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Have you heard about the battle of los angeles coverup?

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posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 07:32 PM
What do you think? Why do you think it was covered up?


Battle of Los Angeles, 1942

In the very early morning hours of February 25, 1942, Angelenos were jolted out of bed by screaming air raid sirens and thundering anti-aircraft gunfire. Hundreds of thousands of residents, ignoring blackout rules, snapped on lights and spilled into the streets to watch sweeping searchlights and orange tracer shells streaming into the night sky. Thousands of volunteer air raid wardens grabbed helmets and boots to rush into action.

Apparently, they fought an alien craft... it may have not been alien... but did you know that we were attacked outside of pearl harbour during WWII? Why don't they teach this in history class in school during the WWII unit?

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 07:41 PM
We weren't "attacked" unless you count the falling flak that was being shot at "whatever" it was that night. As for a coverup? It was spread all across the news the next day, so I'm not sure what was covered up?

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Zenagain

It was covered up by the current educational system. The education system here is so poor that it doesn't cover it, nor does it say that it was our only military action on our homeland in WWII. The school systems around the country focuses more on Pearl Harbour as the main attack on the United States, rather than the Battle of Los Angeles. I'd say they're covering it up with the modern education structure.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 07:49 PM
I have heard about this but have never spent any time looking it. I agree that this is something not taught in schools, however they do not teach the Roswell incident either.

I do not think there is any official comments about what was being shot at. Of course I not 100% on that statement, like I said I have never researched it.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 07:53 PM
Well see, there's the thing. There's nothing to teach and it wasn't a "battle" per se. A bunch of Army air defence guys saw "something" and cut loose tons of anti aircraft fire on it. A battle requires fire from both sides I'm pretty sure. Also, I can't speak for where you went to school, but my American History teacher at least gave us an aside about it. On the other hand, the Japanese launched a ton of ballons with explosives attached, one of which actually killed a person in....Oregon? I think it was. That's generally not taught either......

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 07:53 PM
This should be the most valuable feather in any believers hat.

The cover up of this is astounding and not in the traditional sense. The government hasn't stepped in and hushed it up, so why does no-one know about it? There's a simple answer to that.

People simply don't care. They are happy with the usual, the mundane. Something that could throw that out of balance will be buried. One only has to watch the news to see, the Mars rovers were forgotten about by most in a few days. Roswell, with all the evidence, is resigned to be discussed on the internet, out of the way.

If I am ever discussing ET visitation with anybody, this is the one thing that I can use that will make them falter and think again. Not change their story, they wouldn't dare believe in aliens, but at least it gets them thinking. No-one can deny that the craft was not of this world, those that try are scared or, to put it plainly, ignorant. Which unfortunately, the majority are.

But I guess we know the 'truth' and in the long run that's what matters. Making someone who has lived their whole life satisfied with what they can see in front of them see the truth is a fruitless venture.

Heck, I've tried and never got anywhere.

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