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Amantine's Science Resources

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posted on Jan, 20 2004 @ 01:13 PM

This is my addition to Byrd's resources thread. Any additions or suggestions? U2U me, amantine. I'll keep it updated, so feel free to it to your favourites. New items have the
emoticon behind them. Last updated: 25-5-2004


Arxiv - All your physics/math/astronomy preprint needs.

Google Directory: Science - Google has a great guide to all kind of science links. If you can't find it here, you probably can't find it anywhere.

Scirus - A scientific search engine. Byrd also recommends it here, but I think it's worth mentioning again.

Internet FAQ Archives - A database of Usenet FAQs. This includes a lot of scientific FAQs.

The Journal of Modern Problem Solving - "The journal provides a source of modern problem solving for students and teachers from grade school through grad school and beyond in all subjects that use mathematics for problem solving." This site offers a lot of great examples how to solve scientific problems. It has different sections for math, physics and chemistry. These sections are also mentioned in the other categories.

The Skeptic's Dictionary - This site has a well-researched response to almost all "Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions". The different articles all have links and book recommendations for further information. Some sections of this site are mentioned in other categories as well. I recommend that before you post a thread, you first check if the subject isn't mentioned here. That will keep this section free of the already discussed and debunked subjects.

The Skeptic's Dictionary - Junk Science and Pseudoscience - A section of a above-mentioned site with information about some general pseudosciences.


AstronomyWorld - This is Wolfram Research's encyclopedia for astronomy. It's not complete yet, but more articles are being added every day.

Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy - I think this site is well known around here. It especially discusses the Lunar Hoax theory and Planet X really well. The forum is also worth checking out.

Chris Hillman's Some Scientifically Inaccurate Claims Concerning Cosmology and Relativity - I think the title explains this.

Heavens-Above - Information about interesting astronomy events. For example, you can check the co�rdinates of meteor showers.

Ned Wright's Cosmology Tutorial - A undergraduate level tutorial in Cosmology. It features a lot of figures and is pretty easy to understand.
Ned Wright's Frequently Asked Questions in Cosmology - I think that everyone here should at least have read this article once. In the Science and Technology section there's always at least one Big Bang thread on the first page. Many of the people posting in those thread don't really seem to have a good idea what the Big Bang theory really is. This site should help them if they don't want to spend their time reading books or online tutorials as the one above.

SpaceWeather - For all the amateur astronomers out there, but also for other interested people.

Usenet Astronomy FAQ - A general FAQ from the sci.astro newsgroup.

Biology and Medicine

Kimball's Online Biology Textbook - An great online biology textbook. The entire site is interlinked and has search functions. All the general information you want about biology is there.

Family Practice Notebook - "An ongoing compendium of the diagnosis and management of common medical problems seen in Family Practice." This site has a lot of information about a lot of diseases. The information is presently schematically and is interlinked, so you can quickly find what you need.

NCAHF - National Council Against Health Fraud - This site makes objective evaluations of alternative medicine in their Position Papers. They also provide a lot of links.

Quackwatch - A huge site with a lot of subsites about consumer protection in health. They have a lot of information of alternative medicine in their "Questionable Products, Services, and Theories" section.

The Skeptic's Dictionary - Alternative Medicine - The Skeptic Dictionary's section about alternative medicine.
The Skeptic's Dictionary - Cryptozoology - The Skeptic Dictionary's section about cryptozoology.

Talk.Origins Archive - A site about the evolution/creationism debat. Thanks to Byrd for suggesting it.


WebElements - An online periodic table with a lot of other information about the elements as well.

ChemistryWorld - This is Wolfram Research's encyclopedia for chemistry. It's not complete yet, but more articles are being added every day.

Kevin Lehmann's Bad Chemistry - "The purpose of this page is to bring to light commonly mistaught concepts in the field of Chemistry." This site isn't very large, but the mistaught concepts do occur much.

The Journal of Modern Problem Solving - Chemistry - The Journal of Modern Problem Solving's section on chemistry. They explain very clearly how to solve the most general chemistry questions.
The Journal of Modern Problem Solving - More Chemistry - Additional examples.

NIST Chemistry Database - A very comprehensive databases of substances. Not really for the non-scientist, because there are a lot of terms.

Usenet Chemistry FAQ - A general FAQ from the sci.chem newsgroup.

Earth Sciences

GeoMan's Earth Science Websites - Links to all kind of Earth Science websites: tectonics, vulcanology, economic geology, etc.

Alistair Fraser's Bad Meteorology - Mistakes in meteorology explained and corrected.


In the Hall of Maat - Weighing the Evidence for Alternative History - "The aim of this site is to provide a well reasoned case for the mainstream version of ancient history. We will present articles that validate our true heritage and that dispute the proposals used to support the belief in a lost civilization that seeded the familiar ancient cultures of the world."

