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The Real Political Conspiracy - Election 2008

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posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by nyk537
As some of you have already said, the real power lies with the people in this country, and we will not stand idly by and allow anyone to destroy this country.

Not true, as have been proven over the last 5 years. If you really still believe that the power is with the people and we live in the same great democracy that we always have, you are either biased to some extent or oblivious to our civil liberties that are being stripped away everyday. The people of America have already "stood-idly" by while this country has been destroyed...infact, I would guess we are 80% down that destructive path.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 12:57 PM
This is on subject....

Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 08 Election


[edit on 6-3-2008 by jamescohan]

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by percievedreality
Not true, as have been proven over the last 5 years. If you really still believe that the power is with the people and we live in the same great democracy that we always have, you are either biased to some extent or oblivious to our civil liberties that are being stripped away everyday.

Not true at all. While the government and whoever is in office may be able to make policy that I don't agree with, and put into action initiatives that I am opposed to, in the end no one has more control over how I live my life than myself.

The people of America have already "stood-idly" by while this country has been destroyed...infact, I would guess we are 80% down that destructive path.

Actually they haven't for the most part. There have been several instances of right imposing legislation that has been destroyed by fierce opposition from the American people. McCain-Feingold and McCain-Lieberman come to mind. While there will always be some things that the public has no control over, that is the way this country was designed. We live in a representative republic, in which we elect people to make decisions based on our views. We don't have elected officials that do nothing more than stand around and do our bidding.

I'd also be interested to know how you figure we are "80% down a destructive path" in this country. As well as what you believe is at the end of that "path".

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by jamescohan

Is this meant to be a serious contribution? I only ask because sometimes you really can't tell around here.

I'm going to take a leap of faith with you and assume this is merely meant for a little comic relief.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 03:31 PM
In response to the OP, a couple of items that caught my attention are as follows:

John McCain secured a $5 Million loan WAY back in the beginning of the primary season in order to continue in the race. Who the heck would have loaned him that money if they didn't already know that he was going to end up as the Republican candidate?

The only candidates who pushed the discussion back towards the Constitution and freedom were virtually ignored by the mainstream media, such that the voting public did not get a fair exposure to their messages (Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich).

Obviously the deck is stacked in favor of the status quo, and any real candidate that presents a threat to the status quo is going to be made to seem foolish or a "long-shot", and this is repeated so often that it becomes ingrained in the voting public.

When are people going to wake up to the fact that the electoral process in this country is very much a sham, just put on for show, so that the ruling
elites can continue to squeeze the lifeblood from us plebes?

[edit on 6-3-2008 by keeb333]

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by keeb333
John McCain secured a $5 Million loan WAY back in the beginning of the primary season in order to continue in the race. Who the heck would have loaned him that money if they didn't already know that he was going to end up as the Republican candidate?

Easy. The same type of people who donated millions of dollars to Ron Paul thinking he would become the candidate. It's called supporting a candidate. If people only donated money to campaigns they new for sure were going to win, people like Paul would never get a dime.

The only candidates who pushed the discussion back towards the Constitution and freedom were virtually ignored by the mainstream media, such that the voting public did not get a fair exposure to their messages (Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich).

Not true. The American public is not the mass of ignorant sheep you and others think they are. As hard as it may be to believe, the majority of people knew exactly who Paul and Kucinich were and knew what they stood for; they just didn't like them.

Obviously the deck is stacked in favor of the status quo, and any real candidate that presents a threat to the status quo is going to be made to seem foolish or a "long-shot", and this is repeated so often that it becomes ingrained in the voting public.

There you go again with that mentality that the American people are a bunch of morons who can't think for themselves. John McCain is not the Republican nominee because people were duped into voting for him over Paul or whoever else. He is the candidate because the majority of voters chose him, nothing more.

When are people going to wake up to the fact that the electoral process in this country is very much a sham, just put on for show, so that the ruling elites can continue to squeeze the lifeblood from us plebes?

Probably about the same time you and others in this country wake up and realize that not everything is a grand conspiracy.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 04:03 PM
Guys.....For the sake of...Hillary didn't "win" Texas. Texas is a two tier process general election and then Delegate election. And Obama has the lead in the delegates. Hillary would have to win EVERY state left to win. And thats not happening. This is why every Hillary backer and REPUBLICAN are screaming to re-vote Mich. and Fla. The only conspiracy will be if Mich and Fla are allowed to re-vote. They should have just followed the layout. Now if Hillary is in on these two states from a re-vote...You might have yourself a conspiracy. As far as that goes if you haven't figured out the Republican and Democratic party are the same entities operating under two different names..then..well you have no hope.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
Not true at all. While the government and whoever is in office may be able to make policy that I don't agree with, and put into action initiatives that I am opposed to, in the end no one has more control over how I live my life than myself.

