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That Fly on the Wall Could Be an American Cyborg Spy

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posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by beastamerica

I'd rather take my husbands shoes to them and splatter them all over the walls, then grab the mess and disect it and see whats inside- If i have to b paranoid about bugs and animals then i'm going to eliminate anything that poses a threat to me!

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 07:58 PM
It's incredible to think that Faux news have to go that low to get a story these days.

This story originates from one of the most leftish news sites allowed in the US, Tomdispatch.

Here it is, it only took them 72 hrs to pick it up.

Tomgram: Nick Turse, The Pentagon's Battle Bugs

We at Tomdispatch love anniversaries. So how could we have forgotten DARPA's for so many months? This very year, the Pentagon's research outfit, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), turns 50 years old. Happy birthday, DARPA! You were born as a response to the Soviet Union's launching of the first earth-girdling satellite, Sputnik, which gave Americans a mighty shock. To prevent another "technological surprise" by the Soviets -- or anybody else, anytime, ever -- the agency has grown into the Pentagon's good right arm, always there to reach into the future and grab another wild idea for weaponization. Each year, DARPA now spends about $3 billion on a two-fold mission: "to prevent technological surprise for us and to create technological surprise for our adversaries."

I hope the rumour is true, that they'll close down Faux when the GOP is kicked out of the White House.

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