Graham Hancock's Official Website - Graham Hancock is the main advocate of alternative history. Although I don't agree with his views, I added this anyway for people interested in other (unproven) theories about the history of mankind.

Paul Halsall's History Sourcebooks Project - This site has a lot of links to free, copy-permitted history textbooks. Their database is enormous.


MathWorld - The ultimate mathematics resource. Over 10000 articles are included in this interlinked and searchable database.
MathWorld - Functions - A resource of a lot of the functions used in math, physics, astronomy and chemistry.
MathWorld - Intergrals - Automated symbolic integrator. It can do complicated integrations symbolically really fast. Handy if you don't have the time to do integrals yourself.
MathWorld - Graphics Gallery - A lot of nice 2d and 3d pictures and animations. This is not really educational, but some of those pictures are nice.

The Journal of Modern Problem Solving - Algebra - The Journal of Modern Problem Solving's section on algebra. They explain very clearly how to solve general algebra questions. - This site has a lot of tutorials on all the different aspects of algebra.

Hypermath - A handy overview of mathematics. Thanks to Quicksilver for pointing this one out.

Mathematical Atlas: A gateway to Mathematics - "This is a collection of short articles designed to provide an introduction to the areas of modern mathematics and pointers to further information, as well as answers to some common (or not!) questions."

QuickMath - Automic Math Solutons - This is basicly an online calculator, but it can also do algebra, differentials and intergrals.

The Glossary of Mathematical Mistakes - "A site dedicated to the listing of mathematical mistakes made over and over by advertisers, the media, reporters, politicians, activists, and in general many non-math people."

The MathServ Calculus Toolkit - Another online calculator that is similar to QuickMath.


PhysicsWorld - This is Wolfram Research's encyclopedia for physics. It's not complete yet, but more articles are being added every day.

The Journal of Modern Problem Solving - Phyiscs - The Journal of Modern Problem Solving's section on algebra. They explain very clearly how to solve the most common physics problems.
The Journal of Modern Problem Solving - More Phyiscs Problems - Additional examples.

Andrew Hamilton's Falling into a Black Hole - What happens when you fall into a black hole?

Physics 1501 - An overview of the entire subject of physics from the University of Winnipeg.

Physics 2000 - An easier physics overview from the University of Colorado. Thanks to Kano for pointing this one out.

Physics Formulary - A reference of physics equations. It's 108 pages long and free to download in English and Dutch.

HyperPhysics - A handy overview of physics. Thanks to Quicksilver for pointing this one out.

Particle Data Group - A free online database of all information known about elemental particles. A lot of references to additional articles in scientific magazines.

Physics Booklist - An extensive list of recommended books on a lot of different physics subjects. All levels are included; graduate, undergraduate, interested layman, etc.

Quantum Mechanics Tutorial part 1 - This is a very good tutorial in the often-misunderstood field of Quantum Mechanics. It can be a bit difficult sometimes.
Quantum Mechanics Tutorial part 2 - Part 2 of the tutorial mentioned above.

The 'Official' String Theory Web Site - An explanation of Superstring Theory on two different levels.

The Particle Adventure - A nice introduction to particle physics. It explains a lot about the subatomic particles and their properties without much math.

Theoretical physics reviews and lectures - A compiled list of papers at the frontiers of physics.

Usenet Physics FAQ - A general FAQ from the sci.physics newsgroup.

Table of Nuclides - A list of all isotopes. It also has a list of a gamma-ray energies with corresponding decays.

Weird Science - Links to skeptic and non-skeptic sites about weird science (antigravity, cold fusion, etc.).

Physics: Relativity

The Journal of Modern Problem Solving - Special Relavity - A extra section about Special Relativity.

Andrew Hamilton's Relativity and Black Hole links - A nice collection of links about relativity and black holes.
Andrew Hamilton's Tour of Special Relativity - Andrew Hamilton explains special relativity simply and without much math.

Chris Hillman's Relativity on the World Wide Web - Very recommended. This site offers a lot of links to explanations, free books and free software.
Chris Hillman's Some of Expository Postings on Relativity - The most commen questions about relativity answered.
Chris Hillman's Some Scientifically Inaccurate Claims Concerning Cosmology and Relativity - I think the title explains this.
Chris Hilmann's Observational and Experimental Evidence Bearing on General Relativity - A comprehensive article about the evidence for relativity.

John Baez's General Relativity Tutorial - John Baez explains General Relativity mathematically. Warning: not for those weak in math.

Ned Wright's Relativity Tutorial - Ned Wright explains relativity completely mathless.

