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Ignorance is Bliss?

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posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 09:00 PM
Why have I posted this in the General Conspiracy Discussion forum? Because I would like to have a General Discussion about Conspiracies.

In the world around us there is a significant percentage of people happily going about their daily activities either not knowing or not wanting to know the truth about who is plotting against whom or how/why certain people ‘really’ died or if in fact there is a large cosmic object hurtling towards us.

There are also many people on ATS and other similar websites dedicating their time to unravel the political, religious and cosmic mysteries for the edification of the world.

Then there is the third group of people are those who either intentionally or misguidedly relay false information for the purposes of causing mischief or in the case of the misguided having read too much into a situation or not fully understanding it.

After some thought, I have adopted (and greatly modified) the drake equation and applied it to Conspiracy Theories and reads as follows. (I hope there are no copyright or plagiarism issues here – Mods, please feel free to chastise if need be)

C=R x S x P x G x A x F x L
C is the number of Conspiracies in our World which we would like to think might be true
R is the average rate new conspiracy theories emerging
S is the fraction of those theories that have any substance
P is the average number of theories that can potentially be proven
G is the fraction of the above that actually go on to be brought to the general public
A is the fraction of the above that actually go on to be accepted by the public
F is the fraction of theories that develop a following strong enough to bring the conspiracy to light
L is the length of time such followers release acceptable information to the public.

Taking this into consideration, we would have to accept that there are a number of Conspiracy Theories that we should be aware of and act upon. The question is which ones? Only through investigation and healthy discussion can we even come close to finding out.

These days I get a lot of my news and current affairs info from ATS. (With my BS filter working overtime of course) and then hear about the same thing in mainstream news a day or so later. What I find funny about this is when I mention to others what I have read often received blank looks or comments like ‘you must be paranoid to think *insert crazy story here* is going on’ until they hear about it later (watered down and censored) through mainstream media.

This brings me to my question. With so many conspiracy theories floating around, are those blissfully unaware really better off without the conflict and confusion that could do your head in or should conspiracy theorists be taking the message to the streets as it were in order to keep the conspirators on their toes?

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by VIKINGANT
This brings me to my question. With so many conspiracy theories floating around, are those blissfully unaware really better off without the conflict and confusion that could do your head in or should conspiracy theorists be taking the message to the streets as it were in order to keep the conspirators on their toes?

Its only a matter of time before we all are affected by peoples conspiracy theories. Its all part of the 100th Monkey syndrone!
People at this point dont really need to hit the streets and talk about this. Its out there. And mostly everyone I talk to now knows.
Just tonight at work.. I have a mexican guy named Pedro, he does dishes. I speak enough of that lang. to express some things, but not deeply. SO I have my buddy Omar, ask him about the NWO, and such things. He nods, and says yes, he understands and does know about conspiracy theory. Omar agreed.. As I was cleaning up this evening, and I said.. Omar man, do you realize our government is ruled by a shadow government.. He said yes, I know.. I was reading some stuff on the internet. And it made perfect sense to him. Not only him, but everyone in the kitchen, their ears perked up, and before I knew it, we where all talking about conspiracy theory.
That has never happened to me in my life. A couple years back when I first started walking this path, most people I would say something to would look at me like IM crazy.. Not so much anymore.
We are catching on.. And the bliss that made ignorance such a delight, is not so delightful anymore..
We pay high prices for gas, We are robbed at every turn.
Our once blissful state, is no where near blissfull anymore.
At this point in our day and age, ignorance is no longer bliss.. Its simply being ignorant, and its dangerous to us all.

Several years ago, I came across a very thin, small paperback titled "The Hundredth Monkey Syndrome". What I learned there surprised and charmed me enough that I've been writing about it in print for quite some time. This, however, is the first time I've written about it online. Apparently, in the 1950s and 1960s some Japanese scientists/researchers dropped sweet potatoes onto the sandy beaches of several uninhabited islands. Most of the time, the monkeys on each island would find the potatoes and eat them, without wiping off the sand. It took one younger monkey on one island to wash his potato in the water, and then the rest of the monkeys on that island did the same. And then something unexpected happened.

Its very interesting to know that ingnorance is bliss.. But this Bliss can only last so long before it starts getting into the hive mind!
This is already starting to happen!
Im proof of this.. As in my younger days I knew nothing about stuff talked about on here.. And now Im up to my neck in sleepless nights. Knowing things that I once knew but forgot.

