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to loot or not to loot

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posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 09:17 PM
I would find a way to make Home Depot float.

Home depot has everything needed to survive.

Wood, greenhouse, generators, duct tape, and a whole bunch of other survival goodies.

Instead of loading up a truck full of HD goods, make HD a fortress, a floating fortress.

So if there is a flood, or earthquake, or hurricane you will be prepared with Home Depot!

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by IMAdamnALIEN

I am sorry to say that your response is right there with those that would go try to take over a Walmart since they have everything you need. What makes you think that thousands of others will not have the same idea. It is not a practical solution to a very interesting question. Do you really think that you could defend such a place with little or no help? Perhaps you should try to visualize what that might incur.



posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:38 PM
I thought that I would revisit this thread. It has been a while since I last posted here. Many things have changed. Perhaps others might like to share their opinions now.



posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by reluctantpawn
If a sit-x event were to happen would you? And if you would what would you take? We saw what happened after the Katrina hurricane. If there was a total collapse where and what would you loot or would you even loot at all?



You know I started a thread very similar to this, and it was deleted because looting is illegal and the discussion of things illegal is a breach of the T&C.

I find it amusing how sometimes there is no consistancy on ATS.

Mine got deleted after two replies, 3 pages later your thread is going strong.

I hope it continues so mate. good thread!

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 07:58 PM
Perhaps it was the way it was worded. Or perhaps the way the topic was approached. I was wanting to know when people thought it might be O.K. to loot, if at all. What conditions must apply to breach your moral breaking point. It is a valid topic. I believe that for most people looting is not a viable option other than in extreme survival type situations. My goal was to get people to realize what that point might be.



posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by reluctantpawn
Perhaps it was the way it was worded. Or perhaps the way the topic was approached. I was wanting to know when people thought it might be O.K. to loot, if at all. What conditions must apply to breach your moral breaking point. It is a valid topic. I believe that for most people looting is not a viable option other than in extreme survival type situations. My goal was to get people to realize what that point might be.



Yes, you're probably right.

And it's definately a valid question.

For me, there are two types of looting. The first is a criminal act, looting out of greed and personal gain. The second, is looting for survival, there is no moral dilema for me whatsoever in this. If it is a case of survive by breaking theft laws, or die, I know which I will choose.

I think it's good to add that in any Sit x scenario, the system of laws that currently keep our society together will not exist anyway. I think there will be no police to apply the law anyway.

All the best,Kiwifoot

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Yes. But only after every available resource of my own, my extended family and friends had been exhausted.

Yes, but by that time there would be nothing you require left to loot probably.

Before looting, one must be able to calmly, but accurately and immediately, assess a couple things:

1) How long is the emergency situation likely to last? Then double your estimate.

2) Do I have enough supplies to last double the emergency situation duration without running water and electricity?

If your answer to number two is no, you must first decide if somethings on your "list" are actually a requirement for survival rather than a luxury. if you need supplies then you should try to legally purchase them as fast as possible before all your neighbors do> bring a handgun just in case and be prepared to loot for the items you need for survival if the place turns out to be a mob scene>

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:19 PM
Would i be willing to loot? If it came to it, probably yes. Like others i wouldnt go for the 52" plasma.

As soon as something starts to kick off, no matter how well prepaired you are it would be advisable to stock up. Stock up on the basics before your money has no value, in the first few hours or days money will still have a value so use it.

Looting is a dangerous game to be playing however if you don't put some plans in place now you may have to play it.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 03:19 PM
I would if the time of recovery was extremly long well maybye even if recovery only an hour

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 03:24 PM
In the event of a societal meltdown you'll find me in gymnasiums stripping treadmills of their Permanent Magnet Alternator DC motors for wind/hydro power generators

[edit on 17-7-2009 by Taikonaut]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 03:47 PM
Ill problebly take over area 51

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 09:17 AM
Hello! The irish 1820 potatoe blight starved a million people, another three million people packed up and left the county. Thus today the country is
alot less populated. This was just a diease of one plant. So if massive disaster hits the first year millions and millions would die. Violence would be intense after the first two to three months when supplies start running out. Once everyone is dead those that laid low and hid will need to look for supplies to live. If your neighbors are dead, who cares if you need canned food, shoes for junior, amunition, or tylenol? They aren't going to need it. They are dead. Dead is Dead. I hate it when people throw out good stuff at the dump, and don't donate it to good will. People have thrown out brand new stuff, should you die too because you consider it stealing? Sorry rules of society will change. Nothing would be the same. Does anyone remember watching CNN after huricane Katrina? No one shoed for a week or so to help. It really looked like no one cared for a while, though that was no the case. It was shocking.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by reluctantpawn

Sleeping bags are great when there is no heat. Vitamins for when there is no food.
store water and ammo, bandages.
We are finding creative ways to use less now. We are learning to do without meat right now. MrsDash makes ordinary vegtables taste awsome.Being prepared with the minimal necessitys beats looting. with a few rolls of duct tape, some old sheets and blankets, and a pair of scissors you could make clothes if you had too.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 11:45 AM
In a situation where the majority of the people are no longer with us either through war, famine disease or other, then looting may not be an issue at all. If these people are dead then it is plausible that using what was left behind is a viable option. Of course, this would happen months after some kind of recovery or stabilization. Certainly if the world as we know it ceased to exist as we know it, then we would be forced to use whatever is at hand in an attempt to rebuild some sort of civilization. This could only happen through coordinated efforts of small communities that work together to pool knowledge and resources.

In the short term, during an unprepared for natural or manmade disaster, looting may well get you killed. It is much better to be prepared for whatever may befall you. Tn to risk your life and your loved ones in what may be a vain attempt to capitalize on others misfortune.



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