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Australians 'are in Iraq for oil'

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posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 03:24 AM

Australians 'are in Iraq for oil'

Australia has admitted that securing oil is a key factor behind its continued troop deployment in Iraq.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 03:24 AM
Well it did take a while for them to come clean,so when will Bush admit the same thing?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 03:34 AM
The really sad thing about John Cowards admitance of this fact is that only 20% of Australia's domestic oil needs comes from Middle Eastern Oil.

20% !

What the hell are we doing in Iraq for only a 20% share of oil usage?

We have a couple hundred years of natural Gas reserves and oil rigs all around the country. Our Gas reserves could enable us to run each and every vehicle and to generate electricity for a very small cost for each citizen, thus improving the quality of life here.

We export untold amounts of LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) to China. This product is actually a waste by product of petroleum production that gets burned away into the atmosphere at our refinieries. We sell it to China for about 2cents a litre, yet the government charges us 55-60cents a litre to fill our cars up.

What a rort, what lies, what a total useless wimp of a leader.

First its Weapons of Mass Destruction, then its Regime Change, then its to help Democracy prosper in the middle east, and now, its to secure oil supplies ! WTF ?

We dint need their oil, and the sooner other countries embrace other forms of energy, and not give the middle east the money for oil we are doing now, they will all degenerate and dwindle away without our Western dollars to fund their wars and terrorism.

John Coward along with Bush should publicly hang for not only illegally raping Iraq, but for giving democracy a bad name.

To conclude, what really gets me going is "What does America have on Australia to get us to kiss their backsides so baddly like its another hit of heroin to a junkie? "

and dont tell me it security........

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 05:20 AM
Well you beat me to posting this news story.

It makes me wonder if similar will eventually be said elsewhere.

Its not likely to do John Howard many favours though really, has it ?

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 05:46 AM
Why is this news? It was pretty obvious from day one IMHO. But even if Aus. only gets 20% of thier oil from the ME, events in that region (real or contrived) drive up prices everywhere

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
We sell it to China for about 2cents a litre, yet the government charges us 55-60cents a litre to fill our cars up.

Actually it's 14 cents per litre... (that was 2 years ago). And yes it's rediculous to export at 14 cents to china and we pay heaps more here. (but hten they have to trasport it all via road, etc...

And yes... I also believe it rediculous. two years ago we exported like 550, 000 barrels of oil.... Why the helll are we exporting the oil we drill here, Why not just import less?

The only thing i find wrong withthis post that people are getting upset about is this: We all knew it. BUT WHY JOHNY WHY DID YOU HAVE TO ADMIT IT!!!

But not only that. I really have to say that this "We are in iraq for the oil" topic is a bit biased considering that the rest of the article that i read in my Brisbane MX also has for defence, regional stability...

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by FredT
Why is this news?

Well to me its a first that a politician has actually told the truth in all these years.

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