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Remote Controlled Birds/Dragonflys:The way into A51 (video)

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posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 03:40 PM
Of course you'd have to have a super long range. Maybe a series of stations that interconnect, leaving the controller hundreds of miles away, viewing from a mounted micro-cam on the back of the device. One day kids, one day....

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 07:34 PM
How about if it was totally autonomous, with waypoints set and controlled by GPS. Satellite uplink for data transfer i.e. video. Solar powered electric motor for propulsion.

Just need someone to fund it now...

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 08:00 PM
Groans to himself loudly

Another one? Are you serious? How many threads need to be started attempting to recruit people to do highly illegal things?

Area 51 Hot air baloon thread.

Sneak in as an employee thread.

RC Airplane Thread.

Storm the gates thread.

Put a camera on a cat thread.

Get in by leaving your body thread.

Hire Special Ops to parachute in at night thread.

200 remote control helicopters thread.

Hire a genius to build a car driving robot to invade for you...(seriously)

Tunnel into Area 51.....a 30 mile tunnel.....

Thats just the first 3 pages.

Also, like I post in most of these threads;

[i[Originally posted by me;

2e.) Illegal Activity: Discussion of illegal activities; specifically mind-altering drugs, computer hacking, criminal hate, sexual relations with minors, and stock scams are strictly forbidden.

Attempting to perform any of the activities suggested in this thread is a crime.


Trying to spy on a known Top Secret government facility in a time of war could be construed as an act of treason. With the total disregard the current leadership of the country has for the constitution already, do you really want to go down that road?


Flying ANY aircraft in a restricted zone, much less over an active airport like Area 51, is a SERIOUS violation off FAA rules and you WILL get MASSIVE fines if not federal prison time.

You will get caught if you try anything like this. They have very high--tech monitoring devices for miles and miles around the base. They can pick up rabbits hopping around out there. They are always scanning for and sure as hell can triangulate a simple radio signal to find you as your controlling your blimp/plane/RC car.

What do you hope to see? Do you think we have captured alien spacecraft sitting on the other side of certain buildings that you can't see from public land? Maybe they forgot to build a roof on the alien hybrid center and you can get a view of that.....

You're not going to be able to see anything you cant already see on Google Earth. You can get better information by researching certain sites on the web as they have done things like camp outside the gates for a month or two and some of the sites even have taped conversations between planes and the tower out there. You get the added bonus of not risking prison time too.

So please stop trying to induce people to commit what is definitely illegal and could be treason on a public board.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 10:45 AM
too true tiloke.

Though i might just have to read that " put a camera on a cat " thread.

Who thinks of these things

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Tiloke

Dont have a cow man life is just too short to worry about such thing's.

Take care.


posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Tiloke
Groans to himself loudly

Another one? Are you serious? How many threads need to be started attempting to recruit people to do highly illegal things?

So please stop trying to induce people to commit what is definitely illegal and could be treason on a public board.

Tell you what: why don't you call every alphabet agency you know and tell them that you know a guy on a web forum who was talking about getting a remote controlled bird to fly over Area 51. I bet they'll jump right on the case. Dang, they'll probably have guys workin' overtime and double shifts to wrangle in the millions of others who are doing the same thing.

That said, I do appreciate your concern for my well-being. I know you only post because you care and don't want to see anyone here on ATS go to jail.

Thanks for playing. Click
here for your prize.

[edit on 26-6-2008 by NightVision]

[edit on 26-6-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by NightVision

Tell you what: why don't you call every alphabet agency you know and tell them that you know a guy on a web forum who was talking about getting a remote controlled bird to fly over Area 51. I bet they'll jump right on the case. Dang, they'll probably have guys workin' overtime and double shifts to wrangle in the millions of others who are doing the same thing.

I actually don't have to. People are actually stupid enough to advertise their plans to attempt to invade a restricted military base online for those 3 letter agencies to see.

That said, I do appreciate your concern for my well-being. I know you only post because you care and don't want to see anyone here on ATS go to jail.

Actually, I don't give a rats butt about what happens to you as a result of your own actions. I don't want those same 3 letter agencies to knock on my door\monitor my surfing habits\set up survailance simply for the reason that I post on the same forum as some people who tried to infiltrate the base.

I am also very confused as to why the staff and mods of this site continue to let people come on here and talk about ways to break the law when is so blatantly against the Terms and Conditions that YOU AGREED TO FOLLOW WHEN YOU SIGNED UP. There is NO legal reason or way for you to do this.

[edit on 26-6-2008 by Tiloke]

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Tiloke

I actually don't have to. People are actually stupid enough to advertise their plans to attempt to invade a restricted military base online for those 3 letter agencies to see.

Show me one quote where I said I was going to actually attempt this.

Strike One.

Actually, I don't give a rats butt about what happens to you as a result of your own actions. I don't want those same 3 letter agencies to knock on my door\monitor my surfing habits\set up survailance simply for the reason that I post on the same forum as some people who tried to infiltrate the base.

It's apparent that you feel ignored, or simply want to generate attention for yourself by posing as some kind of authority on what the law is, and what the T&C's are to every single person who posts here. We're big boys, thank you. We can take care of ourselves.

Strike Two

I am also very confused as to why the staff and mods of this site continue to let people come on here and talk about ways to break the law when is so blatantly against the Terms and Conditions that YOU AGREED TO FOLLOW WHEN YOU SIGNED UP. There is NO legal reason or way for you to do this.

[edit on 26-6-2008 by Tiloke]

Both Springer and other MODS have commented about this very thing on similiar threads and the adjacent legality of discussing such a topic on ATS and the web. Do you really think ATS would let these threads last this long if it were illegal? I suggest reading some of them, dear dedicated ATS'r. If you have a problem with me posting this, please talk to Springer.

Strike Three.

Dude. Lighten up. No govt. agents are on top of your house listening in on your next move. Its okay. We can all go back to laughing about this.

Good day to you. I hope the paranoia ends for you soon. Sincerely.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 04:35 AM
How to get into A51!!! Simple!
Ask some Alien's to give you a lift in their clocked ship and then beam you right into A51 facility...

huh huh! I bet none of you thought about that! Shows how bright you all are coughcough

[edit on 28-6-2008 by (^_^)]

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