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Why Are Religious People So Intolerant of Other Religions?

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posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter

So why are the majority of religions intolerant towards other religions and view them as "wrong" or whatever? Isn't this self defeating towards what religion is supposed to be all about?

[edit on 7/15/2008 by Mad_Hatter]

It's simple, really. Members of each religion believe that their religion is the right one and everyone else is wrong. If a follower of one religion acknowledged that another religion is correct then he has just disregarded his own religion. Haha it might sound glib but I believe that's all there is to it. Even if a religion has no hell or penalty for disbelief, its followers still take it for granted that followers of other religions believe the wrong thing.

Re: Obama: Even though it might not seem that way, America is a nation of people who largely consider themselves to be Christian. According to this ABC News article 83% of Americans describe themselves as Christian. Also take note that Islam is more of a rival to Christianity than any other religion as it has the same tendency toward conversion of people "outside the fold". And also take into consideration that to most of America Muslim = Terrorist. Pegging Obama as a Muslim is an easy way to arouse people's fears of terrorism and a non-Christian way of life and associate him with this unpleasantness, IMO.

Originally posted by Demandred
im a Catholic and my wife is Wiccan, she has her religeous beliefs i have mine, this topic would be a bit of a generalisation no?

How is that even possible? I can see how it's fine for her, but don't you believe she's going to hell?

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:12 AM
because religious zealotry is pathological.

This is not a one line post.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:36 AM
Imagine you see someone go for a walk along an overgrown railway line. They think it's safe, because it's overgrown, but you know, that once a month a train comes along here and it's due any minute now. What will you do?
Will you try to safe that persons life?

Now imagine, you believe that your religion will save you from certain death and there is no other way out and you see someone else who is going to die ETERNAL death. What are you going to do?
Try to save that persons life or let him/her die?

What's the difference? All you're trying to do is save someone's life!

Why are religious people so intolerant?
Because you are walking along an effin railway track and the train's coming, that's why!


p.s. disclaimer: I personally do not believe in the christian religion I was brought up in. I understand how many christians think, but that doesn't mean I agree...

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by Aldolas

That's a good analogy there.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by sc2099

She is a good person, she wether wittingly or unwittingly folows the 10 comandments (Well most of them) and she treats people as she would have them treat her, if god is such a small minded entity with such a fragile ego that it would condem her to hell because something else made more sense to her while she existed on this earth then i guess he should send me to because in my mind that is not a loving god.

i believe there are many paths to salvation, christianity is just 1.

kinda reminds me of an altercation i had with a baptist, he tried telling me the only way to heaven was to join his religeon and everyone else burned in hell, now considering the spread of humanity and how long it took any branch of judaism or christianity to spread across the world, by his theory that was alot of people burning in hell for no other reason than that they wernt fortunate enough to have been born in an area that was christianised. he didnt like my thoughts on the matter nor could he give a reason thatif his god was so loving how could he let so many people suffer an etrnity just because they had never encountered christianity.. he got quite shirty about the whole thing

his last words to me was to call me an "Idolator" because im a catholic, my last words to him cant be repeated in polite circles or public forums

[edit on 16-7-2008 by Demandred]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
I was watching the Colbert Report tonight and he said something that really struck a note of truth as far as elections here in the US goes.

He said, "Isn't any non-Christian religion offensive to voters?"

And that got me thinking, you know...he seems to have a point. And not the Christian part, but I was thinking, when it comes to any group of organized religion, be it atheism, Christianity, Muslims, Judaism, etc., why are they so intolerant of the religions of others?

In fact, and I may be wrong about this, but the only religion I have noticed that seems to be the most peaceful and passive towards the religions of others is Buddhism. Why is this?
I am not educated on this topic as many of you which is why I would like to know what you guys think.

So why are the majority of religions intolerant towards other religions and view them as "wrong" or whatever? Isn't this self defeating towards what religion is supposed to be all about?

And what exactly is religion supposed to be about? Understand, peace and goodwill toward man? No, that's not what religion is about. That's something man made up to entertain the idea that they are better than they really are. Ask yourself why religions were created. Not to promote understanding and peace toward other man. The fact that religion was not created to do that means it's not what religion is "supposed to be all about."

