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ETs: The gentle invasion

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posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 02:47 PM
A collection of personal experiences with ETs

Age 3-4: Nightmares of abductions accompanied by a deep "oooooooooooo" tone. Screaming for my parents not to go to bed because "they are going to pick me up". Real physical bruises and marks which my parents couldnt explain. Terrifying journeys to i-dont-know-where, neither to I recall. These were my only "negative" or unpleasant experiences with ETs. I dont recall the "race" of these beings, but they had very big eyes.

Age 6-9: Many, many dreams of being taken to another realm/planet by blue-skinned beings. Very humorous ones. Very many instructions which I somehow all forget. What I remember the most was the mood/feeling of upliftment, empowerment and the fantastic beauty of their place. Somthing to do with having more oxygen than other places. Always woke up feeling energized for the rest of the day after those events. (Reading up on the UFO-Topic started at the age of 12. By the age of 15 I had read every possible variation of it, had gotten bored of it and tossed it).

Age 8: UFO-sighting above our house. huge silver disc hovering. Me at the window, starting in fascination, not knowing what to say.

Age 21: UFO-Sighting. Disc-Shaped craft that flew away at a speed never before encountered.

Age 24-27 Plenty of Lucid Dreams with Alien encounters within those dreams.

After that not much more activity due to lack of interest. Interest rekindled only recently by ATS-reading.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

These stories are not uncommon. I have had many "events" that have influenced my life to find answers. Your stories help as many do in understanding our own experiences that have no standard explanation.

I was interested in space since I was aware of being aware. I loved anything to so with the science of everything, especially astronomy. The wonder and the possibilities fueled my whole life. I am finding evidence that I was possibly influenced by "others" in many events, but since 1992 when I was contracting for NASA and SETI things really started to pop. My wife and I where on our way back from a NASA/SETI event at Goldstone Deep Space Communications facility on military land and went through Death Valley National Monument. There we watched a massive (mile wide) black triangle drop sparks and float off north for 20 minuets. Since then and even recently we and friends see stuff all over. I have photo and video of what I call probes. They look like white spheres locked in the sky or drifting against the wind. When you analize the photos (I use a 6MP SLR) you see structure much like the stuff they see and film in Mexico now commonly. A solid night encounter with something like a Grey and many very very strange coincidences that bring me into and around the UFO community and other experiencers. It's all too unlikely to be shear coincidence. The math says you are nuts or this is actually happening.

Some of us can no longer deny what we are experiencing. Critical mass happened to me long ago, and it just keeps happening. To my family and friends too.

I have given up trying to prove anything to anybody. I will be completely honest, but will not embellish or edit at all. I am a science illustrator and CGI and 3D artist who loves this subject, so I would probably not believe myself unless I knew all the details. I do listen to everyones story and can feel when they are being honest or disingenuous. I can experience through others eyes and learn more about my own experience without undue influence. That from being around scientists and engineers for so long. You learn objectivity.

I just want to listen to other people. I will share my story's with others as the work is done on my projects, as that is what I have to do now. Thank you all, for being honest and candid.
I will too in return. ATS is a great venue for this.


posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by ZeroGhost

Originally posted by POKEMANS

All this stuff about interdimensional travelling...It seems as if you have taken the completely plausible and mathematically provable scientific concept of 'dimension/s' and mixed it with some psychadelic, spiritual mumbo-jumbo.
You describe Aliens that travel through 'dimensions'. How do they do this? What do you mean by through dimensions? Do they open up some sort of portal? And why do they only appear in our dreams?

You have to understand why what your saying comes across as complete lunacy to people who havent had these questions answered to them. Please dont get offended by my misunderstanding of the concepts you brought up in this topic.

Wecome to ATS. I am new also. You are in for some real interesting data, but first you might want to bone up on some things to really enjoy the concepts. Like this;

In the Sept. 22-28 edition of New Scientist magazine, Zeeya Merali writes, "If you think of yourself as unique, think again… our world is just one of many. You are just one version of many."

The "many worlds" theory was first proposed half a century ago by Hugh Everett. Merali quotes physicist David Deutsch as saying, "You toss a coin but what does it mean to say that the probability of it coming up heads is 50%? According to Everett, both outcomes must happen." According to Everett, every time a new physical possibility is explored, the universe splits, and each one is played out in its own universe. If we learned to control this, we could perhaps move our consciousness to a universe in which good things are happening. And what we call "aliens" may be inhabitants of another universe that is parallel to ours.

Other Universes

Yup, not as far fetched as the Saturday morning kids science show would have us believe.

And when Cern's toy goes on line this coming year we might see much more, like time anomalies or dimensional rifts!

I think these discussions are as important as a science experiment, and more.

