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Yes, We Need a New World Order

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posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 02:08 AM
i, being 55 yrs old, know this is not going to take place in my lifetime. but if we are going to represent ourselves to other worlds as a benevolent, intelligent and forward-looking species, we need to put our petty differences aside. we, as the human race, know people of different ethic backgrounds, and we know that all people on earth want the same thing...mainly to live in harmony with our own neighbors and to provide some type of good life for our children. and if you think about it, what other qualities would an alien from another planet find worthy to accept us into a group, of galactic friends. listen...a group of aliens that travel to our planet are not out to destroy it... they are trying to communicate to us, and they have traveled great distances to associate with us. could there be bad aliens out there to harm us?....of course there could be.... but would that surprise anybody?.... c'mon, this could be one of our "LEAPS OF CIVILIZATION". there are mostly good alien people out there... and there are a small group of bad aliens out there...."SO WHAT IS NEW"?....we, as a very small type of "village" in this galaxy, have to grow up, act serious, and come to accept, our small primitive role to becoming a member.

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 23-2-2008 by Dulcimer]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 12:46 PM
What should the NWO be like assumming the world unites under one government? Communist, fascist, democratic, anarchist, sociliast or what? It seems we can't even agree what the best system is on a 'per country' basis. We speak mulitple languages and believe in different religions. In short we still have a very long way to go.

Honestly, I would like this provided this new government is not oppressive to its people and respects all nationalities and creed. Actually, we(the people) should start respecting each other first and the rest will fall into place easier. It's funny though that most sci-fi movies like to depict tyrant planetary rulers as defacto. Could this be the fate of Earth too?

Lastly, I am not so certain that most of the aliens are "good" as OP is suggesting. Grays and reptilians certainly don't fit the "lets help you evolve" profile.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 12:49 PM
Whose voice will be heard above all others in this New Order? A council perhaps? They are men though, open to folly! Well, hopefully, they have good hear..t..s . No.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 03:08 PM
The history of the human race has been built on the premiss that war, not science or religion is what drives us toward each evolutionary step we take. Our History is warlike. The NWO 'when' it arrives, will also be at great cost to our kind and will serve only the purposes of the select few.

'Our' short history on this planet shows that we are indeed anything but 'benevolent, intelligent and forward-looking species'. If you were to base our history with the 'good' or 'bad' aliens, then we have more in common with the 'bad' aliens than the those that might truly be benevolent.

If I were a benevolent alien I would view mankind as 'hostile', warlike specie that threatens their existence!.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Freelancer

This was a brilliant thought here, and thank you.

The OP has been participating in a thread that deals with frequency. What has humankind been sending out to the universe to attract? I have been told it's all in the frequency in the other thread. We are not a lovely lot here on earth. As far as frequency goes, like attracks like.

I see somehow, a distinct faction going to happen. Those who choose to attract the qualities of light in their lives will do so, versus those who see that the ones appearing to us drawn by negativity will see this as something positive. Scary. The world is a mess.........OP what have you sent out that is positive?

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 05:34 PM
No, we need a New World Freedom.


posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 05:52 PM
Nature is chaotic, so every ,even most thoughthrough and humane,moral,furry,warm cute order will go against the nature. Human nature, surrounding nature - anything about the way of things.If it will really work out, nature will be suppresed ,and we, as i see it,will become cyborg ants. And when comparable AI technology will arrive then we will be replaced as useless and obsolete.
Either this NWO will fail and allow us to continue disorderly wiping ourself out,or orderly do it much faster and efficiently.
Yes i now that i'm optimistic.

It is realy a shame that we live in such an interesting times.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

I couldn't disagree more. Nature has a pattern. What is obsolete becomes obsolete.

There is a reason why things of past no longer exist for you to see, and be a part of. It's called growth.

Are you obsolete?

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

But natural growth,death/decay,adaption,reproduction,survival,whatever,are chaotic, and are "regulated" by randomality, among other things.At least for those who are involved in the process.
Plant cannot regulate outer world,thus evolves in chaos conditions and usualy succeds to grow. Humans try to regulate everything and create more problems to solve with each solution. World is too complex to control for our race,thus it is chaotic (more or less) for us.
As for "obsolete", i can see that i am becoming obsolete as a professional. PCs can calcluate faster, handle huge amounts of information faster. My edge is creativity and the fact that i deal with "creatures" like me, so can easier spot their error.
This could be temporaly overcome by using implants , however once self-learning AI will be created, creativity and human skills will be also obsolete.
Maybe this creation will be able to regualte everything to achieve Order.Not to mention that it really will be New World.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

Hey, that all seems like a pattern to me. Life, death, decay. It happens. So how is this random?

There is a reason for everything. Life flows and ebbs, the sun rises and sets, people live and then they die. That is not chaotic, it's a pattern.

To say life is chaotic is like saying there is a pattern of chaos. So, call it what you will, there is a pattern of chaos, then, for all things that exist.

Chaos is a pattern, yes, random but it exists as a pattern.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

Don't you find that so completely depressing? I am 20-something years old and I find the thought of never confirming alien existence lunatic.

Though I guess for some, and for me, confirmation is not required.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
I couldn't disagree more. Nature has a pattern. What is obsolete becomes obsolete.

There is a reason why things of past no longer exist for you to see, and be a part of. It's called growth.

while I have to disagree in part

not all things become obsolete

since caveman found fire centuries ago,
fire hasn't become obsolete hence the Fire bombardment
by the Muslims on Jerusalem during the crusades and also
it's use in Napalm in Vietnam
and the bunker buster bombs used in Iraq.
So my point is, not all things become obsolete
depending on it's usefulness

And I personally don't think our Constitution has become obsolete.
So I wouldn't suggest throwing it out with the trash just yet

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 10:42 PM
I really hope some sort of alien invasion/mass realization/earth changes does something to tip the scale in humanity's mind to let us all realize how petty all this fighting and arguing really is.
Our race has accomplished so much, its silly to think we cant all understand the truth about our progress, especially with mass communication tools like the internet.
Truthfully, I think that the future is a much better place due to the internet.
Right now there is a lot of ego stroking going on because of the internet, but once people get that out of their system I think it will be the reason why people begin to figure out where we really are, and what factions are holding us all back as a race.
and if not, at least the numbers of people who decided to educate themselves will be humbly educated about the situation.


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