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Weird phone call. Flight attendant on 911

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posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 01:12 PM
In the trial of Zacharias Moussoui for terrorism links and 9-11 involvement, the FBI testified that there were NO CALLS completed from the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon, the Barbara Olson story.
Her husband, a big shot lawyer for the govt. in Bushies justice Dept. a Solicitor General type, told various sources different stories, and he never makes any real official story at all, allowing rumors and reports to swirl around. He cliams that he talked to his wife from the highjacked plane, TWICE, and that she asked what she ' could tell the pilot ' who was supposedly sitting around waiting for somrthing to happen after voluntarily giving up his seat!!

Olson first said that his wife called from a seatback phone, but that she had ' left her credit cards home that day ' and had to ' borrow ' one from some unknown person kind enough to let Barbara call her husbnad while the owner of the card didn't consider calling their OWN family!! Imagine that!! Then, when a controversy arose over whether or not the planes had seatback phones at all during that period, Olson changed his story and said that the call was made ' collect ' !!! This is IMPOSSIBLE!! You MUST have a credit card to even connect with the ground from a seatback operator comes on to talk with.

Then when the collect call could not be verified, the old fall back was used: The cell phone excuse. As if cell phones could sustain clear calls from great heights and crossing over varying towers..silly. The FACT is that the FBI testified that NO CALLS were completed from that plane, and the ONE call to the number of Olsons office was " ZERO SECONDS ' and not connected at all! That makes Ted Olson a liar. The Olson matter is another smoking gun like the Mineta testimony to the 9-11 Commission. It told us all we needed to know to indict and convict Cheney in the whole mess, as well as the rest of that horrid, evil, souless gang of traitors and murderers.

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