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Why we are doomed to fail as a species. We can fix it.

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posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 02:32 PM
We are doomed to our ignorance, here is why.

Here is a link to a little presentation that will tell you why the road we are on is doomed to fail. Stuff happens.

Also, you will find out why, and who we have been listening to for answers is who is fueling and accelerating us to the end of any sustainability.

It is simple, but is a forest we are so close to we cannot see it. We will. After it is all gone and we can count the stumps.

This might start out slow, but you will be taking notes soon.

For the whole family.
The Story of Stuff

Get yourself relaxed and watch this. It will make you aware of a bigger picture you may never see until it is too late. A brilliant overview of our industrialized stupidity. Look around you. You will see how we all add to the problems.

All responsible, so all need help solve the problems. Let's do what we all can.


posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 04:39 PM
No one is looking at the video??

This is an amazing overview of how the system is hurling into global failure.

Really, please take 20 minuets and see if this is as important for your understanding as it was for me.

Has anyone watched it? Any comments?

I'm sensing either an Ostrich or a Rip Van Winkle effect. I really don't care if I get flags or stars at all. Just want people to look and think.



posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 05:18 PM
It is an interesting presentation. A couple of notes on it.

1) I feel the anti-war statements took away from the message being expressed. Stick to the main story and keep other agendas out of it.

::: Talk about how she could have represented the goverment by a tank.

2) There is a lot of opinion stated. Once again, sticking to the facts would make the story better.

::: "is probably more then they admit"

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 05:57 PM
Every species goes extinct. We are no exception. Terrible truth is, we are the last green twig on the once-great but now very dead hominid family tree. As is, we're already one of the most highly-inbred species on the face of the earth. All it will take is a neat little virus springing up to obliterate us utterly, because of the lack of genetic variation between us all.

It's not really something to worry about, nor something we can prevent, really

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
We are doomed to our ignorance, here is why.

I agree that we are doomed (at least a good portion of us, anyway, as a group, and certainly all of us as individuals), but not because we're ignorant. We're doomed because of our virtues -- the things we consider to be our greatest attributes, such as love and caring and freedom from pain. We're doomed because we all love our families and want to see them live and grow and enjoy life and be healthy, and in order to do that, we will tear up the world and kill and all kinds of other horrible things. We cut down the rainforests to feed our children nutritious food. We drive huge, gas-guzzling SUV's so we can safely take our kids to their safe, air-conditioned schools. We want everybody to live and be happy, but to do that we have to use RoundUp on our crops so there will be enough food to go around.

We're doomed because we love.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 02:49 PM
What I was primarily interested in was the system structures, not any agenda by the site org.

I didn't even listen to the anti war stuff (where was that???), just the statistic and resources and distribution structures that are set wrong so we CAN'T do it right.

It seemed to me to be like a car we are driving that has the steering wheel locked in a turn so we don't get anywhere and just burn fuel. Or worse.

And the statistics…

50% of our taxes go to military. Not in development of alternative energy?
Corporations are bigger than government, controlling outcomes in their favor.

Out of the 100 largest economies on the planet 49 are Governments and the other 51% are Corporations?

Our Government now gives more help and resources to Corporations than to social, education and infrastructure needs? Aren't we paying the bills? Corporations pay less taxes than us and by volume billions less. They get preferential treatment? How does that work?

One third of our resource base for the whole planet is already gone.

Less than 4% of the original forests are left. 80% are gone. 7 football fields of forest in the Amazon are destroyed each minuet.

More than 40% of our waterways are now un-drinkable.

The US has 5% of the world population, but uses 30% of resources? And, is creating 30% of the waste?

Out of 100,000 synthetics added to products, only a handful is tested. None are tested for synergistic effects. In other words, the substance you clean your floor with could cause certain plastics to out gas other chemicals or become cancer-causing. We don't know, cause no testing is done. It is too expensive to test for profits to be impacted.