So you say. When your electricity is turned off, the gas you buy for your vehicles is rationed or obscenely expensive, there is no food to be had at the market, there is no potable or running water, and the government then comes and takes away whatever weapons you may own ("in the interest of safety during martial law", you know!), I ask you to really consider how much control you have over living your own life? None. Most of us are entagled in a life of convience where everything is accessable to some extent, when this changes, most are going to be caught off guard and are going to be screwed. Jsut ask the people of New Orleans, they got a taste of what is going to happen to ALL of America very soon!

Originally posted by nyk537
Actually they haven't for the most part. There have been several instances of right imposing legislation that has been destroyed by fierce opposition from the American people. McCain-Feingold and McCain-Lieberman come to mind. While there will always be some things that the public has no control over, that is the way this country was designed. We live in a representative republic, in which we elect people to make decisions based on our views. We don't have elected officials that do nothing more than stand around and do our bidding.

I'd also be interested to know how you figure we are "80% down a destructive path" in this country. As well as what you believe is at the end of that "path".

One of two things. WWIII or Civil War II, currently I lean toward the later. As for the 80% comment, the laws and executive orders that have been introduced/passed so that the next 9/11 false flag attack will give Bush the opportunity to invoke martial law nation wide for a period of 6 months before anyone can question him. At that point, our Constitution and Bill of Rights are inactive, thus your average citizen no longer enjoys free speech, the ability to own a gun, or the ability for due-process in the event they are "charged" with a crime.

The economic woes continue, the Supreme Court is possibly preparing to throw out the 2nd admendment, and several states are threating to suceed from the United States. Mind you, this is how the 1st Civil War began! I would say we are going down in flames, 80% of the way to total destruction. The "end path" is a one-world government and a population reduction worldwide of 50-90%. It is not just about the Miltary-Industial-Complex or making profits anymore, it is about a population reduction to relieve the overcrowding....while getting rid of those dissidents who oppose the NWO agenda.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by tsloan
This is why every Hillary backer and REPUBLICAN are screaming to re-vote Mich. and Fla.

What Republicans do you know who are screaming for that? I haven't heard any personally.

The Democrats knew when they chose to move their primaries up they were forfeiting those delegates and they did it anyway. This is how they set their system up to work, and it's working like they wanted it to.

The only people screaming for a re-vote are Hillary supporters. Even though when she thought her nomination would be inevitable, she was all for not counting those delegates. Now, however, that she is trailing and looking as though she will lose, she has backed out on her promise not to seat those delegates and is crying for a re-vote.

Honestly I don't see how anyone could possibly have any trust or faith in this woman.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by percievedreality


And then the reptilians will come and take all of the believers away and the evil NWO will release their army of secret nanotech robots to battle the humans and reptilians and all hell will break loose.

Or maybe that section of your brain that looks for evil conspiracies has gotten a little out of hand.

People like you have been crying "civil war" for around 7 years now and we haven't even come close. These last few months of Bush's presidency are not going to yield civil war or world war 3. We aren't going to see all of our freedoms stripped away in some ridiculous martial law situation.

Maybe some other time...

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by nyk537

We aren't going to see all of our freedoms stripped away in some ridiculous martial law situation.

Probably not. That would be too obvious.

Here is HOW our freedoms already ARE being stripped away:'

In a case that's almost guaranteed to have repercussions throughout the country, California appellate judges ruled that one family's ttp://>children could not be homeschooled and must attend a government school or accredited private school. One step closer to Nazi Germany is here ! With our Oligarchy system judges tell us how our children will be raised and educated, as judges are just an extended arm of the Federal Government. All are so corrupted now there is no hope of ever seeing any real justice or moral rulings.

"Good morning kiddies. Today, in speech class, we are going to teach you how to say "Heil fuhrer"
and later today, in dance class, we are going to teach you the "Goose Step".

Later today, in social studies, we are going to teach you to be a GOOD CITIZEN by showing you how to turn in YOUR PARENTS to Homeland Security, if they have ever said anything bad about our fuhrer.

And finally, today in psychology class, we are going to teach you how to recognize mentally deranged people that talk about praying, going to church, and the like anti-government activities.

Now, in music class, let's all sing the new song our fuhrer has composed for us "America, America Uber Alles".

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