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What would you do without all comunications?

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posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:11 AM
I had an interesting thought as I read all these threads on NWO and other conspiracies, what would you do if a false flag or takeover of your country took out the power for this period?

You would have no phones, no TV, no Internet......... this leaves the gossipy grandma down the street for your source of information. I don't think there are enough ham radios left to form a communication network(I could be wrong)

But for the average Joe, if the military rolled into town with nothing but their word to inform you what is going on from an event that has knocked out power and all forms of communications....... you would sheeple to their requests assuming they are there to help.

I don't know what I would do without my Internet...... go into information withdrawls.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by airteck
I had an interesting thought as I read all these threads on NWO and other conspiracies, what would you do if a false flag or takeover of your country took out the power for this period?

You would have no phones, no TV, no Internet......... this leaves the gossipy grandma down the street for your source of information. I don't think there are enough ham radios left to form a communication network(I could be wrong)

There are daily ham radio nets all over the world I myself am a ham radio operator and i can assure you that we are the cockroach of communications we have comms when the government doesn't take for instance hurricane Katrina
we were actively involved in relaying messages to the coast guard and the national guard to let them know where people were located we even got mentioned on all of the major broadcast networks for our involvement
DHS has defended many ham operators that have had disputes because of
no tower charters and so on, I have a radio set up for voice and CW (morse code) that will run 24-48 hours on a backup lighting system battery (the little battery inside emergency lighting in store or exit signs) as well as two back pack portable solar panels that fold out for emergencies

Are we high tech well yes in some aspects we are we use digital comms and we actually are always playing with the newest technologies..
but in emergency situation KISS is the rule...

[edit on 6/4/2008 by geocom]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:30 AM
Good to hear that you guys haven't thrown out the old equipment. My question to you would be: If one of these conspiracy came to happen, and you knew the truth behind it, would you put yourself in danger to inform the rest? If so, do you think others would do the same?

One last question..... the military is reported to have jammers that can block all radio signals..... do you think they have the capability to block such a large area as to preevent you from communicating?

Thanks for your responses.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:41 AM
As far as the gear goes it is not old at all I have some radios that are brand new and cost as much as $5700 dollars they make new ones that cost up to $12,000
dollars and make them as cheap as $600-$700 dollars and there is used stuff everywhere..

expensive one below this one is 10-12 thousand mine doesn't have some of the bells and whistles but was only $5699

way cheap but good radio I have 2

as far as jamming goes there are several ways to accomplish this most jamming is done locally and can be as simple as a broadband amplifier with no signal and no filter so it is effectively running white noise at a very high power level and the spurious emissions (no filtering in the amp)

so yes communications can be disrupted in places but it would be difficult to cover an entire continent..

as far as giving out information I for one would dispense any information readily to whoever wanted to know in saying that there is such a thing as over information for some people... creates panic in a big way

but yes on the whole I would give out the info I could obtain for the greater good if people freak out well that will have to be dealt with as it comes..

[edit on 6/4/2008 by geocom]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by airteck

Air Teck,
You mean information cannot be withdrawn or controlled ....even with the internet??? LOL LOL.

How do you know this is not happening with the current status quo of available informations source?. Are most people even savy enough to comprehend this concept??

I strongly suggest you get yourself a portable shortwave set in case everything gets shut down or cut off. I have several portable sets and battery backups. Get accustomed to using them. Most such sets also have the regular AM/FM bands and also AM broadcasting on the shortwave bands. Some of the fancier sets also have Single Sideband reception. These type radios are not that much moneys and can provide extra options for gathering informations.
My Ham Radios will also pick up all the shortwave bands.

Agree with Geocom...when disaster strikes it is often the Hams who fill the void till regular communications can be re established.

I still listen to shortwave on my portables when running around the house and doing odds and ends. I find much of shortwave preferable to the canned and planned 24/7 type news coverage of today.

In an emergency of any kind do what you must with your own resources to fill the gaps. Limited mostly by your initiative and know how.


posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by airteck
Long, long ago in the land of No Worries I remember climbing trees, taking long walks on the beach and spending hours outside enjoying mother nature. I spent every minute I could out doors. On school nights the magic hour was 6:00 pm when my parents would turn on the television and force my brother and I to watch an entire hour of news. It was absolute torture.

As I grew older I began to read the local newspaper. By the time I graduated high school I was reading the local daily news, The Atlanta Constitution, The Georgia-Times Union and the Wall Street Journal everyday.

Now, in the Land of Gloom and Doom, I have my lap top and my cell phone at hands reach all the time. I have CB radios in my truck, car, Mule, 4-wheeler and boat. My son-in-law and my SO are ham radio operators.

Your question was, What Would I do if we lost all communications?
I would probably breathe a sigh of relief. To be able to go through one whole day without hearing that irritating ring of my cell phone and not feeling like I had to know every bit of news the second it was available just might be heaven.

[edit on 7-6-2008 by dizziedame]

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