I also believe that you believe what you believe.
I also believe I will believe you will believe differently the more you challenge your beliefs as we all do by listening carefully and interacting, responding, sharing and telling us compelling thoughts and details you might also have.

This is not a place to defend your belief or lable stuff mumbo jumbo (can you give a technical description of mumbo, or jumbo? I dont think that is a phrase used by critical thinkers.). ATS is a place to share ideas, info and experiences so we all can take a gander and gain insight and maybe new "psychedelic" ideas.

I really have to get a job however.

Ah a much more scientific aproach to the 'IT' (Interdimensional, as Skyfloating calls them :lol
than what was previously posted here.
Now this i can understand.
Alot of what you said is touched on in several texts i have studied.
Another similar theory to the parallel universes, is one called 'Quantum Smearing'. Basically, quantum smearing states that everything that could possibly happen does, but in 'alternate realities' (parallel universes). Also involved in this is the concept that time, rather than being linear (i.e things can be said to happen one after another, e.g X happened BEFORE Z, which happened AFTER Y) is actually a 'smeared' dimension. In other words, everything is happening at once - past, present and future.
The reason it's given the name quantum smearing? Imagine a picture of a man standing next to a table with a glass of water on it. Now imagine that the faded-out images of him picking up the glass, kicking over the table, jumping on the table, throwing the glass, drinking the water and leaving the room are put on top of that image. It gives the effect of different 'path's' being smeared

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
reply to post by Skyfloating

These stories are not uncommon. I have had many "events" that have influenced my life to find answers. Your stories help as many do in understanding our own experiences that have no standard explanation.

I was interested in space since I was aware of being aware. I loved anything to so with the science of everything, especially astronomy. The wonder and the possibilities fueled my whole life. I am finding evidence that I was possibly influenced by "others" in many events, but since 1992 when I was contracting for NASA and SETI things really started to pop. My wife and I where on our way back from a NASA/SETI event at Goldstone Deep Space Communications facility on military land and went through Death Valley National Monument. There we watched a massive (mile wide) black triangle drop sparks and float off north for 20 minuets. Since then and even recently we and friends see stuff all over. I have photo and video of what I call probes. They look like white spheres locked in the sky or drifting against the wind. When you analize the photos (I use a 6MP SLR) you see structure much like the stuff they see and film in Mexico now commonly. A solid night encounter with something like a Grey and many very very strange coincidences that bring me into and around the UFO community and other experiencers. It's all too unlikely to be shear coincidence. The math says you are nuts or this is actually happening.

Some of us can no longer deny what we are experiencing. Critical mass happened to me long ago, and it just keeps happening. To my family and friends too.

I have given up trying to prove anything to anybody. I will be completely honest, but will not embellish or edit at all. I am a science illustrator and CGI and 3D artist who loves this subject, so I would probably not believe myself unless I knew all the details. I do listen to everyones story and can feel when they are being honest or disingenuous. I can experience through others eyes and learn more about my own experience without undue influence. That from being around scientists and engineers for so long. You learn objectivity.

I just want to listen to other people. I will share my story's with others as the work is done on my projects, as that is what I have to do now. Thank you all, for being honest and candid.
I will too in return. ATS is a great venue for this.


Wow. An inspiring and uplifting story.
You actually sound like me. I have been reading books on astrophysics and anything to do with space since i was about 12. There is something so compelling about the idea of learning somehting about a thing us humans no very little about - our universe.
I hope you have some luck in convincing people of your encounters - I know you did with me.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 03:50 PM
To the OP.. your story is not unknown.
Go to and watch the David Wilcock video and also Michael St Clair.
They have plenty of references mentioned for you to follow up on if you wish.

They speak in a very similar manner and may provide support in your quest for personal satisfaction and self understanding.



posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by Bspiracy

I liked that info a lot. Thanks.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 01:13 PM
More Evidence for ETs as a Phenomenon interlinked with consciousness

* UFO-Reports change over time, according to mass-consciousness beliefs, according to what people are willing and able to perceive. It seems that our "ETs" shapeshift according to expectations. If you look at recent threads by schuyler, you will notice how ET-Contacts from the 50s are tailored for people in the 50s (blonde-haired space brothers) while more recent contacts involve greys and abductions.

* According to abductee reports, ETs seem to approach not physically but "out of nowhere" or "materialize" or "come through a haze" or only approach when the subject is in an altered state (sleep paralysis, half-asleep).

* ETs oftentimes seem to make up stories that accord to what information a person is willing to handle. In doing so they use "analogies" (pat explanations) to describe certain concepts.

* Some ETs openly describe to contactees that they do not come from another planet but from another "frequency".

* There have been sporadic claims of people being ablee to "summon" ETs at will.

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