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The Oldest Secret in the Universe...

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posted on May, 27 2007 @ 12:56 PM
I am sure that there are a few postings on the movie "The Secret". This is a fantastic movie but I must point out the same thing as the movie, the secret is no secret. The steps to take to change your life is change your mind, get off the couch and do it.
I am not say the possibilties of the secret don't work. In fact I have been practicing them for, well as long as I can remember. It is in every self help, motivational, spiritual book in existence, including the Christian Bible.
What bothers me about the whole experience is that a lot, including me, of people only practice the part where it will improve our own individual lives. I must admit to doing quite a bit of unusual things to "Pay it forward" to the world BUT...
After reading today about Iraq and Iran, and whats going on in Africa, etc...
Am I, are we, living in a world where none of us really practice what we preach.
Have I gotten off the topic, NO. The movie the secret is amazing, but how do we get the people in Iraq to pratice these principles, or even the world famous Mr. Bush. Oh we can say we that "I" an not part or the whole of the problem.
I really wish, that the power of one mind, mine, yours, whoevers... could heal the world and fix it all. But apparently not all of us want to manifest the same thing....
Oh one other thing, I have been using the principles from the book "Illusions" by Richard Bach. Its a good read.

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