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Is President Bush Sick? Check Out This Photo!

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posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 02:57 AM
Aren't there any mods around to cut out all the superfluous quoting? I'd greatly appreciate it if people would stop reposting the same photo in quotes. It is unnecessary to do so to make your point.

Slightly obscure joke: looks like he has a fairy saddle. Simon Linoge might be come after Bush if he was still a child.

Brian Flemming was talking about Bush's nose as early as 2004. It's changed quite a bit over the years. See the photos on his blog here. He postulated rhinoplasty.


posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:22 PM
I can't say whether the Bush is sick or not but what I can tell you about this photograph is that it was cropped down from the original image. This is a very common practice in the press industry. The actual picture was most likely taken from afar using a telephoto. The photo editor then cropped in on the two presidents becasue by doing so it made the picture more appealing than showing the two presidents with a bunch of other clutter on the stage. You can easily tell becasue the cropping is of an odd size in addition to that you can see the heavy use of sharpening to compensate for data loss when the image was cropped. So basically what you are seeing is an exaggeration of image data as well as flesh tones that have been adjusted to fit the photo editors requirements. This photo does not prove one way or another whether the Bush is sick or drunk.

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