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Biting Bedbugs Spread Across the Country

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posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 03:36 PM
Pest Control Experts Say That Bedbugs Have Bitten in 35 States and Are Spreading.

IOWA CITY, Iowa Feb. 12 � Bedbugs have bitten in 35 states, including Iowa, and continue to spread across the country, pest control experts say.
Bedbugs are tiny bloodsucking insects that smell like soda pop syrup and are shaped like apple seeds. They live in bedding or furniture, or hide behind baseboards and wallpaper.

The Associated Press

Sounds like a multi insect infestation, what are they going to bring in to eat this bug?! We have tree eating worms, ladybug imposters, we are out numbered...

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 03:38 PM
Wow! My mother always warned me about these!
Is that a prediction? Hmmmm...maybe she was psychic?

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 03:40 PM
THIS is how the alien virus gets spread... with rectal bites.

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 03:40 PM
I actually have had a run in with these critters recently.
On my trip to Madison to meet with state legislators I stayed in a best western and had my left arm itch like crazy at night. I didnt relaly think anything of it until I got home and noticed my arm had all kinds of little bumps on it.

Its nothing serious and it is going away, but the itchy factor is really annoying.

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 03:40 PM
so THAT explains the "chemtrails" HAHA!

i hope i don't get bed bugs though... i sleep on the floor though because i have a bad back. so would i get floor bugs? there's already plenty of those though...

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 03:41 PM
One of my professors was talking about these buggers in class before. He said this is a problem in the United States, but also they are starting to appear in Canada's hotels and motels. They were only reported in one province. I hope they don't spread all across Canada, but, my prediction is that these bugs will spread all across North America--U.S. and Canada.

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 03:42 PM
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

All nations, raise your screening protocols for American bedbug infested citizens entering your borders! Digitise images of them and their bugs, and run a delousing program in temporary facilities at every harbour and airport.

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 03:43 PM
Ah! No! I hate bed bugs.

you know, they'll come out at night while you're sleeping to feed off you, if you're not there I think they just sit there and Wait!

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

All nations, raise your screening protocols for American bedbug infested citizens entering your borders! Digitise images of them and their bugs, and run a delousing program in temporary facilities at every harbour and airport.


It's the WAR ON BUGS!!! Yay...

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Requiem
Ah! No! I hate bed bugs.

you know, they'll come out at night while you're sleeping to feed off you, if you're not there I think they just sit there and Wait!
What they do is sense the body heat of humans. At night, they'll climb up to the ceiling above their prey, if they sense body heat, they'll let themselves drop and eventually they find their way to a feast!

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by IMMORTAL
What they do is sense the body heat of humans. At night, they'll climb up to the ceiling above their prey, if they sense body heat, they'll let themselves drop and eventually they find their way to a feast!

i never heard that before... i just thought they live in the bed, blankets and pillows and stuff and come out at night when you wake them by moving around.

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 04:13 PM
Just be glad this critter ain't after you

Legend was..if a machaca (the bug) bit you you had 24 hours to get a woman to go to bed with you or you doesn't have a stinger though so it really can't bite you ....

Also known as the peanut-headed bug, the large, innocuous, sap-feeding machaca insect has an air-filled fake head in front of its real head, which looks exactly like a monkey nut. It has become the foundation of a popular legend in the Amazon � that when someone is "bitten" by a machaca they must have sex within 24 hours to avoid certain death. Unsurprisingly, young Don Juans are the most frequent victims � around the time of a first date"

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 04:17 PM
I saw a bit on TV about the bed bug isue. It sems like a lot of the infestations spread because when people throw out thier old matresses in the poorer neighborhoods, someone always comes along and grabs it before the garbage man does.

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 05:37 PM
I am VERY happy that that critter isn't after me, netstorm. Just the look of it... lol

There's this bug that's been around here all winter, I'm unsure of what it is exactly, but if you squash it, it smells like granny smith apples.

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 05:53 PM
Ugh, thats disgusting, I hate bugs. I think I would move if I found a bed bug....

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