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Man killed by E.T.s?

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posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 10:08 AM
I thought I would give this thread a kick in the butt.
It is a very disturbing story.
Whatever the story is, it seems that the man died horribly.

1. Strange lights were seen.
2. Gun shots heard.
3. A man disappears.
4. A boot found in a tree-top.
5. The body found with an expression on his face that was so terror-filled, they couldn't allow the family to see the corpse.

Has anybody come across any new details?

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 11:50 AM
There is very little in the way of facts here. Here are the established facts that can be reasonably gleaned from the reports so far:

1. A man died after being missing for two days.
2. Ahhh, that's it.

No official source has confirmed any of the other details contained in the reference to NUFORC, lack of clothes, state of decomposition, shoes in trees, etc. Local police have read those reports and described them as inaccurate.

Another discrepancy is that the nearest thing to an official report says he was found by "relatives'. Well the police could hardly have stopped them viewing the body if they found him.

However there are many questions that need answers. The main one being how such an extensive search in such a small area failed to find a body 150 yards from his house?

Another question. I don't know any drug addicts but is it normal for coke addicts to get up at 5am, don hunting gear and then ride two miles up a mountain before taking drugs?

Another small point. That gruesome image of the "torture" victim has been thoroughly debunked. It was caused by insects and predation.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 01:02 PM
Good enough.
Thanks for the update.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by SumnerKagan

Glad you dug up this thread. I had never heard of this case until just now. It has only been in the past year that I learned of deaths involved with encounters with UFOs. My younger sister thought I was just a bit of a lunatic until I showed her the case of pilot Thomas Mantell of 1948.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by danj3ris
reply to post by SumnerKagan

Glad you dug up this thread. I had never heard of this case until just now. It has only been in the past year that I learned of deaths involved with encounters with UFOs. My younger sister thought I was just a bit of a lunatic until I showed her the case of pilot Thomas Mantell of 1948.

Well, even though it SEEMS that the case has been explained, not all the explanations make sense.
This event is just plain disturbing from beginning to end. It's definitely a creepy read.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
I live in the town this man was abducted. I am literally about 5 miles from the site.

I have researched the hell out of this case, and the reason I haven't posted anything on it is because there is nothing there but either rense files or ones such as this. I have been very interested in possibly contacting people close to the man, but I also look for some help, because people in this town just laugh it off.

Its funny, this case is the reason I joined ATS, along with some Montauk stuff, and I have pretty much let it go since. Maybe I'll find out some info and give some people a call.

Did they say anything about the man being pigmented stark white and rigomortist' (sp-appologees...) in the vision of his terror? ie: instantly.

Sounds so hollywood, but I am genuinely curious.

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