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Slavery still exists!

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posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 01:36 PM
It just doesn't exist in the way that it used to. It exists in corporate America. Business owners force their slaves to work for the soul of the company. If they don't believe in the company they can get fired. People at their jobs can get fired for having an opinion. Free speech is limited in the work place. So, and, corporate America is taking over where slavery left off, except, now, it's not discriminating against race.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 01:42 PM
Not to sound rude, but that's the way it's always been.

When you join the company, you give up your own individuality for the sake of the group mentality. Yes, some organisms/organizations allow you to be an individual, but only as long as it's not objected to by the rest of the group.
Yes, lots of people are dependent on their income, living paycheck to paycheck, like I am doing.

I got in trouble many times for thinking for myself, speaking my thoughts, and because I prioritized my work tasks as opposed to follow orders.

Yes, it is discrimination. If your boss found out you drink after work hours or on the weekends, that's fine. But what if your boss knew you smoked drugs? That right there would taint his opinion, and you'd be fired. Alcohol is accepted in our society, but drugs no.

Some companies have a REAL human resources department, that is held accountable for employee health and well being. Other companies have Bill.

Regardless, right now, we need them more than they need us, but if we learn how to let go of all our 'needs', they're the ones who will come begging back.

[edit on 21-12-2007 by quintar]

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 01:48 PM
I think that we have to work on jobs until we can figure out how to live on our own again. Earlier human beings lived on their own and they didn't have jobs. At this current century a lot of people are flabbergasted over how we survived this long. We did it with survival skills... and we need those survival skills. Until we can get them back I think that we have to continue working on jobs.

This is how I feel about working. I got a job a month or two ago and I feel that the workplace is too rigid and structure. We need to make it so that we don't depend on the company and that the company can depend more on us. When that happens the company will not see employees as assets that can be replaced. If we can manage to break the chain we can cause a revolution in the work place!

All work and play makes Jack a dull boy.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Maverickhunter
Business owners force their slaves to work for the soul of the company.

Aren't slaves held against their will? How do business force people to work? You choose to work somewhere and you can leave if you want. I don't know of many businesses that chain their employees to walls and force them to work.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by enjoies05

Slaves in the sense that they are forced to continue work there because they can't get another job. Employees know that in order to get another job that they have to get more skills. They can ask their boss for classes and the bosses don't need to train them in ways they don't see fit. As the employee works at the company they develop a love for the job and the people there (this is the thing that makes them slaves, it makes them stay there), and then, the boss, prevents them from leaving, until they are no longer needed. People are slaves at a company until they leave the company. That's how it is like.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 01:57 PM
But you aren't forced to do anything. You might be forced by a money situation but the employer isn't forcing anything. We can quit any time we want. Slaves have no choice but to work, we do have a choice.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Maverickhunter
I think that we have to work on jobs until we can figure out how to live on our own again. Earlier human beings lived on their own and they didn't have jobs.

It's simple. End taxation and man can live independently again.

You need land to produce food for yourself. If you own land you're subject to taxation. To pay your taxes you need an income. If you earn an income you are subject to further taxation and need to earn/work more to produce less for yourself....

No tax, no slavery.

The alternative is to not own anything and not earn any income. If you are completely void of any and all property and value then you can exist as a "free" man living off of the taxing entity at the expense of those who do own property and have accumulated even the lowest level of wealth like the guy behind the counter at McDonalds.

And slavery as we know still exists in Africa BTW.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Maverickhunter

You are not "forced" to do anything.

Why not start your own business? Seek skills through a different avenue?

It is my view that as long as you believe you are a "slave" to the system, you will be.

Why would *YOU* want to be the one holding the chain around your own neck?

Think about that.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by loam

I am not the slave here but a lot of America doesn't realize that they have a choice. They just would rather stay there and let corporate America run their lives! They want to stay there... they are the drones of society!

Enjoies05, I never said that I didn't have control over what I do, but, a lot of other people think they have no control over any part of their job. They're the sheep of this country! They're the sheep of America!

Oh, and it's sad that slavery still exists in Africa. I guess that they feel they can't do without slavery.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Maverickhunter
Enjoies05, I never said that I didn't have control over what I do, but, a lot of other people think they have no control over any part of their job. They're the sheep of this country! They're the sheep of America!

Ok, they are sheep then, not slaves.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Maverickhunter
It just doesn't exist in the way that it used to.

Actually it does still exist in the way that it used to, and in fact is much more worthy of our concern than some issues you may have in the workplace., article on child sex slaves.

We should all be more concerned with real cases of slavery imo.

But anyway to your topic, most large corporate organizations realise that talent retention and a stable workforce are important considerations in the competitive global economy.
I've found that organizations are now embracing input from employee's, incentive and suggestion schemes are common place in the large businesses that i deal with and open door policy's with management are all the rage.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 03:11 PM
Ah.. Wage Slavery. It is real and the reason why it exists here in America is because we live in a Corpratist state. The people are always put into a position to remain in debt. Even if you own your own land with no mortgage you have to pay that property tax right? On top of all of the regulation we are also inundated with propaganda that encourages us to spend beyond our means, credit cards are ok, and buying a car or house on loan is encouraged.

It is very hard to become completely independent in our country nowadays. You maybe still could, but the way the system is set up you would have to pretty much give up on any type of civilized lifestyle or contact with society.

As far as the complaints about businesses and employees losing freeom of speeche etc. well duh! A private business, whether a family run restaurant or a huge mega corporation has the right to hire or fire who they see fit for whatever reason they choose as long as they do not violate any legally binding contract between employee and employer. Race, color, creed, weight, or whatever. In a free society this would all be grounds for termination. You can't complain about a business firing people for doing something that when they were not at work they would be free to do and at the same time complain about wage slavery. The very same government that enforces workplace "Fairness" is the sam eGovernment that creates the situation in which the majority of us are forced into wage slavery situations.

Starting your own business is a great thing to do. Just better not piss off Uncle Sam or you will be screwed. Have to pay the Federal Mafia for it's "Protection". A friend had his own business that was mildly succesful. Business picked up to the point that he had to hire on a full time employee and once he payed all the insurance and unemployment and everything else, not only could he not afford to hire an employee, but he could not afford to continue operating! So he hired no-one and plodded along at a lower output until he had a job offer in "Corporate America" and then it was over.

This is not the case with all businesses but with some. You can break free it just takes such a high income that 70-90% of the population will not be able to do it. Either through poor decision making from the upper income folks who spend themselves into a hole, or simply lack of money from the rest of us to buy our way out.

posted on Dec, 23 2007 @ 09:27 AM
If you want to live in an NWO society you have to:

and then Die

Modern slavery!

posted on Dec, 23 2007 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Maverickhunter
It just doesn't exist in the way that it used to. It exists in corporate America. Business owners force their slaves to work for the soul of the company.

actually, slavery still does exist, just like it did hundreds of years ago. Take a look at the Central Romano plantation in the Dominican Republic. they work 12 days for $2, and are not allowed to leave (nor do they have the resources). It's owned and operated by the Fanjul family, which are huge supporters of all political parties


in fact, heres an amazing documentary on the sugar industry and modern day slavery:

part 1:

Google Video Link

part 2:

Google Video Link

[edit on 23-12-2007 by scientist]

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 03:57 PM
Where is Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton & The NAACP on this?

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