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Missles with Blackholes?

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posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 09:52 AM
Ok, so My boss told me yesterday about this conspiracy to shoot missiles loaded with black holes at the sun. Apparently this happened a few years back but this is the first I've heard of it. Anybody have any info on this idea?

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:17 AM
Now im no physicist, but a missle loaded with a blackhole payload? I dont think so. The Blackhole would just devour the missle, and anything else it came in contact with.

Besides, what good would shooting a blackhole missle into the sun do? What purpose would it serve? Outside of obliterating our solar system...

Im sure those with more knowledge will back me up on this.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:20 AM
Is it possible that you have mistaken the intent of the operation? I have heard of a program where missiles or satellites carrying nuclear ordinance are dropped into the the Sun or Jupiter to create a new sun or conditions.

Here is the link,

I can't think of a reason why black holes would be mounted on missiles other then just making really big weapons.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Tinko1

Impossible. They simply could not make a singularity, infinitely small object here on Earth without dire consequences.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 12:10 PM
well apparently what he was saying is that it wasn't created by man alone if at all. The idea is that it would destroy the sun and as a result us. Like a proving if we're worthy of existing as a race of sentient life kinda thing. According to John Titor and top scientists around the world, we're only a few years away from our own singularities.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Tinko1
well apparently what he was saying is that it wasn't created by man alone if at all. The idea is that it would destroy the sun and as a result us. Like a proving if we're worthy of existing as a race of sentient life kinda thing.

If that were true, how would the missle actually reach the sun to dentonate?
(Then again, it wouldnt have to reach the sun, just get close...i guess)
Secondly, how would destroying all life in our solar system prove we are worthy of life and sentients?

According to John Titor and top scientists around the world, we're only a few years away from our own singularities.

Titor is hardly a credible source, and i know nothing about the other scientists around the world, can you source that? Id be interested to know just how close we really are. (wouldnt there be containment issues?)

[edit on 22-10-2007 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 12:22 PM

Titor is hardly a credible source, and i know nothing about the other scientists around the world, can you source that? Id be interested to know just how close we really are. (wouldnt there be containment issues?)

[edit on 22-10-2007 by InSpiteOf]

this is one place. couldn't find the article I wanted though.
Here's another. If Brown doesn't do it for you I don't know what will.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Tinko1

Thanks for the links, interesting read so far. Just as a note, I didnt doubt that we were attempting (or have achived by accident) to create a smallscale singularity, i just hadn't read too much info and wanted to catch up.

I hope you didnt take the Titor crack personally.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by InSpiteOf

No you are right, he isn't a credible source by any means, I just thought to mention him because he was one of the first to suggest the idea. I apologize if I sound snappy over the Internet. It's always hard to read how people are expressing themselves when all you are doing is reading text.

For the record, I thought this idea was pretty ridiculous from the beginning, I only heard it from my boss. I wanted to know if anyone knew more about because i figured it was probably wrong. The Lucifer Project was mentioned and that did some like it related. I also found it interesting that they planned on using Plutonium -238, the more stable of isotopes. Or am I thinking Uranium? Uranium - 235 I know is weapons grade.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 12:39 PM
While its true that scientists are actively working towards the creation of a black hole, I sincerely doubt that anything they produce would have the mass needed to survive more then fractions of a second before decaying via hawking radiation, something that your browne source states.

For those worried that the mini black holes produced at CERN may destroy people as well — gobbling up everything in sight and ultimately devouring all of Europe — Landsberg insists this is not a legitimate concern. The size of these black holes is too small, and their life span too short, to pose any threat, he says. In fact, notes Landsberg, similar black holes are created organically every day when cosmic rays smash into the earth’s atmosphere at even higher energies than those found in particle accelerators.

any black hole with enough mass to be used as a weapon thats on earth would be more interested in eating earth than getting sent to the sun. Actually, if your boss' theory is correct, would it make more sense to just use the missile on earth?

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 12:42 PM

Actually, if your boss' theory is correct, would it make more sense to just use the missile on earth?

Well, nobody ever said he was a genius ;P

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 12:48 PM
Black holes weigh a lot. I mean, an incredible, mind-boggling amount. They have so much mass in their tiny little bodies that one of them would easily outweigh the Sun by a few dozen orders of magnitude.

In order to launch one in a rocket from the surface of the Earth, you'd need to generate a really ridiculous amount of thrust-- enough to push the Earth away from the Sun and out of orbit, I'd wager.

So, nope. Not gonna happen. There isn't enough energy in all the biomass, all the synthetic fuel, or all the nuclear material on Earth to get one of those suckers three inches off the ground.

Of course, this is not to mention that if one were manufactured here, we (I mean humanity, and the rest of life/rocks/etc. on Earth) would be converted into rarefied Hawking radiation about two picoseconds after it was finished.

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