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Aliens: The Good And Evil Debate

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posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Meatclown
I'm talking about greys and reptilians not "plaedians" or "nordics" or other such disinformation nonsense.

"Nonsense?" What can be anymore nonsensical than this "reptilian" garbage that is pilfered around?

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Its loads more evidence than you have my friend

Just answer me a few questions though:

How do you know the beings calling themselves "pleadians" or "nordics" or "andromedans" arn't just humans (illuminati) pretending, in order to put a positive spin on the whole "alien" (i.e demon) agenda?

Is such a thing is beyond the scope of possibility? And if it wasn't, wouldn't you think they might attempt do such a thing, given their thesis anti-thesis-synthesis model of operation, so they can unite the world under a world government with popular support after one of their manufactured wars?

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 02:44 AM
Before I start I’m still not convinced of aliens on or around earth but I am quite supportive of life else where.

But since the thread was well started and written I would like to give my hypothetical answer anyway for the fun of it. As previously posted good and evil is, I believe, a perspective. Though as our race has evolved we have also have a range of ethics that are written (though not always abided by) so I would like to assume if a race is more advanced then us so would their ethics… Hopefully.

Though I would also understand since we ourselves experiment on animals we consider pests or numerous or easily sustainable (like mice) for the good of mankind I would not put it past an alien race to think the same of us. Though I hope that they would understand we are also sentient so as not to do so. But since there are over six billion of us that are quite destructive not only to ourselves, our planet and the rest of the life here I would not be surprised if they thought it would be quite ethically sound to pick a few mice (us) off to experiment with.

To term another planetary race as good or evil is about is ignorant as terming a whole country on earth as good or evil. So as to term all sentient beings other then humans as either good or evil is terribly what would the word be… planetist?????

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by Meatclown

How do you know the beings calling themselves "pleadians" or "nordics" or "andromedans" arn't just humans (illuminati) pretending, in order to put a positive spin on the whole "alien" (i.e demon) agenda?

Here´s the answer sherlock: Because if the hypothized illuminati even exist, then their main tool of control is fear, not positive imagery. Of course what you say is possible as well, but the other way around is more likely.

Induction of Fear being THE population-control factor, that would make you an agent for the cause of the illuminati, right?

Reply to MuLonQun: I love the "planetist" remark

[edit on 13-12-2007 by Skyfloating]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by Meatclown
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Its loads more evidence than you have my friend

Like what? What, because someone's eyes dilate that means they are a "reptilian?" Yeah, okay... You and all of these people that subscribe to this "reptilian" bull are living in a fantasy world... "Reptilian" is and is meant as be nothing more than a metaphor for some prettty bad people. There is no actuality to it.David Icke and his kin have you tagged and suckered into believeing something THEY don't even believe. It's funny to watch,really.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 11:12 AM
what is and isn't cant really be said though.

though we may have coined the term "reptilian" for its reasons and scaled it to the proportion of the "worst kind of alien" in which it can look like, sound like, smell like, act like human doesn't mean they don't necessarily mean that they exist somewhere else in the vast universe. this is kind of like an unknown unknown, something that we don't know that we don't know yet.

as far as anyones concerned, the possibilities are endless. it may be hard to imagine much out side of our own planet, but it takes a little out-of-the-box type thinking as to what may or may not be out there.

but again, point being.. reptilians may not exist on earth, but that doesn't mean they don't on some distant planet in another galaxy.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

"The atheist assumption that aliens would somehow "disprove" God or eradicate religion is so preposterous, I won't even address it.

It is only the arrogance of man that decrees "Only earthlings are worthy of the grace and goodness of God."

I want discuss about that section. You think at every atheist have same ansrew for disproving god. There is just more than one how to disprove god. I put those down here.

World theory. "World has allways been, even if it was empty".

Bible itself disprove god.

