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Cursed or just bad luck

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posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 06:40 AM
Ok so I haven't done much research on the subject, but it seems that I might be cursed in one way or another. The reason that I say that is b/c every and I mean EVERY time something good happens to me, whether it be I get a little extra money or a promotion, etc...something always negative happens right behind it. For example lets say I get a bonus at never fails that something will happen to something at my house, like the ac needs repair or tv breaks...something always happens.

I know that some may say this is just bad luck, still others will say that this is good luck...good being that I have the means to pay or endure these things and that it is good that the bad things didn't happen before the good things and that I should be excited about this.

It all just seems odd to me and just a little too coincidental.

So my question is can one REALLY be cursed. Can someone's family be cursed and maybe this is where my curse comes from...from somewhere in my family's past?

Any thoughts?

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 07:20 AM
Do you have clean water, food and a roof over your head? They're you're doing better than 75% of the world's population. I'd consider you one of the fortunate ones.

More specifically, Somalia is running high on that average:

72% of the population has no access to healthcare
77% of the population has no access to clean, potable water
An estimated two million people have been displaced or killed since the civil war started in 1990
Around 500,000 people are currently threatened by severe food shortages
Nearly a quarter of all under-fives (22.4%) die before their fifth birthday

Bare bone facts about Somalia

I do know what you mean though, there were a few times where I'd been "on the skids" but God pulled me through. Our worst day however, is better than most people's best day. If you have the ability to help those in need, it'd probably help keep things in perspective, such as at

[edit on 5-8-2008 by saint4God]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:46 PM
saint4God is right on the mark and you are very fortunate to have the things you have, mainly shelter and food.

Now I don't believe in curses. Nothing can take away your free will. If you believe you are "cursed" you are going to draw the negative energy too you. Have you done any research on "the Law of Attraction"?

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 05:19 PM
I agree w/ the replies. It may have to do w/ the fact that you are "expecting" something negative to happen. I have had a string of what some would call "bad luck" over the last week, yet I just call it life. It is what it is and having a more positive view of the things that happen can make a world of difference.

For instance, when something "negative" happens to me, I tend to look at it as a challenge and something to learn from rather than saying "damn my bad luck or cursed life." Negative things actually are very positive if you can learn to look at it from a more abstract view rather than subjective. Hope that helps!

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 06:11 PM
Deciding what's luck and what's bad luck is very often down to whether you're a pessimist or an optimist by nature.

When I was 11, on the first day of the summer holidays I was knocked off my bike by a car doing over 40mph. I went half through the windscreen head first, the car careered across the road with me half in and half out of the car, slammed on its brakes and propelled me head first again towards the kerb, which I scraped along for some distance. I recovered just in time to return to school!

My point is this... Was I unlucky that it happened to me? Or was I lucky in that I'm able to type this now 33 years later?

I believe that I was lucky not only to survive, but that to escape with no lasting damage was definitely against the odds. The only bit I consider unlucky is the timing - I missed the whole of the summer holidays

You see it's all about perception. If you think you're unlucky you will be! As the other posters have suggested, you're luckier than the vast majority of people on this planet.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 06:13 PM
I seem to have a lotta bad luck too.

Why would you be cursed? I doubt some powerful entity just wants to pick on you.

I haven't given much thought into curses, but I'm always open to interesting topics.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 06:30 PM
It's called the Law of Attraction. Something good happens to you, but you expect something bad to happen right after. Because you expect something bad to happen to you, it will happen to you. Believe in yourself.

[edit on 5-8-2008 by ben420]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 08:11 PM
As often as I disagree with Saint4God's opinion, I would have to say I am with him on this one. Same thing has happened all my life, cept it has slowly gone to bad and even worse over the years. But, I still have food and a computer and a place to live so I don't whine about it. I believe only halfway in the law of attraction. I also believe that the universe is constantly trying to balance itself out. Kinda like osmosis but on a universal scale.

Trying to keep the balance between negative and positive. Some people experience years of great luck only to make 200k a year and then have their family murdered in a robbery or something along those lines. To me, it sounds like you are just experience the balancing in a more NON-subtle manner.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 02:37 AM
thanks for the replies everyone. My wife has been after me to look into the "laws of attraction" for some time and I just never got around to...mainly b/c she heard about it from Operah and I'm not the biggest fan. So I guess now I'll start looking into since it seems to be, if nothing else, a good starting point to straightening out life.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:50 AM
I had that same thing going on for years... I would always just barely make it. Whenever I got a little extra money, I'd get a major toothache and have to blow it on a dentist appointment, or my car would break down, or, or, or. My husband and I always scraped by, but there was never a penny too much. Even back then, I was pretty good at manifestation -- my friends called me the "Manifestation Queen" -- but even though I could manifest just about anything, it mysteriously never worked with money.

What eventually "cured" me from this ailment was when I took a job with a publisher of financial newsletters. That job forced me to look at my deep, underlying beliefs when it came to money and making money. For example, I realized that I despised rich people and thought of them (ALL of them) as greedy Scrooge types. I also secretly believed that you can't be spiritual and have money at the same time; that having money might change my personality to the worse and turn me into a materialistic jerk; and that money were the root of all evil (actually, the Bible says, the LOVE of money is the root of all evil...).

And all of a sudden I was confronted with a money-making and investment machinery every day of my life. It was very tough at the beginning, but over time I came to realize that we actually helped people with our investment advice. We got testimonials of subscribers, saying that a few years ago, they were totally broke and thanks to us had been able to get their retirement savings together... or had been able to pay off their mortgage. Eventually something snapped and I managed to free myself from my limiting beliefs... and the money started pouring in.

It's not like I'm wealthy now or anything, but we usually have surplus money and are able to live a lot more comfortably than before.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by jbeck22

Household items do break down when they get older. We are lucky and even a little spoiled.
I read where the US Army built a shower area for a school. The boys were terrified of it because they never saw running water out of a pipe. Something we take for granted every day is not even heard of in some parts of the world. BTW, the boys did learn it was safe. I'll try to find the article and post it here.

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