Relativity and Faster-than-Light travel - A very good explanation of special and general relativity that tries to explain the problems with faster-than-light travel and how these problems might be solved.


Artchive - All you wanted to know about art. There are pictures of art and detailed descriptions of styles and individual artists.

Arts & Letters Daily - Ok, so this is not really science. I still think it's worth adding. It has a lot of links to good articles on the internet, especially about philosophy, art and literature.

Biographies of Famous Scientists - Wolfram Research's site about famous scientists and their discoveries.

Encyclopedia Mythica - A huge encyclopedia on the different mythologies around the world.

The Skeptic's Dictionary - ETs & UFOs - The Skeptic Dictionary's section about ETs & UFOs.
The Skeptic's Dictionary - Occult & Supernatural - The Skeptic Dictionary's section about Occult & Supernatural phenomena.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - A free online encyclopedia of ancient and mordern philosophy. Ofcourse books are better if you want to learn philosophy, but it's a good reference if you need to find something fast.

The Klass Files - An archive of skeptic UFO and ET articles.

[Edited on 25-5-2004 by amantine]

posted on Jan, 20 2004 @ 06:08 PM
Wow amantime, a great thread you have here.

This will be of great help to my aim of gaining knowledge. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 10:47 AM
Added Theoretical physics and lectures.

WebElements (how could I forget it?) and Table of Nuclides added. Thanks to PurdueNuc.

Arxiv added to general section.

Two new astronomy links. Thanks to cmdrkeenkid.

New category: Earth sciences
Added a few new links: GeoMan's Earth sciences websites, The Particle Adventure, Relativity and FTL travel, Artchive

Physics Booklist added.
Talk.Origins added. Thanks to Byrd.

HyperPhysics and HyperMath added. Thanks to Quicksilver.
Physics 2000 added. Thanks to Kano.

Arts & Letters Daily and the official Graham Hancock site added.

Particle Data Group added to physics section.

Two links added to misc. section.

[Edited on 25-5-2004 by amantine]

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 04:36 PM
Thanks! I think I'll add this to the Recommended Resources, here!

(didn't even think to link to SkepDics... eeep! My bad!)

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 01:47 PM
I like the list very much... But keep in mind that Skepdic is not always reliable and remains biased.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 10:46 PM
Excellent listing amantine, thankyou for taking the time to collate and post it.

Bandit, that just looks like a page full of sour grapes from Milton. Taking most of the comments nicely out of context. As far as credibility is concerned, A-S cant even come close to skepdic.

[Edited on 27-1-2004 by Kano]

posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 02:09 PM
Kano.. There are more that I've read in the past, but that one was the only that I've found yesterday.

posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 02:19 PM
Thats a great list....on notice though:

In the History listings, why do you have the Hall of Maat Listed and not Graham Hancock's site also?

In such, allow me:

Graham Hancock's Official Website


[Edited on 28-1-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 08:19 PM
Thanks for this post. I bookmarked it and when I get some more votes to spend, you got 2 of 'em.

You should get some adoptees like Shorty and educate them.

DeltaChaos Out

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 12:58 PM
Thanks for the time it took to collect all this a post for all to enjoy! I've meaning to look up some of this stuff myself... wanted to check out the old scientist and what/how they did what they did! Thanks again

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 11:26 AM
Amantine, this thread DEFINATELY gets my vote for best overall...but can I add it to my Favorites List?? I don't think I can shoot past the opening page to do that..we'll see.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 03:07 PM
Found this website about the science of Nanotechnology that is updated pretty frequently.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
I like the list very much... But keep in mind that Skepdic is not always reliable and remains biased.

Both of these are filled with a lot of psychological baggage, making them slow reading.
I also wonder about how much rewriting has been performed with regard to
Eugene Mallove's efforts toward Cold Fusion

A search of both sites comes up empty when it comes to
the definitive site for cold fusion, LENR-CANR.ORG

I wish I had software to analyze the ratio of fact to emotion on those sites - it would be revealing.

[edit on 2004-7-2 by Teknik]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 11:16 PM
Very nicely done Amantine. You got my vote. :-D I love this stuff!

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 07:39 AM

Here is a very nice link. MIT is offering free courses over the internet complete with lecture notes, problems, and exams. They currently have over 700 courses available for free.

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 01:36 AM
I just came across this thread, very useful. Thanks for researching and posting! It's just too bad the voting system was taken away or I'd give this a 10.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 09:59 PM
Here is a nice link, dedicated to the field of Nanorobotics.

Here are a few graphic simulation pics of Nanorobtics in action

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 02:05 AM
Just WOW (or woman)

Very cool!

Will definitely be adding these links to my Favorites

Corvus Corax

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 03:52 AM
Great post Amantine
This sites cool too

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