God created world and summoned himself there, so what we can say here, he didn't created world but he summoned himself in world and said he was god and started doing energy transforming things and he thought at he was god because he didn't see noone around, but if he summoned himself in the world, then others can do same thing too. And if you going in world creation section. There comes world theory against god theory, because world has allways been even if it were empty. And in bible somewhere said at when god came to world, it was empty, so he was somewhere in space and world has allready there and he thought he is god but he wasn't because someone other can create himself too if someone other can create himself too in the world. This disprove god too. But that earth creating didn't really happen because you see how old is our earth and our galaxy. Bible says other from years. Earth age in bible is 6000 years old. Remember Dinosaurs how old they was, they was about million or milliards or billion year old away.

God, let's see word of god, what it means. If you say someone to god, you are then his slave. But if you say you have no god, then you are noone slave and you use your own will live in the world. This disproves god too. This is what disproves god himself because god is just word what someone give to something or someone. Old times people doed sacrifices to volcano, because they gave volcano name god, they throwed people in there and they thought at that keeps volcano off. God is just fairy tale. There is many different gods and many stories to different gods. Like muslims god have own stories, catholics have own stories and many other religions have own stories. But if you want to be someone slave and follow his orders what even his says "Kill innocent people, do suffer to others", then its just your way of weakness like others have taken their way to "follow orders blindly" what even those orders were, "following wrong orders too without asking any question or thinking doing of wrong". Foolness of humanity tricks things inside humans brains. But if you let foolness come inside you fully, it will take control in you and it will make you do many worse and bad things what we could call evil, giving your life to someone who you call god, you forget using your own instincst and your free will is over and your soul has given to unknown power who orders you follow blindly what ever they were because you have sacrificed yourself fully to someone who you call god, and you are now slave of that god. That's how slavery works. Become god, get prayers, do with prayers what ever you want then and they will follow your orders blindly.

Free will, own instincts, more bigger thinking from right and wrong. With those 3 you can get long away in life. And + when god was just fairy tale what have been told in different religions, so you said up there, goodness coming from god, i disprove your sayings, goodness coming from us.

You can do what ever you want, everytime, everywhere, but you are responsible of your doings. You can do hate or love, you choose who you are here in the world. Noone choose it for you.

+ For that world. If you now start say at world is god, i disprove your sayings, world is just world and world can't be god because its named "world". Here world you living.

Continuing soon or later.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

"The atheist assumption that aliens would somehow "disprove" God or eradicate religion is so preposterous, I won't even address it.

It is only the arrogance of man that decrees "Only earthlings are worthy of the grace and goodness of God."

Continuing text.

So i talked about at goodness coming from us, ourselves, because like i said, we choose at ourselves who we be, noone other choose who you be, so you choose do you share goodness or evilness to someone.

So, religions, what are those. I can tell about from christianity first, where i have doed little math from its churchs, it will be much money what it have get. More than Bill Gates have. With those money earth could have been now in great situtation, but churchs want just build more churchs, and use money to their bibles and other their own works and give only 1% or under of church money what it have gathered to people who needs help, that's what eligion mostly doing, try get more power and mass control. It was bloody time in christianity if we go back in time. Many innocent people died because of religion. Today, innocent people will die still because of religions. Religions give hate more than love. If you have readed my list other topic what i have writed, where was things who could going to die if still those religion orders could be followed fully. There other topic i talked little more about religions, more simpler text maybe, but i try put here for you minimized, because you maybe have not seen my other topic. But still other thread have more text about religions.

Think what have maked our earth this kind place. Religions have been maked because it gives power and mass of control for those who lead this army of blind zombies what we call fool blind humans. Every different person will be founded easily. And different is what religions want be to hated. You seen many threads about "Anti-christus", "Aliens are demons", and others like this kind? Yes you have, i think. These people are one of those who blindly following their own fairy tale god orders, who they have given their own soul, life, free will and other things fully. Ask yourself, is it right or wrong utilize people from young to old age for your own doings, at you could get power and mass control? Weak ones fall to tricks. Those who have given everything from their ownself to fairy tale god, have fallen to trick of religion. Religions not doing good, they just kills everything in our mind.

Most of people are not interested from extraterrestrials because of religions.

Most of people are not interested even doing some recearch from extraterrestrial thing.

