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Do you trust the American Government?

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posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 03:42 PM
I guess I can poll this here:

Do you generally trust the American Federal government, if you are an American?

What about large corporations?


Small business owners?

American labor?

Regular citizens?

[edit on 5-2-2008 by nobody]

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 03:46 PM
Isn't it the other way around?
Shouldn't the US Government Learn to Trust their People?

I trust some aspects of the US Government (I'll have to ponder this though)
I don't trust them watching my every move
I don't trust them to be in control of what I eat (I prefer self-grown food)
I don't trust the Flu Shot Vaccines

... that's just a little bit thought ...
So if there was an actual pole here I'd have to select * I trust some aspects of the US Government, but not more than 50%

No, mostly because they are greedy
What about large corporations?
Not Really, even though they usually treat their people with respect, but then the CEO's usually take more than they need from the people of the large corporations, so I believe it's best to work for a Small Business Owner.
Small business owners?
yes cause they value what the people want/need
American labor?
hard one to decide on
Regular citizens?
Always trust unless there's something they did to remove that Trust

[edit on 5-2-2008 by WalkOn]

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 03:54 PM
'The people shouldn't fear their governments, the governments should fear their people'

That one was from VENDETTA.

Good movie.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 04:58 AM
indeed, even tho that was a movie quote, its still something that should remain true and its a way we should live. the united states government was supposed to be a republic not a democracy.

one nation under God.... not under people who like to keep secrets and like to keep their money and power.

America is not what it used to be, if the founding fathers could see america the way it is today, i think they would freak out. not because of change, change is not a bad thing. because of how its changed, how the government rules america now is not how they intended I can assure you.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:53 AM

I have worked for the government since the Nixon administration. I know better.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 01:36 AM

I think you have just become too complacent. if you are that involved in the government, im sure you would know whats going on. have you ever seen the matrix? yeah I know that the movie isnt real but they mentioned something in that movie that applies to the life we live here in America. people put so much trust in the government that they will actually protect the it instead of speak out against it and think for themselves when things start to get hairy, for two reasons.... 1. they are brainwashed/indoctrinated or they fear that if they do not comply they will be fired/ridiculed/put in jail or put to death.

treason is not something the government alone nor the people alone should decide. it is also not going against the flow with a logical thought process to better America.
Leadership is not about capability, its about responsibility. the government hides a lot of things from its people when it shouldnt. most of the times the intentions are bad but are covered up by good ones in attempt to keep the trust of the people. for example... GPS tracking implants for pets. good idea. now they want to use it on kids "just in case" you lose them too.
or what about the idea of going to the smart chip that hosts all of your information (medical records, credit cards, bank accounts etc) and secured by a 10 digit pin? yes this is very convenient to have, an all in one card that does it all. but this is just another way to be tracked and to keep big brothers eye on you.

if you cant trust the government, then its not a free country.

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