BFR's or fire retardants are extremely toxic (neurotoxins) and is in most the products we buy, put in our homes and wear. Your pillow has neurotoxins in it? After we are done with them, they are put into the environment to poison our children later.

Due to the contaminations of the above-mentioned products in our homes, the highest toxicity in our foods is in breast milk, so our babies are getting the most toxicity by comparison. My God!

Our ultimate purpose is to consume? That is according to the Eisenhower administrations study after WW2. Not Healthcare, Education, Safe Transportation, Sustainability or Justice? Just to consume? We are still following this path.

Industrial designers plan for products to break at just the right times so consumer confidence is not impacted and we go buy another one and toss the old one into the environment.

We are convinced to buy new things by an advertising industry when we really don’t need them. Perceived Obsolescence is the concept for corporate profits.

We have more stuff than ever before, but we have less of the things that actually make us happy, like leisure time or the time to use the things we buy before we need to get new stuff and throw the old stuff away. We have less leisure time now than since feudal society?

Even recycling will never be enough to compensate for all the waste. It is piling up and now shipped to other countries. What??

One garbage can you put out on the curb is only a fraction of the 70 cans of garbage produced in the manufacture of what you are throwing out.

It is not “By the People, For the people.”

It is “Buy the People, Charge the People.

Watch the whole message and see the crazy path we are on and support options that stop the mad dash to our end as a civilization. There is much more.

I thought this was one of the simplest examples of the system we are in that will not work. WILL NOT WORK!

First we need to know this and how we are fooled. Then we need to take action in our own lives, our environment and our government.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to live like this. We can do better.


posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Nohup

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
We are doomed to our ignorance, here is why.

I agree that we are doomed (at least a good portion of us, anyway, as a group, and certainly all of us as individuals), but not because we're ignorant. We're doomed because of our virtues -- the things we consider to be our greatest attributes, such as love and caring and freedom from pain. We're doomed because we all love our families and want to see them live and grow and enjoy life and be healthy, and in order to do that, we will tear up the world and kill and all kinds of other horrible things. We cut down the rainforests to feed our children nutritious food. We drive huge, gas-guzzling SUV's so we can safely take our kids to their safe, air-conditioned schools. We want everybody to live and be happy, but to do that we have to use RoundUp on our crops so there will be enough food to go around.

We're doomed because we love.

I tend to believe we give love to everyone when we consider everyone our loved ones too. And, our children's, children's, children.

Let's make toys we love that don't take life from another. That would work, right?

Everything we need we can create with the great minds we have. As long as we educate and inform these minds before the corporate govenment dumbs them down sufficiently to be clueless consumers only.

Why do you think education is at the bottom of the list in government spending? Easier to make good consumers than good people.


posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Every species goes extinct. We are no exception. Terrible truth is, we are the last green twig on the once-great but now very dead hominid family tree. As is, we're already one of the most highly-inbred species on the face of the earth. All it will take is a neat little virus springing up to obliterate us utterly, because of the lack of genetic variation between us all.

It's not really something to worry about, nor something we can prevent, really

We can't prevent? We can.

You might not worry until it impacts you, but you will never know you did it with the rest of us not fixing things.

But if you already have your obituary planned there is nothing I or anyone can tell you. You gave up.

What do you care about?


posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 04:08 AM
i watched the video while there weren't yet any replies, but then i was for some uncanny reason unable to relocate this thread (browsing while awake might have changed that of course). now that it has been bumped, i'll reply.

it's true, of course, but even if you changed your own ways accordingly, which is hard, how are you going to reach the other 95% ? how are you going to reach the zealots, who, for example, while claiming to be do-gooders with most benign intentions, clamor for the air tax and mercilessly advocate burning food, for crying out loud, to do what? save the planet???

i suggest you take a look at


if you don't know what i'm getting at.

what you do doesn't matter any longer in mainstream society, it's how you do it and if you can find enough support. no matter how insane a movement is, no matter how much damage is done. in fact, being 'controversial' by being destructive and antagonistic is a good selling point, because only true and die-hard believers of a given creed will follow all the way through. (seperating the 'wheat from the chaff' or, alternatively, seperating the ergot from the grain [tossing the grain...])

it is this loyalty which governs humanity in its current state.

now, what am i going to do about it? suggestions welcome.