And many many other things, religions have taken most of our people interests away from different things. That's because they fear questioning things because they fear at their fairy tale god come's and get them in hell because they believed more other kind way thing than it was in their fairy tale orders. Religions make us hate unknown. Religion purpose is at you give your soul, life, and everything to religion, and you will follow that religion orders without asking or questioning orders even if you feel they are wrong orders. Why follow orders? Ask yourself why you don't be your ownself and follow your own orders and that way you could get more better known is it wrong or right thing that kind thing, or is it even real. If you give fear your finger, it takes full hand. Fear make's you leaving some recearching away and you can fall to lies then maybe. If you can control fear, you can do recearch from things better and you can more better search information without fear and try find solution to thing what you are recearching. There is over million words from same thing, so you must search these things "What is right and wrong, what is real and fake". With searching those, you can find the ansrew.

Here was something, now bye.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 03:01 PM
Why are they waiting for 7 billion people to be on earth and then create a NWO?
I mean 1 billion would have been hard enough to control or contain and they could have infiltrated the medicine industry and kept man at half that and controlled all the food and water supplies and kept man chained up.
The world is not a better place because of it because of the pollution and to kill off 6 billion people would create disease to the point all of man would die. If Aliens were that advance they could build their own cities with their advances in no time.

Many people have had God given inspiration to discover medicine and technology mainly in the Christian world as people of this faith feel God has helped them along by many experiences in modern history.

If its Aliens they could have taken over the world long ago, if it's religion then it has taken over the world but why, as there are all too different to be doing the same thing and the ones that try and kill off another faith never wins in the end.

Let's say it’s the freemasons, they could have got what they wanted 150 years ago.

Point is no one has actually taken over and no one man dictator has said this is my planet or you will die and has won out of it.

So where do you go from here? Everyone agrees about the NWO coming to a climax at some point but the Bible and other religions point that out. We know by their predictions what will happen if the pattern is straight and which religion is right when events come out.

So it can not be about organisations ruling the world it must be from an outside force to be able to hold the world hostage, so even if man tried he can not by him self as history shows. So it boils down to either an evil force of nature or bigger than man or God him self which will let these events happen, it's logical and it's been prophesied because not even the ancient powers held on for long and even if they are still around they do not control every nation and every individual person on earth to their rule.

Good Aliens and bad Aliens and Cross breeds is all Biblical aswell, God made the ugly ones ugly as a curse because they loved Woman kind so much they had offspring by them. There are good Angels but they only come if it's effects God's plan. So that leaves the free roaming beings of fallen Angels and Demons and other flesh man cross breeds which is all negative for man kind.

Tell me a story where Aliens have helped and if they did it was probably to use man to hide their troubles.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by The time lord]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Meatclown
How do you know the beings calling themselves "pleadians" or "nordics" or "andromedans" arn't just humans (illuminati) pretending, in order to put a positive spin on the whole "alien" (i.e demon) agenda?

Why would they need to? How would creating false belief in benevolent ETs, and making people feel GOOD about ETs, benefit them or advance their agenda?

Is such a thing is beyond the scope of possibility? And if it wasn't, wouldn't you think they might attempt do such a thing, given their thesis anti-thesis-synthesis model of operation, so they can unite the world under a world government with popular support after one of their manufactured wars?

No, I don't think they would attempt such a thing.

It's possible that they might start creating hideous and terrifying "aliens" in secret labs using genetic engineering, have those aliens go around abducting and torturing people, and eventually use them to stage an Evil Alien Attack. In order to unite the world around the "Star Wars" programs.

In fact, that's exactly what Greer and Rosin say.

But hoaxing benevolent ETs? How would that help? It would take time, money and resources, and would only serve to make people feel GOOD about ETs......

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 05:37 PM

Well, that just sems to be what I have encountered. I am aware that the Vatican has, at least been rumored, to have admitted the existence of other civilizations.

What I read is that Stephen Hawkins once game a lecture about big bang to them, and they didn't find it to contradict with the bible or being anything against genesis.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by rawsom

Honestly, to me, there is nothing in science which religion should be in conflict with.. To me, science just better explains how God did what he did...

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