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Your citys fallout shelters

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posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:38 PM
I have to agree with a couple of points that worry me (personally) about public fallout shelters.

The only way I could see myself using one is during a hurricane or disaster like that where I am awaiting a government convoy to get out.

In the case of nuclear attack, the probability of being close enough to one that will save your life is minimal.

Any time that you are in a stressful situation and you group people together, it's not a good thing. yes, bad (preditorial) elements will be mixed in as well.

If you were looking for a place to stay for shelter for any lenth of time it would be a bad move.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by SHNIPE

This doesn't surprise me considering that no one has basements and all the water has to be stored above ground making it all hot and crappy.

One of the bigger shocks I had there when I tried to make kool-aid and hot water runs out of both sides of the tap.

Phoenix hasn't become a popular place to live till recently. During the times when the shelters were built, it was still basically the size of Tombstone.

I met people who remember The town of Gilbert having a population of 2500. And these people were younger. Now you dont even know where the city lines of Gilbert are because like all the other towns, it was eaten up by Phoenix.

I am not even sure most shelters are safe anymore. Most are so old and mostly unmaintained.

It could also be that the government feels that they have enough anti-missle systems that they don't feel shelters are necessary.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 07:34 PM
I would highly recommend going to your local library for this info. I'm quite sure you will find it their.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 07:48 PM
My husband is part of the FEMA emergency response team and the EMA in Tennessee. It seems he's always going through training crap. I'll see what I can get from him.

Ok my husband said their is a shelter in the downtown Memphis area for "officials" but what I found very interesting is there is a private bomb shelter built by a man named Wooten in Memphis. It was $200,000 to build during the Cold War and although Wooten has died it still stands vacant. My husband said it has all kinds of rooms inside and is
triangle shaped. He said a builder bought the land and put up a neighborhood but the structure still stands. Other than this nothing around here.

[edit on 9-12-2008 by Bachrk]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
It could also be that the government feels that they have enough anti-missle systems that they don't feel shelters are necessary.

Well what i have heard here in finland the reason is mad policy. there is no need for shelters, because usa is prepared to kill its population in nuclear war. Means USA have nothing to loose, so the enemy must be prepared to that USA will hit its whole arsenal on the table from the zero moment. So basicly in nuclear war usa tries to kill as much of enemy population and infrastructure as possible, before its arsenal is destroyed. This because you are so jealous you can't let others live when you die.

all this is for to tell others, that usa don't bluff with their nuke arsenal. mad isn't it
If you hit we die, but we will take as much of you with us as possible. ps. we make sure it is enough to destroy you totally as well. basicly kamikaze defence.

very stupid, but guite working at the political view point. Bad in that system error can cause apocalypse, as nukes must be launched at enemy launch warning. works only with nukes. lots of nukes. takes lot of unneccessary resources, which could be used in something usefull.

about system errors:

So those anti-missile systems are just cosmetics, untill you have capability to take out 99% of those hundreds of missiles at 99% success rate. no one has that capability yet, when you have i suggest you throw mad to trashbin.

(add here that einstein quote about sticks rocks and WW4.)

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 04:55 PM
I know where almost all the shelters in my area are because most of them are old gold mines in the area.

In the 1960s and 1970s the local mine rescue team mapped all the usable one for civil defense.
The team also keep a copy for there files.

The mine rescue team still has there copy.
I don't know if civil defense even can find theirs.

Many of the mine rescue team still plans to use one of the mines for our shelter.

And we also have a plan to not let civil defense have control in our shelter and plan to pre hide a number of gun in our site before a attack if possible.

Be aware that civil defense WILL take your guns before you can enter there shelters.

The team i am on is under the authority of the county sheriffs department and because of that we will not turn in our guns to civil defense,

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by asmeone2
I remember that the middle school I went to had a big fall-out shelter. To my knowledge it was the only building in town with a completely underground basement.

The sign was still there above the stares, and it became something of a running challenge among the students to see who could steal it first.

My childhood school was built during the height of the Cold War and our fallout shelter was accessed through the boiler room. I remember seeing the large blast door. Oh how I always wanted to peak inside.

The school and attached church had the fallout shelter signs attached to the building. Most of the trash cans in the classrooms were empty water barrels with a civil defense logo printed on them. Fun stuff.

I doubt that any shelters have been incorporated into public buildings since that era.

I would question the maintenance and usability of any of those old sheters nowadays.

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