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Fun with the CIA / Moby / Question

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posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:14 PM
Hello to you,
I checked out of ATS for awhile but have been snooping around again recently and thought I'd share a story some of you will be amused by, a link to an interesting music video, and a question about an "alien examination" video I saw some time ago and can't find. This may be split into two or three parts for length.

I have a good friend, very sweet woman, that I've known for several years now, who has a cousin that joined the CIA last year. I had spoken to her cousin two or three times when I was still getting to know my friend. While this woman had the interest to join the agency, she did not, at least in her first year, possess the ability to keep her mouth shut about what she was learning. The CIA, as some of you know, recruit from everywhere, including student job fairs where they accept applicants "from all fields." This woman was eager to join them.

Late last year, she began learning a variety of interesting and often disturbing things in her courses, which she immediately attempted to pass on in fragments to my friend. For a reason still unknown to my friend and I, but we have decided would best be termed "naivety," her cousin was actually surprised to discover that the agency was monitoring her communications. This woman really should have done more research on her employers before signing on. Late last year, she began being briefed on, and I quote, "Extraterrestrials and other 'legends.'" I would still love to know what "legends" they were referring to. The information she received seriously upset her and she contacted my friend to let her know this, and that she would elaborate during Christmas when they met in person.

Now last I heard, they were not briefing any agents on the alien "situation" and the only way someone in the agency got a hold of any such data was to be drafted into special "projects" or "assignments" involving the aforementioned subject matter. Now, a long story very short, she never came home for Christmas for health reasons. However, during a period of a week or so, her family was unable to contact her and were very worried. I texted my friend shortly before Christmas to ask if she had gotten home safely, and if she had spoken to her cousin yet. For the next approximately three weeks, her cousins employers, I would find out just this week (!), had hacked into all my active accounts including my phone, and intercepted numerous texts my friend was sending me without my knowledge. Nothing was showing up in the inbox, or the outbox... and I mention the outbox, because they were actually replying to her texts under my number and identity. So, first question, what conversation was she unknowingly having with her cousin's employer, you might ask?

She text several times to say she and her family were worried about her cousin, and "I" always responded with very reassuring messages, basically saying, "don't worry, she's just fine, nothing is wrong, it'll be alright." This series of reassuring texts continued until my friend made two requests, via text, to talk with me on the phone, to which they replied on my behalf, "No, sorry, I'm busy with something, we'll have to talk later." The last text they sent for me was hostile, and told my friend to essentially "back off, you're suffocating me with all this, your cousin probably doesn't know anything and will waste my time. I need space."

So, what was I getting? I received one text from her shortly after Christmas, a "hey, just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm at so-and-sos for vacation. Hope you're doing well." No mention of her cousin.

What was I sending her? Several "have you talked to your cousin yet??," including two over networking sites online. No response... she never got them. As she seemingly completely ignored the subject matter, I simply assumed she decided it was too dangerous to discuss these things with me over the phone.

(Next part below)

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:15 PM
Since I'm not being into chatting on the phone, I never called her. Had I just picked up the phone and been able to get ahold of her, this would have all been sorted, and we would have caught what they were doing much earlier. Instead, they were effectively trying to dismantle our friendship in the hopes that I would never have access to the sensitive information my friend's cousin had now received.

We only just now figured this out. My friend became very sick, first with a miscarriage and now with lupus among other problems. I found out the first part in January, when she called me up. You would think we would have sorted this out than, but no, when I heard she was very down and had just gone through the miscarriage, I simply quietly asked later in the conversation, "did you ever get to talk to your cousin?" She said no, she had never come home. I immediately changed the subject, not wanting to bother her with the issue... I felt it was selfish to push for it anymore at that stage. I opted to leave it at that until the next time we talked.

This month comes along, and I find out she had lupus. She called this week to see how I was doing, we talked for several minutes, and I asked if she ever had gotten to talk to her cousin yet. She said no, explained what was going on with her cousin health-wise and how it had effected her training (if you miss a full day and night of course time, for example, you must restart all courses you missed from the beginning), which would turn out to explain what she was up to while her family couldn't get a hold of her. Her battery died during the conversation, and during a conversation on the next night, we realized what had been happening. Her cousin had recently claimed that my friend was apparently not getting numerous text messages for months. The agency started by intercepting her efforts to share sensitive details she picked up during any of her courses. It is now to the point where they intercept all texts that mention anything to do with her training/schedule, including a text that simply said "hey, I'm leaving class now, what's up?" Their definition of "safe" messages are still allowed to go through. As a hint to get her to shut up without directly approaching her (and admitting their monitoring of communications which she should have automatically assumed from the beginning), they raided her room and left open all the drawers to her file cabinets where folders containing private information given to her were filed. She eventually "expanded intellectually" you might say to get the message, particularly after attempting a series of "coded" messages (that one cracks me up) which they caught on to immediately and also intercepted.

