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Weird Fake burials???

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posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 05:29 PM
Well I think this is where this post should go. Recently my wifes landlord said he would be gone all weekend for this annual sleep in the desert thing he does with several other people. now remind you I live in Sedona, AZ wich is known for people with extravgent lives. He told us that they all go out to the desert dig some holes(big enough to lay in) then they all do some thing, he wasnt specific, then they all go to sleep in there holes as if being buried.I would think in the morning its like a rebirth or something.Has anyone heard of this or know of its origins??please post your thoughts or facts on this thread I have never heard of it.I am very interested to what what belief this is if it is!!

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:36 PM
The symbology fits with things I know, so I will post my 'opinion' to answer your question.

I 'think' it's a pagan Earth Mother type ritual. I said Pagan, not Satanic. There's a big difference.

First, remember the Connie Chung story that was sidelined about GWBush and the Skull and Bones? Okay, in that fraternity that Bush proudly admits he was a member of (in one of his own books) they had a ritual for initiation. George took the secret name of "Magog" and the initiation room had Geronimo's skull (grave-robbed by Bush's grandfather and a few others in that same Skull and Bones fraternity. The descendants of Geronimo sued to get the stolen grave relic back.) Anyway, part of the initiation ceremony included the new member (GWBush - at that time it was an all male fraternity) had to lie in a dark room, in a casket surrounded by human skeletal remains. He had to tell his entire sexual history and then perform the one-person sex act on himself.

Okay, this was all shocking and incomprehensible to me. A couple years later, I read my spouse's book on old knightly, chivalric orders. This is way WAY way back in history now. Under Knights Templer it had a story about a knight who fell in love. This order had to vow chastity though, so, it was a love he could not express. The woman he loved, died. A year after her death, the knight went and dug up her grave and had relations with the dead body, then, reburied her. A year after that, he dug her up again; but, to his surprise he found the skeletal remains of a baby between his deceased lover's legs. Supposedly, this is the origin of the symbol of the skull and crossbones, later used on pirate ships.

It is my OPINION that that old, morbid Skull and Crossbone's initiation was a recreation of the Knight Templer story.

Okay, now if that landlord is gone to the desert NOW (Summer Soltice) - I think you understand what they probably do.

It's a bonding with Mother Earth, renewal, new life.

Perhaps a practicing pagan will come and explain it better.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by Trexter Ziam]

[edit on 18-6-2008 by Trexter Ziam]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:43 PM
thank alot, but im still a little lost, very interesting history that i did not know, i got what you said at the end(rebirthing pagan thing but lost me with the sex stuff, i will look up to better understand, and this was not now this was about month and a half ago.. thanks for your input i asked for opinions and thought i thought more people would post so i appritiate your post


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