The researchers found out that, all of a sudden, monkeys on other islands were also washing their sweet potatoes. These are islands that are separated by many miles of seawater, so the monkeys had no physical way of comunicating. They conducted this experiment several times over and came to the conclusion that at approximately 100 monkeys, the phenomenon jumped over to other, disconnected societies. Their hypothesis was that this also happens with human beings.

In some instances you dont even need to talk about the conspiracy to affect other.
Your mind simply resonates a higher level frequency that will affect others.
Its happening right now!
If you want.. Please do some more research about the 100th monkey syndrone.. You will find plenty on google, and youtube.
You will find stuff at your local libary if you are oldschool like me and still enjoy reading a few books each week!

The 100th monkey syndrone is taking place all over the world.
And the blissful state, will soon, fade back into our past.
While sertinly there will be those who deny, and refuse to deal with this new frequency level being put out not only by me.. But everyone on ATS in some form or another.

Growing up, my family didnt talk about conspiracy theories, or anything like this.. But now a days we all talk alot about the government and how things have become like an elephant in the living room!

Sure ignorance is bliss.. But sooner or later you going to see that elephant in the living room !


Now we human beings are not so disconnected, especially now with the Internet and its global village.

Learn more about this.. IM sure it will be worth your time!
More source material

You will also find much about this case on ATS here! Do a little search on ATS to find out more about this, and what is happening to us!
An ATS thread about 100th monkey SD.

[edit on 6-4-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 09:59 PM
Is your equation like the Drake equation? Drake tries to predict the possibility intelligent life elsewhere in our universe.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 10:19 PM
i know what you mean, i often thought maybe it would be better to not know anything and live blissfully in ignorance

but... i like this better, its more of a challenge and its more fun to expand my mind, besides i love it when people say im crazy because of conspiracy theories and then i turn out to be right. Like 9/11, cell phones giving cancer and fluoride is bad for you. I love other peoples ignorance because it proves that you are more open minded then they are.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 10:23 PM
Ignorance in it's extremity is anything but bliss.

The people who follow the 'ignorance is bliss' mentality are simply being complacent about what they see.

Reminds me of that quote einstein made about evil conquering when good fails to act.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by aerialview

As mentioned in my Op

I have adopted (and greatly modified) the drake equation and applied it to Conspiracy Theories

Simply for a bit of fun. I guess you could say my equation is trying to predict the possibility of intelligent life here on earth

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by zysin5

The 100th Monkey syndrome is a fascinating story. Thank you for letting me know about it. I hadn't heard it before, but I guess if we let enough people know and we get to the critical number every one will know about it...

Seriously though, I have now been reading a little about it since and am still in 2 minds as to it legitamacy, but it is a good story the concept does fit well here. Hopefully we will get to a point where everyone is at least 'aware' of the world around them.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by zysin5

Originally posted by VIKINGANT
This brings me to my question. With so many conspiracy theories floating around, are those blissfully unaware really better off without the conflict and confusion that could do your head in or should conspiracy theorists be taking the message to the streets as it were in order to keep the conspirators on their toes?

Its only a matter of time before we all are affected by peoples conspiracy theories. Its all part of the 100th Monkey syndrone!
People at this point dont really need to hit the streets and talk about this. Its out there. And mostly everyone I talk to now knows.
Just tonight at work.. I have a mexican guy named Pedro, he does dishes. I speak enough of that lang. to express some things, but not deeply. SO I have my buddy Omar, ask him about the NWO, and such things. He nods, and says yes, he understands and does know about conspiracy theory. Omar agreed.. As I was cleaning up this evening, and I said.. Omar man, do you realize our government is ruled by a shadow government.. He said yes, I know.. I was reading some stuff on the internet. And it made perfect sense to him. Not only him, but everyone in the kitchen, their ears perked up, and before I knew it, we where all talking about conspiracy theory.
That has never happened to me in my life. A couple years back when I first started walking this path, most people I would say something to would look at me like IM crazy.. Not so much anymore.
We are catching on.. And the bliss that made ignorance such a delight, is not so delightful anymore..
We pay high prices for gas, We are robbed at every turn.
Our once blissful state, is no where near blissfull anymore.
At this point in our day and age, ignorance is no longer bliss.. Its simply being ignorant, and its dangerous to us all.