Why are they so intolerant? Because they are all right. Speaking as they would speak and think, how can I tolerate your lies and untruths? You have the right to tell me my God is a lie and then want me to actually tolerate you?!?! You must be out your mind!

And this is how most of them think, or to be more precise, feel. It's not like views of abortion or something as minor as WOW Vs. Starcraft. To them it's a very big deal. Their God(s) is the almighty of all things and then, some other guy must come and tell me my God is a waste of time. They must come and tell me that my Bible is a joke and that I am being foolish for following it. How can you truly, tolerate that? You can pretend to tolerate it. You can pretend all is well. But, in all reality, you do not much care for that person when religion is brought up. The Christian religion says anyone who does not acknowledge that Jesus is the Lord, God and Saviour is doomed in hell. That's a slap in the face to people of other faiths. I remember a lady told me once, that God doesn't care how good I am, one I do not accept him as my Saviour and commit to him, I am going to burn in hell for ever. People can't tolerate that kind of thing. If given the choice, people won't even remove the other non-believers from society, because, it doesn't matter. At the end of the is going to Heaven or wherever, and the rest of you shall perish in a very unpleasant place. So, to them, the non-believers can believe what they want. In some cases, the believers of x-relgion feel sorry for the believers of y-religion because they are going to perish. But, oh well...that's not their problem.

And this is why some very civil people turn into wild animals when religion is brought up, or especially, when their religion is questioned. Their true feelings emerge and that pretense of tolerance goes out the window.

As for Buddhism, I have stated on countless occasions that I truly admire and respect that religion. It is the only religion I know that actually encourages you to question everything, even their own teachings. It does not seek to limit your thinking. This, I respect very much. Not only that, it is a religion I know that truly promotes the betterment of mankind and was created for that specific purpose. I am of no religion, I'm agnostic in fact, but if I had to join a religion, it would be Buddhism.

[edit on 16-7-2008 by sdrawkcabII]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Demandred
reply to post by sc2099

in my mind that is not a loving god.

i believe there are many paths to salvation, christianity is just 1

[edit on 16-7-2008 by Demandred]

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm daft but I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from. Doesn't the bible state that the only way to salvation is acceptance of Jesus? Is the first commandment not "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"? It seems pretty much cut and dry to me: either you worship god the trinity or you are denied salvation.

How can you believe that there are many paths to salvation if you are a Christian and hold the bible sacred? Do you not believe that god sends people to hell? I promise I'm not baiting, just interested in your view.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Mad_Hatter

Because they don't believe in themselves or what they're capable of doing under their own strength and determination. So they use a religion to fill that void that they can't produce themselves. This however makes them, as you said, intolerable to other religions because they see what they have chosen as the "right path". For the first time these people will feel better about themselves and believe that this is the only way.

Edit, added a that last sentence.

[edit on 16-7-2008 by Tomis_Nexis]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by sc2099

Originally posted by Demandred
reply to post by sc2099

in my mind that is not a loving god.

i believe there are many paths to salvation, christianity is just 1

[edit on 16-7-2008 by Demandred]

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm daft but I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from. Doesn't the bible state that the only way to salvation is acceptance of Jesus? Is the first commandment not "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"? It seems pretty much cut and dry to me: either you worship god the trinity or you are denied salvation.

How can you believe that there are many paths to salvation if you are a Christian and hold the bible sacred? Do you not believe that god sends people to hell? I promise I'm not baiting, just interested in your view.

Jesus was gods gift to mankind, Jesus died for all our sins not just for the sins of Christians, should a atheist man who served charitable causes, helped feed the hungry, help those who have no home get off the streets, who was an exceptional humaitarian go to hell ? for that man to goto hell after living his life to help others doesnt in my mind sound reasonable or just.

or a priest who molests children should goto heaven just because he attends mass every week.

