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We were Patriots

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posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 06:23 AM
They made us strong by removing our common rights to liberty, but our souls were kindled through the unjustice of tyranny, and a fire was a blazing, We were Patriots. When they came to our houses with threats to our families, they tried to remove arms from the public, when they took our friends and neighbors with false reproaches, we stood up, because We were Patriots. When our children were murdered for not doing as they said, when they had complete control of every aspect of our lives, we did not turn our cheeks in fear, because We were Patriots. The government stripped our personal freedoms, and we stood up, we were counted by God in the pursuit of Liberty, We believed in eachother, and We were Patriots. When we took strength and united as a free people in the fury of the storm, even atthe cost of the blood of our fathers and sons, We were Patriots. What is the price of freedom and liberty? As our founding fathers shed their blood to protect our rights, we now are willing to give them up, back then We were Patriots. I love this nation which I call home, a militia was formed and did roam, in America's dream they raised their hands, voluntarily, and We were Patriots.

I truly believe in all my heart, the freedom our civil constitution represents, is worth defending at any price, even with the blood of patriots. It is our duty to defend freedom from tyranny, to protect our brothers and sisters, neighbors and family, receiving risk even at the cost of lives, as so many of our colonialists gave of themselves, they purchased freedom with their blood so that you could taste liberty, only to now turn our cheeks as we toil in the same dangers of the past. Enlighten us that we may realize freedom as our founding fathers had. Rest in justice that this struggle may rejoin the hearts of patriots to the true meaning of our identity as Americans, that we may not fall victim to the false designing of men nor the surrender of liberty.

I for one would rather risk it all, let them hear me, I will never cease to speak out against those who wish to trample what colonialists died for. Look inside yourselves, there is a heart beating for the sound of freedom and liberty, not the beat of tyranny. If you love wealth more then you love liberty then sit down, if you prefer the chains of totalitarianism over the natural rights of free men then please, sit down. If you wish to give up your right to life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness given to all men from The Almighty God then please, sit down. If you wish to choose the course of vain and aspiring men then please, sit down. But if you believe in freedom of writing, freedom of speech, or thinking, stand up and shout, shout that we cannot choose just one but the inalienable right to all must be protected. No such thing ever existed before the American Revolution of free men. Accuse me of repression, stand a far, turn your head away, as if you are safer by ignoring despotism but Liberty and Freedom will always triumph if the hearts and minds of mans desire to be free people and a free nation.

May God Bless you all in the name of Freedom and Liberty. Never fear to hold government accountable, they are accountible to us, not us to them. When freedom is taken for granted, unchecked, it can be conquered. How blessed we have been as Americans, To live in peace and prosperity, in the home of the brave and the land of the free. So now it's your turn to do your part, to understand and to take this to heart. Be our flag, Old Glory, a light in the dark alleys of dishonest men. Justice, tempered with mercy is what lives in the American Hearts and Minds, Let us be a sign to the eyes of men, so in the future that we may once again take back our freedoms. Hold those to accountibility to avoid the greatest cost, which lies in losing Liberty, the rights of free people. "She might look soft," replied the Lord, "but she has the strength of a lion. You would not believe what she can endure."

[edit on 8-1-2008 by libertytoall]

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 06:34 AM
Thank you for reading the pooring out of my heart felt inspiration. May God bless you all and God Bless America.

[edit on 8-1-2008 by libertytoall]

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by libertytoall

Do you work for the Huckabee campaign?


posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 09:05 PM
No I do not work for Huckabee.

I am just an American patriot who is barking up a tree that has already fallen.

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