stayed relatively isolated from Middle Eastern politics in recent times.

To bring Iran to the forefront of this is a sad error of judgement.
Mofaz needs to look at his own backyard and accept the fact that until Israel gives the Palestinians their own constitutional government and autonomous territory and finally close that chapter, they aren't going to be most popular kid on the block.

[edit on 7/8/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by The Godfather of Conspira

I am alway glad when people (Mofaz or others) find the root of all evil and so can sleep well at night knowing where the evil is.

But the facts.....Those facts...
Let us disregard Napoleon(foreign France and foreign? Turkey) .Let us disregard WW1 because it was foreign powers (Turkey?????? Britain) ,let us disregard the fact that there was a single empire for most of the time line (that "foreign" Turkey). But: Egypt (local) fought with Turkey for this area, not once. And guess who threw them out? Britain. Let us disregard local (Arab) revolts against Turks and British.
But: The very same Syria that appears in all wars you mentioned is created... pam pam pam... in 1946. There.
Let us see - Syria actively participated in 4 out of six wars, not actively in one, it sent terrorists to Israel. It attacked Israel twice while Israel attacked it only once. There. I found my own root of evil. Insomnia off.

Now seriously - do you think that Syria,Lebanon,Jordan,Israel,Iraq - new countries that appeared out of nothing - will be at peace? Like in Balkans? Or maybe like in ex-Soviets countries? Those ex-colony African countries are also constantly fighting. It is a shame in a sort of way that Zionists did not go for Uganda solution.Then a whole new root of evil could be purposed for African problems.
Final corrections. Israel did not occupied Sinai in 1956 - it backed out. It did it in 1967. And in 1967 Israel attacked first, prevention strike, but still first. And Iran(Persia) fought and invaded, and was invaded by Russians, Turks ,British .... Peace for 300 years on our rock is impossible for any region.
Edit - with all my corrections i got the date of six days war wrong. Oops.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by ZeroKnowledge]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by theblunttruth

I think you'll find the majority of the US despises the Bush administration. I guess that means they can attack us.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

I realise your Israeli, that wasn't a dig at you or your background but rather at Mofaz's ridiculous statement that Iran is the cause of all the Middle East's problems.

It's clearly the other way around. I realise Israel hasn't been the main aggressor during it's existence but nevertheless, their birth sparked off the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism and the Arab nationalism movements.
Which in turn have been the root causes of all the bloodshed in the Middle East to this day.
That and foreign influence from the West. (Another major factor)

That was a dumb statement to make, that's all I'm saying.
Especially from an Iranian.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by absente

As a Baha'i', I am no fan of the current Iranian regime since they are systematically trying to force all of the Baha'i's in their country (where it was founded in the 1840's) out... but all this talk of axis of evils and all that bullhooey has to stop... it does absolutely no good.

Okay, you are no fan -
I am glad that you write in this topic - can you give us more information? What do you expect is going to happen? Would it be good for you (Baha) if Israel or/and the US attack Iran? Would you feel better at the end? Give us more details - it would be quite interesting.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:22 AM
When all is said and done, Mofaz did make an error as a politician, which i've heard many do recently, including Hilary Clinton's "obliterate iran". He failed to differentiate between the Iranian government and the people. I have no doubt in my mind that was his intention, but when you don't break things down, you leave yourself open to interpretation.

They cannot afford to bring themselves down to the level of the Iranian regime. Iran are playing a propaganda excercise and have been winning and succeeding in manipulating the media, fortunately they have the luxury of a state controlled media domestically so can twist anything they wish, such as profound statements as this.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by absente

Violence is no answer nor is interference from other nations... It is up to the people of Iran to make the change... meddling from either the U.S. or Israel will only serve to strengthen the current regime's hand.

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