we have free will, ultimatley i believe that as long as you serve the greater good it doesnt matter what you believe you are doing gods work (what ever you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me), god love us all and he understands he knows whats in our hearts and he knows whats in our minds. Its normal to be confused its normal to doubt its normal to question the bigger picture. But that doesnt mean god doesnt love you be you Hinu, Bhuddist, Sikh, Muslim, Christian, Jew or Athiest etc

the bible ... i think the bible is nothing really more than a policy on values and ethics at least the new testament, the old testament i think was just mans way to try to explain what they didnt understand by saying god said this it made it unlikley back in those days that someone would dare challenge them on the factualness of it.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:27 PM
My religion is distinct from all of the above. In my religion the Gurus have always taught tolerance of other faiths. The principle being that so long as someone is comfortable and content with their faith, that is where they belong. Three characteristics of the spirit are Surat, Nirat and Birat or center forming (attaching), discriminating / detaching, moving on to find a new place of attachment. Because the Supreme Being is all merciful and entirely in control there is no need to try and change or convert someone. When the time is right, they will detach, seek and come to the next path that facilitates their needs and repeat as necessary. But Tolerance is not acceptance of other beliefs. It is not trying to be "one" with them, it is simply being willing to put up with their existence. The creation is very stratified and different paths do not lead to the same place.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:51 PM
I think there is a very real (unacknowledged) fear that if people stopped believing in 'god' he would cease to exist. So religious people need as many converts as they can get.

Other than that, my other two suggestions have been explained very well already:

It's about power.

Good and sincere people are genuinely worried about the afterlife and how awful it would be for non-believers - they want to save your soul.

My personal view is that the gods can be put into two categories. Those that exist independently of man's belief in them and those that don't. Having said that, the real debate is how you define a god.

I tend towards the idea that our very ancient ancestors had a different idea of 'god' or 'gods' than we have today.

To me the important thing is to live ethically. I would prefer it if children were taught ethics in school rather than religion.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by berenike
To me the important thing is to live ethically. I would prefer it if children were taught ethics in school rather than religion.

children learn from watching their parents, schools should be educating them, but parents also need to teach their kids.

if you look at issues like :
birth control
technically they are issues of ethics and they can make some people very emotional

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:05 AM

children learn from watching their parents, schools should be educating them, but parents also need to teach their kids.

if you look at issues like :
birth control
technically they are issues of ethics and they can make some people very emotional

I absolutely agree that parents need to take responsibility for teaching their children ethics, good manners, that sort of thing. But not all parents are very enlightened.

I think the value of learning ethics in a classroom is that the sort of issues you've mentioned could be debated. We all need a good foundation, but eventually people will (or should be encouraged) to draw their own conclusions.

A lot of bigotry is learned in the home and it could be countered if children were taught to put forward a reasonable argument and listen to the views of the other side.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:10 PM

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:27 AM
Most religions teach intolerance of any other belief, heck even Christians can't agree which is why there so so many branches of the religion.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 06:44 PM
I would put it down to several human emotions and states:Arrogance.Superiority.Fear.Contempt.Paranoia.Doubt.Ignorance.Hysteria.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by jakyll
I would put it down to several human emotions and states:Arrogance.Superiority.Fear.Contempt.Paranoia.Doubt.Ignorance.Hysteria.

Hmm you may very well be on to something there.

Ive always liked this quote:

"Religions are like farts.Yours is good but everyone else's stinks"
Picket fences

And this one:

"People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them". ~Dave Barry

But I think this one realy sums it up:

I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. So I ran over and said 'Stop! don't do it!' 'Why shouldn't I?' he said. I said, 'Well, there's so much to live for!' He said, 'Like what?' I said, 'Well...are you religious or atheist?' He said, 'Religious.' I said, 'Me too! Are you Christian or Buddhist?' He said, 'Christian.' I said, 'Me too! Are you Catholic or Protestant?' He said, 'Protestant.' I said, 'Me too! Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?' He said, 'Baptist!' I said, 'Wow! Me too! Are you Baptist church of god or Baptist church of the lord?' He said, 'Baptist church of god!' I said, 'Me too! Are you original Baptist church of god, or are you reformed Baptist church of god?' He said, 'Reformed Baptist church of god!' I said, 'Me too! Are you reformed Baptist church of god, reformation of 1879, or reformed Baptist church of god, reformation of 1915?' He said, 'Reformed Baptist church of god, reformation of 1915!' I said, 'Die, heretic scum,' and pushed him off. ~Emo Phillips

[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

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