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Added - Skinwalker Ranch

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posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 06:11 PM
Added - Skinwalker Ranch

This is my first try. Hope it worked out well as I would like to do more

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 08:00 PM
Don Wahn,

Hello. In my opinion it worked out great! I remember having wondered about there not being any article about Skinwalker Ranch, so, in addition to the article looking very good as a tinWiki encyclopedia article, I also consider that having information about the particular topic is a very appropriate addition to the encyclopedia.

By the way, if you wish, feel free to register (make a user account), of course.

Very cool page addition, I feel. Sounds like quite a place that, I must say. I must admit to not having looked into that topic any, and so I guess I only thought there was one being "running around", the skinwalker itself. I also thought there was some sort of secret Area 51 like base there that the skinwalker lived in, so for me this article was great info. Thank you. :-)


P.S. Two topics which neither take away from this being a great article: About the wiki page formatting thing and so on, I want to recommend considering the page itself to be the headline, if you see what I mean, so that it isn't necessary to put the article title inside the actual wiki code. Another wiki code thing is that by adding an asterisk * at the beginning of each line in a list, you get a bulleted list. Both are non-issues that can be adjusted at some or other time. I just wanted mention it since I have been "hanging around" a bit longer than you perhaps and have scrutinized a little bit the various guideline pages and so on.

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 10:29 PM
Thanks a lot for the feedback Optimist. Honestly, I am a total noob when it comes to these kinds of things, so I am happy that it even worked
On the note of your suggestions for

I want to recommend considering the page itself to be the headline, if you see what I mean, so that it isn't necessary to put the article title inside the actual wiki code.
, given my novice status I have to try and decipher what it means, but It shouldnt be that bad. Im sure I'll grasp the concept in a day or two.

Thanks again for the positive feedback!


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