No one else has access to my phone (I'm a private bloke), and it was obvious what had been occurring. It also explained why email conversations I was having with ex-agency/military personnel always died after the first exchange, as far back as early December. Found out some interesting things, by the way, nonetheless. Well, my friend never got to have the long conversation with her cousin yet, but they are planning on meeting up this year. I told my friend to basically just not bother trying to share with me whatever her cousin tells her. The agency has made it very clear they don't want this information being spread to the public, and certainly not to people like us.

So what have I been finding out is going on through these conversations? We're having a problem with extraterrestrials that includes frequent airspace violations, trespassing, and abductions of civilians. Most of you are now thinking, "wow, thanks for the revelation, ace." Well, there you have it... the only creepy thing is, it's now getting so out of hand, their actually briefing agents in training on the matter.

(final part below)

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:15 PM
Ok, secondly... watch this Moby video to enjoy some blatant subliminal messaging that includes a lot of symbolism. Look closely and you'll notice a "Zeta grey" in the beginning and later a strange looking, emotionally-stagnant young man with an odd-shaped head... for some reason it reminded me of the so-called "hybrid project" some of you know well through abduction studies.

Thirdly, there is a video I saw on a compilation clip I viewed online some time ago, that reminded me of the staged "Roswell autospy." Same room setup, same instrument placement, but different items and the footage appeared older. And it was not an autopsy, as the being was strapped down and moving it's head and eyes. The being looked identical to a typical "grey." Any insight? Can't find the thing anywhere now.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by eaurouge

For the next approximately three weeks, her cousins employers, I would find out just this week (!), had hacked into all my active accounts including my phone, and intercepted numerous texts my friend was sending me without my knowledge. Nothing was showing up in the inbox, or the outbox... and I mention the outbox, because they were actually replying to her texts under my number and identity....

We only just now figured this out.

How do you know this? How do you know the CIA has hacked into any of your accounts. Do you have proof of this? How did you just figure it out?

It also explained why email conversations I was having with ex-agency/military personnel always died after the first exchange, as far back as early December.

What? So you are claiming that you have talked to [more then 1] person who shortly thereafter has died as a result of you talking to them?

Can you explain that further.

I have to admit, im having a very hard time believing any of this. I look forward to hearing what more you have to say, as I am open to any possibility of this being true.

[edit on 29-2-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:31 PM
Haha, no, they haven't died (as far as I know). Still alive and kicking... the communications just stopped. I am open to the possibility I am giving too much credit to big brother on those particular instances, and perhaps it really wasn't safe for them to share any more than they did during those exchanges.

No ones dead, no worries. Ask away as desired.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:33 PM
To answer your first question, they would be the only ones to benefit from such intrusion. Because I have no evidence to suggest I have not been receiving anything from anyone else, from now to three months on back, it was pretty obvious what was happening. Pretty cunning, too.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:49 PM
FFS , do you REALY believe this drivel ??? my mates 10 year old can fabricate more coherent and consitant stories

PS - [Mod Edit] `giveaway mistake ` i your utter ignornance of the CONSTANT barrage of warnings that traines recieve during any sort of training that reads them on to classified matterial

i am not CIA but i still remember the barage of warning our instructors doled out

some times at the start AND finish of lectures

and had to sign a release for textbook , manuals and course documentation

that is why your tale is UTTER TWADDLE

again , EVERY time :

this pubication is classified **************
only to be read by authorised peronell
do not copy

[Mod Edit]

Mod Edit Please Review: Courtesy Is Mandatory

[edit on 29/2/2008 by Sauron]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by eaurouge

It also explained why email conversations I was having with ex-agency/military personnel always died after the first exchange, as far back as early December.

What? So you are claiming that you have talked to [more then 1] person who shortly thereafter has died as a result of you talking to them?

Can you explain that further.

[edit on 29-2-2008 by greeneyedleo]

As a Frenchie Fellow I guess "died" as a verb there applies to "emails conversations" in a way of tautological metaphore.

Edit : Indeed.

[edit on 29-2-2008 by Rigel]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

Honestly, I don't know what to tell you. And I can't blame anyone for not buying a word of this, I have no physical evidence of their activity, just personal experience that me and two other people can walk away from saying, "well, I know what happened there."

Sorry man, if you don't want to buy it, no one would blame you for it. But let's just say after this, my friend, I look at some "whistleblowers" out there and think, "yep, now I know a bit of what they go through." ... 'ya ya ya mate, suuuure you saw that document, suuuure you were part of that project, suuuuure that happened to you... now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to request a refund from God for the last 20 minutes you droned on.'

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by eaurouge

I just watched that Moby video. Wow. That silver craft landing at the end reminded me of drawings of what the govt.'s "secret" flying triangle the TU-24 or something is supposed to look like. The drawings are on another current thread about the best UFO pictures ever.

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