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NWO Covert Financing of Establishment Candidate

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posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 09:35 AM
Anyone wonder how these candidates get all of these capaign contributions?

Hillary Receives $380,000 Campaign Contributions from ChinaTown

Is it just me or does that seem INCREDIBLY suspicious to you? Kerry receives $24,000 from the same district during his campaign cycle but Clinton can garner almost $400,000 from the poorest Americans? Most of which cannot even be tracked down? Given the whole Chinagate debacle with Bills camapign and hers, I am highly skeptical that any of this is legit, let alone legal.

I am so sick and tired of politics being driven by money.
WE NEED TO REMOVE MONEY FROM POLITICS! Share your thoughts on this, please. America is for sale and the corporations are buying it right out from under it's citizens.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 09:44 AM
Guess this means we will have to listen to more bone chilling laughs from Hillary...

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 09:48 AM
Please! No more Clintons or Bushes - I think the country has had enough.

Seriously though, given the fact that only certain candidates are supported by the media establishment while others are censored, does this not ring hollow with anyone? Why are election laws not being enforced? How is this allowed to continue? America is walking blindly, in lock-step, to the establishment agenda and everyone seems none the happier!? I just don't get how this could happen and nobody cares.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:58 AM
Think this is any different from Cattlegate? Or the Rose law firm scandal? Or Mr. Hsu, the Chinese guy funeling money to her campaign through people in California? Or what about Forstergate? I firmly believe we will be reliving the whole Vince Forster thing if she wins the nomination.

Her husband's biggest donors while in office was China and Enron. Don;t forget, Ken Lay bragged to his people that Enron set the energy plan for the US, not the White house. I am seriously considering writing a thread showing how deep Enron was at the white house during the Clinton/Gore administrations. Enron also lays claim to setting Al Gores direction on Global Warming, because the felt being able to trade carbon credits would be good for Enron.

Let me know if there are any thread already before I start one.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 02:32 PM
I'd like to get some of this money so I myself can get a House of Reps spot in 2 years when I'll be of age.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 02:38 PM
i ont know were the heck that kinda money is coming from but if its a contributioin over like 5 thousand dollars the contributor has their information put on but then again if its a set-up you probobly wouldnt be able to find out from there.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:02 AM
Sad, isn't it!? A.) Nobody cares enough to be outraged. B.) This has become an accepted practice by the masses. C.) Everyone assumes that there isn't anything that can be done about it.

Ummmmmm, how about WE QUIT ELECTING THIS SCUM!!!

The Clintons are shills for the NWO. The Bushes are shills for the NWO. ALL of the establishment candidates (the ones you actually see and hear about on the news) are shills for the NWO. Rudy, Obama, Edwards, Clinton, Romney, McCain et al. are ALL establishment candidates... Sadly they will be forced down everyone's throat and they will willingly swallow the bait... hook, line and sinker. As the general election approaches the sheeple will fall into their typical left versus right banter and antagonism and will elect one of these shills. Then, in two years, they will realize that they've been had, they'll complain loudly and protest and such and then will do the same damned thing during the next general election - MORONS!

I emplore everyone to think a little bit... In fact, think about it alot and then take a look at RON PAUL!!!

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