Several years ago, I came across a very thin, small paperback titled "The Hundredth Monkey Syndrome". What I learned there surprised and charmed me enough that I've been writing about it in print for quite some time. This, however, is the first time I've written about it online. Apparently, in the 1950s and 1960s some Japanese scientists/researchers dropped sweet potatoes onto the sandy beaches of several uninhabited islands. Most of the time, the monkeys on each island would find the potatoes and eat them, without wiping off the sand. It took one younger monkey on one island to wash his potato in the water, and then the rest of the monkeys on that island did the same. And then something unexpected happened.

Its very interesting to know that ingnorance is bliss.. But this Bliss can only last so long before it starts getting into the hive mind!
This is already starting to happen!
Im proof of this.. As in my younger days I knew nothing about stuff talked about on here.. And now Im up to my neck in sleepless nights. Knowing things that I once knew but forgot.

The researchers found out that, all of a sudden, monkeys on other islands were also washing their sweet potatoes. These are islands that are separated by many miles of seawater, so the monkeys had no physical way of comunicating. They conducted this experiment several times over and came to the conclusion that at approximately 100 monkeys, the phenomenon jumped over to other, disconnected societies. Their hypothesis was that this also happens with human beings.

In some instances you dont even need to talk about the conspiracy to affect other.
Your mind simply resonates a higher level frequency that will affect others.
Its happening right now!
If you want.. Please do some more research about the 100th monkey syndrone.. You will find plenty on google, and youtube.
You will find stuff at your local libary if you are oldschool like me and still enjoy reading a few books each week!

The 100th monkey syndrone is taking place all over the world.
And the blissful state, will soon, fade back into our past.
While sertinly there will be those who deny, and refuse to deal with this new frequency level being put out not only by me.. But everyone on ATS in some form or another.

Growing up, my family didnt talk about conspiracy theories, or anything like this.. But now a days we all talk alot about the government and how things have become like an elephant in the living room!

Sure ignorance is bliss.. But sooner or later you going to see that elephant in the living room !


Now we human beings are not so disconnected, especially now with the Internet and its global village.

Learn more about this.. IM sure it will be worth your time!
More source material

You will also find much about this case on ATS here! Do a little search on ATS to find out more about this, and what is happening to us!
An ATS thread about 100th monkey SD.

[edit on 6-4-2008 by zysin5]


lets put this in perspective, ignorance has always been an institutionalized business, because they were afraid about ordinary punks knowing too much about heavy business, that is why dumb and dumber was such a huge success and ignorance is good for consumer business, like monkey-see, monkey do, monkey-buy....hey, but all this is fast evaporating and the people are wising up to reality. at least that's a good sign, worth celebrating.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Dubyakadubla

Nice quote trimming.....

Yes. the 'authorities' need the public to remain ingnorant and I am sure they hate people like us in one respect, but they also love people like us (particularly the third group I mentioned above) for disinfo etc..., but should we stand by and keep letting the blind lead the blind and let them catch on in thier own sweet time or should CTists actively (and carefully so not to scare people) let the world know? Or on the other hand are we in a world of our own where nothing is real?
After all, reality is for those who can't handle conspiracies....

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 12:00 AM
I have been thinking some more about this.

I for one have had thoughts and discussions about various ‘conspiracy Thoeries’ over the years but most have been relatively general. Usually along the basic lines of ‘the government is out to get us’ , ‘There has to be more to the story’ or the classic, ‘I wonder what they’re NOT telling us’

I was once happy to embrace my cynical suspicions and ‘harmless’ accusations but since I have been looking further into things the more I find and more questions arise and the proverbial rabbit hole gets deeper and deeper.

I guess what I am saying is that I was once blissfully ignorant but now that I am discovering more I know I can’t go back to that ignorance if I wanted to (although sometimes it would be nice) as I am now enjoying being blissfully alarmed and disturbed.

I have noticed that there are many people determined to maintain their position of ignorant bliss no matter what is put in front of them. Are those people better of with the innocence and naivety? Am I truly happy with the new complications? Yes I am, although sometimes I wonder….Any which way, it’s too late now.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:52 AM
After some discussions I have been having recently with non-conspirital friends. Including and most interstingly out pastor, it got me thinking about this thread and I thought I might try a revisit to get some new views on the matter.
Thanks for allowing the self indugence.

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