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Why are Christians against united world?

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posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 04:36 PM
Well, fundamentalists are against any belief system which doesn't fall directly in line with their beliefs, which accounts for thier bs accusations against the "New Age" movement..

However, the reason most Christains fear a globalist society is because many, as well as I, think that such a system leaves the door wide open to a one world dictator.

[edit on 20-11-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 05:34 AM
Im not against it, but at the same time, at the current moment Im not for it.

Until a nation can show, within its borders, a nation of no homeless.
A nation of no hungry. A nation with no crime, where people live in harmony, and their is no hate or anger.

Where economy is balanced with environment, and where human needs are balanced to that which the environment can sustain.

Where capitalism is an honest days wage, and not exploitative to the point of oppression and gouging.

Where a child need not fear abortion, and should an unwanted child be created, that the child would still be born and given to a home where he or she could be nurtured.

A nation where people dont have to worry about losing their homes or their livelihoods due to mishap or personal sickness...

Sound impossible? What nation said...United we Stand, Divided we fall...

It was we the people...America.

Its time we take a closer look at true systems that sustain for millenium after millenium. A Government of sustainability, and not of temporary ideology. A Government for all people, and a people thats for all people and doesnt let his brother starve or be homeless.

This is the America that can be. The question is; can you be all that you can be?

Do this, and you get my vote for a one world Government.

One Nation, under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.


[edit on 22-11-2007 by HIFIGUY]

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 01:09 AM
Well, globalism, in and of itself, isn't a bad idea. I don't think. However, I, like many, doi fear the possibility that globalism will lead to a consolidation of power. That is never a good thing.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 01:14 AM
Thanks to fiction writers like Doomsday Cult scions of "Left Behind" (not to mention AM radio) there's plenty of reason to fear those that don't follow their neighborhood's watering guidlines. Why not sprinkle when Jesus is coming?

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 01:16 AM
Rant, to me, it has nothing to do with what has been written, but common sense.... Globalism can lead to nothing but a consolidation of power politically..

[edit on 24-11-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Globalism can lead to nothing but a consolidation of power politically..

Um, yea, wow. Thought that was the point.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by RANT

So do you think that's a good thing? If so, why?

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
reply to post by RANT

So do you think that's a good thing? If so, why?

I'm awful, evil and think Mac and Cheese eaters should do what Philosopher Kings say.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 03:28 AM
A one world Government with Globalisation would have to take into account so many diverse customs, cultures and belief systems that what is law for one would be a non issue for another.

From Commerce to Drug laws. Alcohol to Guns...getting the whole world to see eye to eye would be one tough nut.

Then..should that happen..we would have capitalism be our form of commerce with dog eat dog competition around the globe. One company gains while another community fails.

Capitalism with Walmart is showing that capitalists hate it when one dog gets on top the hill and kicks the crap out of everyone else. Love capitalism? Choke on it. Have another helping of Walmart and megastores.

Until we start cooperating as a family; Where we treat other people like family in both commerce, community and custom, things are only going to get worse. When we look at another mans plight as our own..then and only then will mankind show signs of healing.

Any other way, it just shuffles the money. Less Government, but now we have the Corporation and free enterprise that in the name of free enterprise arnt obligated to do anything if there isnt a dollar to be made.

Heard this before?

United We Stand, Divided we Fall...

Think that motto only works for USA? Thats the motto for mankind. Better start getting used to it.


[edit on 2-12-2007 by HIFIGUY]

posted on Dec, 23 2007 @ 11:39 PM
I know it is hard for the unitiated to understand. But this NWO(one world government) thing is for real.
All this debate and indeed all the happenings in the world is centered on one thing and one thing alone. The fact that there is a God and the fact that his prophetic word be fulfilled to the letter. It is amatter of what truth is. God's word is at stake if he exists at all. it will be as he said it will be and the world will find that he has the last word. That is what's at stake here. The prophecies say there will be a last anti-christ and he will oppose God and God's people with a "Mark". It gets down to that one thing. Who will take it and who will not. This is how God has chosen to separate the faithful from the unfaithful. A lot of people profess that they are Christians but how many of them will take the mark when their ass is in a sling and it means their very life. Only those who have the true faith in God and his word will stand against the anti-christ and his laws.
The world is about to find out that God is real and his people are going to reign right here on earth during the millenium. A ressurrection is coming.
ARmagedon is coming. And yes, the real CHRIST is coming and he will destroy the abntichrist with the brightness of his coming.
That is what this is all about. Everything will bend to meet God's word.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by sb2012

a united world with Messiah as head of the government will be fantastic--------no more wars/wild beasts made tame/plenty of food for all and perfect weather all year round and diseases done away with.

just a few doctors required /maybe? for childbirths and no police required because there will be no more crime permitted by the angels.

a united world under a man would/will turn into a nightmare for us will be what every mad human dictator has ever wanted or dreamed of as he goes about to create his master race and eliminate all us inferiors.

G-D stopped the building of the tower of babel and confused their tongues scattering them on purpose to slow down and prevent them from uniting as a 1 world government approximately 2450 bce (genesis11) because they would have made too much scientific/technical progress resulting in nukes being used long before now.

scripturally hitler was the last leader of the so called "holy"roman empire------there is prophesied to be 1 last hitler who arm in arm with a religious leader (revelation13) will pale into insignficance what hitler did in ww2

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 02:46 PM
Go ask a fundamentalist luciferian why he wants wrold government. I know the answer, but since I agree that it is not my place to sell you on christianity, only to plant the seed, you must understand that all these world governments off the past were fouonded on the belief that humans are animals who have to be herded, into some sort of order (NWO) as Bush SR, stated in 1991. NO system of law2s set up by man can be trusted ever. Man will only believe what he sees. Man will always follow the masses. One thing all these world governments did through out time is commit genicide, sterilization, abortion, and complete control of every inch of human life. Hitler is the best examople of this. BUT, Christians seem to forget though that when these things come to pass christianity will also be an apostate religion. Bush killed million and a half ppeople in Iraq and he is a suppossed Christian. LOL, figure that one out. Its all about a Utopian world view forced on citizens no matter what they believe. Christians are not to kill atheists and non believers, unlike Islam, but rsather wait until our lord brings back the true law of man. HAVE A GREAT DAY, NON BELIEVERS.

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