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UFO's In the MSM.

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posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:46 PM
Has anyone else noticed the increased amount of UFO storys in the British press lately?

Maybe its just me but it seems like every day now, there is one story or another in the newspapers about UFO's / E.T.

I wonder if this means anything or they are just strugglng to find things to write about?

This past week there has been an incredible amount of coverage.

Maybe its just the Sun (no pun intended) getting to the jurnos heads.

Plus from what ive been reading here at ATS there seems to be a lot of coverage in the US, Larry King etc

Any thoughts/comments on this?

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:48 PM
My only comment is that this should be in the ALIENS / UFO thread, instead of the 9/11 conspiracy thread

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by gavron

Opps my bad looks like i was "To quick to click" and posted in the wrong section. Thanks for pointing that out to me. 911 is one of my main intrests here. I guess i didnt realise i wasnt in the UFO board ....thanks again

Mod plase move, thanks.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

This will be an interesting thread to follow there. Will watch for it for sure.


posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:28 PM
Struggeling or not, it could be a good thing anyway considering that it will make more people aware of the subject once more since a lot more of us will take in consideration what the read in the papers instead of everything the read and watch on the internet. So this could be a good thing.

It's good that the media is shining som light on this, perhaps more people will be more awake about this subject, and perhaps even some of them will start digging more into this case. At least we could hope to, the more people questioning things, the better.

I will also definitly be keeping and eye up for the development on this matter.

Anyways, isn't this thread in the wrong forum at the moment?

Perhaps a moderator could be kindly move this to the right section of the board?

It's human to misplace a thread once in a while..

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