PS: to the one who mentioned that extinction is inevitable: it's very true, but if i have any say in it, i'll lleave extinction to the agressive, politicised predators for now, may they rot in peace.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 02:19 PM
Really good movie, well worth spending 20 minut on!

It really shows how stuff works and that we need to use our brain and take responsibillity in what we buy and consume!

So what do you all say? don't you think its our time now, to take a stand and take a dump on the multinational corporations of destruction?

After all... they have been crapping on us for decades!

Say no thanks to theese to start with:

NO THANKS TO - McDonalds, Burger king, Kentucky Fried and other huge JUNK food corporations, who feed you trash for money, on the cost of rainforest being chopped, to make way for the SOYA fields, that they stuff all their products with!

NO THANKS TO - cheap consumer goods made of crappy throw out material...theres a direct connection between price and quality in most consumer goods you know?

NO THANKS TO - Energy produced from Nuclear, coal, oil and other poluting materials, witch on the long run only keeps you warm like "pissing in your pants on a cold day" if you know what I mean?

NO THANKS TO - Plastic bags..they are screwing you with this.."please come buy our products and pay to get them home while your at it, you can even use them for your trash and contribute a little more to polution!"

NO THANKS TO - Idolised model fashion...Don't let the system tell you what to wear! Isn't it enough that they try to milk you for every penny you earn allready?

NO THANKS TO - Artificially grown crops, meat and other foods! this way of producing food is only to keep the corporations of pesticides and artificial fertilizers alive! Ecological farms have allready proven to be more productive and healthier, plus the ecologically grown food, has more nutrition in them!

The above, is just some basics of the "rules", that will change the world if we all stand together and try to live by them, to the best of our abillities!

We can forse the system to work the way we all would like it to, couse they depend on us to consume!
Spread the word to all and don't be scared of the corporations saying the economy will fail...its only the content of their pockets that will deminish!

The problem with letting them screw us over and over again, is that we are really only screwing ourselfs. To put it in the words of AC/DC..."we're on a highway to hell!" so think about it please...I'm already enjoying it, everytime I say No thanks to the above, couse I know it makes a difference!

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 06:40 PM
Our system is so fatally flawed. What we need to do is eliminate designed obsolescence, Imagine if our clothing never wore out, imagine if our cars never broke down, imagine if we only ever had to buy anything once and it lasted forever and we could pass it on to our kids and them to their kids so after a generation or two you would have everything you really need and production could slow or even stop, all the extraction could stop. all the destruction could stop.

Oh and how about energy. we could all be using wind solar and water based free energy but instead were burning our remaining fossil feuls and considering switching back to coal. WTF.

If we tossed out our wastefull greedy ways and lived a sustainable way, the world would be a utopia instead of a hell. Since nobody seems willing to make the change Im rooting for asteroid TU24 to wipe us out, or bird flue. ya know. whatever. Just wipe us out. I think any species that intentionally leads itself down a dead end path should just not even exist to begin with.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Bluess

reply to post by Long Lance

reply to post by guyopitz

Thank goodness there are others who actually get it. I thought for a second I was in a nightmare.

We have to somehow find ways of peacefully ending the corporate headless beast. I really have had the sense that this was what biblical prophesy called the Anti Christ, because of the disregard for life these entities have.

I'm not religious, but I do believe in the spiritual path in each of us. The biblical was written by others on such a path and my well have seen such visions. So there must be something within our creative and spiritual to bring to bear before we are poisoned with our Earth. Just need to think creatively about this.

You all made me feel we had a chance. Thanks for being awake!

Hope is tangible in you.


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