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Lets Compare.... Alex to Adolph

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posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:29 AM
Ok Ok,

I think the similarities end at the way they put their speeches across.

I can't see Alex Jones trying to take over the world.

But I think the way they do their speeches is very effective. Just look at Hiters crowd. Who in their right mind would want to kill that many people for the reasons that they were killed? Its a bit like brainwashing IMHO.

But then I think we could probably compare alot of world leaders to Hitler in different things they do.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by gottago
How very clever of you. You short-circuited the rule by starting out with Hitler. Guess we should now work to avoid mentioning him, or something...

And btw, a very informative and fact-filled post. Keep 'em coming.

The post was to look at the two of them and draw your own conclusions. I wasn't stating any facts, nor was I trying to be informative. Most of you know my dislike of Alex "blow hole" Jones.Although he claims to raise money for the first responders, it was Mr. Jones that said the FDNY should be brought up on Manslughter charges.

To show a physical comparison of the two of them in my opinion was appropriate for discussion.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by TheOmen
Ok Ok,

I think the similarities end at the way they put their speeches across.

I can't see Alex Jones trying to take over the world.

No, Alex is anti-Masonic just like Hitler was...

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by resistor
I think that a lot of what AJ says is true, but that the leaven of disinfo is often present, and that his ultimate purpose is to add to the list of dissenters that will be interned once martial law is declared.

Some of what Hitler said was true as well, but that doesn't take away from him being what he was....

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 12:45 PM
Anyone that plays on the fears of others for monetary and/or political gain is not to be trusted, in my opinion. Both of these men are guilty of this.

I honestly don't see any difference between Alex Jones and one of the evangelical pastors of those mega-churches. You know the guys that leave their million dollar homes and drive to "work" in a BMW then have the audacity to ask their "flock" (people that most likely don't drive BMW's) to tithe money (to them) so the Lord will look favorably upon them and fix what troubles they may have.

With Alex, it's: the NWO is coming into power! I have proof! You must be informed! Buy my books, DVD's and bumper stickers!

He really has created a cult of personality. And the "tinfoil-hat" sheeple eat it up.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
reply to post by jprophet420

I wasnt trying to say Alex was a genocidal murderer.
My comparison was how they both look alike in the way they speak,the arm movements..the yelling etc... I was showing how Alex Jones has the Hitler stuff down to a T. And the youngsters (all in black) are eating it up.

I am not trying to take anything away from your post are correct.

Take a look at what I bolded. Why did you feel the need to point that out?

So because a lot of them are wearing black there's something wrong with them? You were implying something when you felt the need to point that out, but you didn't come right out and say it.

You're judging people using stereotypes. I guess because those people are wearing black that makes them evil? Means they're into witchcraft and think they're vampires? That they're mindless drones that believe anything they hear?

[edit on 20-9-2007 by nightmare_david]

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by PistolPete
Anyone that plays on the fears of others for monetary and/or political gain is not to be trusted, in my opinion. Both of these men are guilty of this.

I honestly don't see any difference between Alex Jones and one of the evangelical pastors of those mega-churches. You know the guys that leave their million dollar homes and drive to "work" in a BMW then have the audacity to ask their "flock" (people that most likely don't drive BMW's) to tithe money (to them) so the Lord will look favorably upon them and fix what troubles they may have.

With Alex, it's: the NWO is coming into power! I have proof! You must be informed! Buy my books, DVD's and bumper stickers!

He really has created a cult of personality. And the "tinfoil-hat" sheeple eat it up.

You very wrong IMO,Alex tells poeple to go watch his movis on google if you cannot afford them.A man has to make a living,but hes the only person I know that tells you to go watch it online if you cannot afford it.He tells you to burn copies to give to friends and so on.

While Alex clearly exagerates at times,he does a damm good job of getting important information out to the masses. Everyone in his busines does a little showboating and playing to the crowd so to say.After all you do have to feed your kids.

And your right,his content is scary,but its the damm truth.(most of it)..Hell I always thought he was exagerating about how cops love to beat poeple up and talk about it.Then yesterday I found a video of cops outside this guys house talking about coming up with a reason so they could beat him up.One cop asked the other,hey wanna hit him?This is before they even knocked on the door.

The the cops said Seig Hail or whatyever it is on his way out,that is before he brought a totruck back and took his truck for no reason,also whooping the guys ass for refusing to go inside because they are illegally taking his truck.

BTW I don't wear black,you try to hate the movement yet you can only come up with superficial things such as that.Oh boy you are all over it.

[edit on 21-9-2007 by Project_Silo]

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 11:45 PM
His name is ADOLF, not ADOLPH.......Do we have to Americanize spelling too? Isn't a Starbucks and McDonals in every corner in most countries in the world enough?

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by Project_Silo

Do an Amazon search for him and see how much stuff he has for sale. I'd say he's doing a little better than just making a living. As for pushing his movies on Google, that's just marketing. Without the internet no one would know who someone like Alex is.

I agree, it's good that he lets people know about messed up things that are happening. What's bad is that he often misinterprets, misconstrues and misrepresents information so he can sell his ideas to his followers.

I recall some time back that someone posted something from Infowars here. Infowars pushed it as some kind of "loyalty test" being passed out to kids at public schools. It turned out to be from a lesson plan for Julius Caesar.

If someone is fighting for you, yet duping you at the same time it kind of defeats the purpose.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by PistolPete

Ya you brought up some good points.AJ does drastically exagerate and that turns me off at times.Especially when Aj is interviewing someone about a incident with a cop or whatever it is.

AJ will exagerate so much even the guy being interviwed is uncertain wether he should say yes or say what really happend.

Aj " So then after they arrested you for protesting 5 or 6 of them jumped you in the back room and said they would kill your family?!?!"

Caller "Uhhhh,not really beating me but I got pushed around a bit"

This stuff turns me off a lot,also when you already know the story and he says like 5 untrue things,that sucks.But He certainly does wake poeple up and give the general outline to whats going on.I listen everyday,just with the knowledge that he sometimes gets to passionate.

If giving your movies away free is a PR stunt then why doesn't anyone else do it.HE tells you to copy it and pass it out.Yes there may be some PR motives behind it but I feel moves like this only show how genuine he can be at times.

[edit on 21-9-2007 by Project_Silo]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Steff

There always has to be someone to make a jab at America no matter the topic, huh?

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Steff
His name is ADOLF, not ADOLPH.......Do we have to Americanize spelling too? Isn't a Starbucks and McDonals in every corner in most countries in the world enough?

Thanks for the spelling lesson's spelled McDonalds

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 11:23 AM
To say that Bush is like Hitler is an insult to Hitler. Hitler was a capable leader and commander most of the time and at least could give a speech without fumbling and making a complete asstard of himself.
Captain Obvious is obviously a troll, this thread has nothing to do with 9/11. Stop feeding the troll.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Unplugged
To say that Bush is like Hitler is an insult to Hitler. Hitler was a capable leader and commander most of the time and at least could give a speech without fumbling and making a complete asstard of himself.
Captain Obvious is obviously a troll, this thread has nothing to do with 9/11. Stop feeding the troll.

Apparently you didn't read the thread... It's not about Bush... YOU ARE obviously the TROLL by derailing the thread...

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Unplugged

Captain Obvious is obviously a troll, this thread has nothing to do with 9/11. Stop feeding the troll.

Unplugged, I suggest you do some research on posts and threads that I start. I offer quite a lot of information backed up with facts and sources.

This particular thread was started to strike up conversation. There is an ignore feature in this forum if you would rather not read what I post.

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