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posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 08:36 AM
hm, watching the Hoagland/john Lear videos ,one main question comes to mind:

could this be THE REAL ALIEN DISINFO BIG SIZE we are talking about?

BECAUSE Hoagland /partly Lear are reliable persons?

we await the false flag alien attack, just for the record.


posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:15 AM
nothing revealed at this event was anything that wasnt previously discussed by these people before. From what I could gather about the people who spoke their either Former employees now disenfranchised their lashing out. The makeup was also made up of people who feel a need to for attention by being on camera and what better way to satisfy their selfish lust for attention than a press event. Not surprising that people need their 15 minutes of fame but its a shame they do it at the expense of a government sanctioned and supported institution that forms the backbone of america. Nasa is as american as apple pie and disparaging it with propaganda with an unclear goal is not the job of any responsible news organization. I am glad they spoke their mind and look forward to the follow ups of people who speak their mind live from padded rooms all across the country.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by dizziedame

Well, something is going to happen. As population grows energy demand is fast outpacing energy production. The moon contains enough He3 to last for thousands of years if we make the required fusion reactors (and it's not out of the realm of the feasible). So, could the race to the moon be the race to the next energy supply?


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