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LOLCat Conspiracy

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posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:38 PM
OK, this is not any serious discussion of one particular conspiracy. It is rather a bit of comic relief that involves a variety of popular conspiracy theories. The following images will probably not make much sense if you are not familiar with the LOLCat humor, but I imagine the ATS crew will better appreciate the humor than the rest of the 'net. Much of this was inspired by ATS, as well as my own interests which reach back several years before I discovered ATS a few months ago.

If this is in the wrong place, mods please move ...

I hope you enjoy. I have a few more ideas for images I'd like to create and post, but in the meantime, I would love to see some of your contributions to this!

P.S. - For the monotheistic conspiracy theorist, please check out LOLCat Bible for an introduction

[edit on 14-2-2008 by shipovfools]

[edit on 14-2-2008 by shipovfools]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:41 PM
Humor, like dance and song, is part of every great revolution! Long live the human spirit!

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:43 PM
They said that the goose step was absolutely hilarious but none dare laugh....EXCEPT US!!!!


posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 10:01 PM
thx 4 teh com mints


i was hoping this thread would get a bit more traffic. i know its not genius - i'm no artist and only a hack writer - but the combination of online conspiracy theorists and the silly lolcat humor that is so ubiquitous on the web seems so perfect to me. am i totally crazy? or just 2 f'ed up? who knows...

yes i know i'm using a style of humor pioneered by 14 year olds - kids half my age - but that is sort of the point. look at who are taking over "R interNetz"

[edit on 7-3-2008 by shipovfools]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:30 PM
there needs to be a new spawn of daft internet memes!!

I claim them

in the name of all that's good and true.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:32 PM

I just made that url up,didn't think it'd exist!

I retract my claim on that domain. "They" got there first :hmm:

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