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Another latern sigthing in London?? Need confirmation...

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posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 01:35 AM
This is gonna sound stupid coming from me since I was very hyped about the last sighting being laterns. But here goes anyways...

Point of observation: Hoxton Square, London, looking north northeast
Time: friday the 10th of august at 01:45
Duration: 1 minute

Last night at around a quarter to one local time I was at Hoxton Sq. in London, and as we turned away from one of the pubs I spotted some lights in the sky.
A first there were two, moving independly, as in random movement. One seemed to go upwards and one more sideways.

I asked a cabbie to confirm that I was acutally seeing this "What is that?" (stupid question ey... -.-) and he replied, "I dunno, I'm seeing this and you're seeing it too that's all I can say", after which I move a little further down the street looking north northeast.
Now mind you, this square has it's view pretty much obscured, but as I went a little further I spotted a third object and a few feet later I spotted a forth.

All of them had the same kinda consistant light to them, however the reason I'm once again suggesting laterns is not only because they seemed to be of that kinda warm light that flames emmit, these also move in a rather random order if you compare it to something that was being controlled.

Unfortunately I couldn't witness the lights for more than a minute so I don't know if anything special happend with them

I hope someone else in London saw them and maybe even so close that they could actually Identify them.

I would say that they originated somewhere around Kingsland road or Hackney / Dalston from the way they were moving.


Edit for clearance:
Just to be clear... I know this wasn't planes, helicopters or anything in that direction since they were far too close to eachother. By this I mean that they pretty much had the same size, and strength of light so they had to be very near eachother.
Further more I had in the early hours been at home just standing on the terrace while wacthing planes and helicopters go by.
These lights had no flickering, or color changes which could occur from a tail / wing light, they were constant and kinda gliding through the air (again that's something that triggers the latern theory in me).

[edit on 11/8/07 by flice]

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 04:01 AM
Any chance these could have been meteors from the Perseids meteor shower, which is viewable to the north east at this time of year?

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Koka
Any chance these could have been meteors from the Perseids meteor shower, which is viewable to the north east at this time of year?

My guess would be no since two of them seemed to move upwards instead of down. The third was hanging still for a moment, and the fourth was moving slowly to the side...

I noticed just now that I used a faulty phrase in the first post "originated from...", I actually meant hanging above this area, as I couldn't know for sure that they were actually launched from the ground.

After having given it some thought, it was on a friday and probably one of the most busy wedding days as this time, so it could have been another episode like the previous one.

Did noone of you guys in London see these things??


posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 09:21 AM
I hope to do a bit of sky watching tonight, will let you know if I see anything unusual.

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Koka
I hope to do a bit of sky watching tonight, will let you know if I see anything unusual.

Me too, Im hoping for some early Perseids

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