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preparatory school societies?

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posted on Aug, 28 2007 @ 11:26 AM
With the main disscussions of secret societies like Masonry,Frats,etc no one has ever covered socities at a younger level like within preparatory schools. Has anyone heard of any? I would only assume some must exsist?

Phillips Academy
Loomis Chaffee

Edit: Fixed Title.

[edit on 28-8-2007 by chissler]

posted on Aug, 28 2007 @ 08:31 PM
This is a pretty interesting question and I thought I would try to offer a little insight. There are, of course, secret societies at most prep schools, but these are generally just silly, ad hoc "clubs" that come and go within one or two graduating classes of their formations. The members might meet sometimes after hours by sneaking out of the dorms and smoke cigarettes or do some coke. Maybe they'll all wear the same Burberry scarf or the same kind of belt, something subtle that won't violate the uniform codes. These are just instances of kids being kids, though they may decide to give their little club a cute name or try some sort of yearbook prank. There are a few better organized, more established prep school secret societies, especially at Andover and Choate, but it really isn't useful or right to get very much into those. They're nothing too sinister.

What is a little more interesting, and what a lot of people don't seem to know, is that Bonesmen are generally "pre-tapped" in their last semester at boarding school. Almost all Bonesmen come from Choate (Choate-Rosemary these days, to be PC, I suppose), Andover, Exeter or sometimes Deerfield. They all have good family backgrounds and most of them also excel in athletics. Before a boy leaves prep school, he is made aware that he should expect to be "tapped" while at Yale. So in that sense, although there is no official "pre Skull and Bones club", Bonesmen are being groomed even back at school for eventually being tapped.


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