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Give your kids movies a chance.

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posted on May, 14 2007 @ 06:54 PM
They aren't bad movies, well some are but there are some gems out there that you can enjoy with your kids. I remember taking my son to "Alladin". I think I enjoyed it as much as he did. Suffered through "Power Rangers" though. Now there's a new generation and these are my daughter's movies. With the exception of Hillary Duff, isn't she in EVERY movie(just tired of her), I'm seeing some movie that I can enjoy with them. Lindsey Lohan is BIG. The Herbie movie wasn't bad. Not OUR Herbie but not bad. Remember Dean Jones? He's still alive btw. "Just My Luck" was pretty good.

Then there's Amanda Bynes. "She's the Man". A sports movie. Pretty good too. Also, "What a Girl Wants". Not bad.

Then there's the animations. "Cars" was great. Good for guys.
"Finding Nemo" was fun too, Ellen's best performance imo. She did the voice of Dory, funny as hell.

Just because it's for the kids doesn't make it bad. You'll get some turds but you'll also get some entertainment. Take your kids to the movie. You get some bonding time and you might see a decent movie too.

If I've missed some good movies here, please point them out.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 07:00 PM
I don't have children but ATHF movie sucked.

I use to watch sponge bob square pants with my lil sister when I'd watch her.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 07:02 PM
My youngest really liked Spirit and she's seen it like 20 times. It was a damn good movie though. I also thought both Brother Bear movies were quite fun.

Oh and since I noticed it was on tv last night...Chicken Little was good too.

[edit on 14-5-2007 by ZeddicusZulZorander]

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 07:08 PM
I actually enjoy watching the movies my daughter watches. Most of them anyway, and the first time, maybe the second. She loved Cars too. I got over her Care Bears fixation long before she did, but the new CGI movies were interesting to watch with her. Once.

We loved Open Season and Over the Hedge. She loves Happy Feet. But she is afraid of James and the Giant Peach for some reason.

She really got fixated on the Nightmare Before Christmas at one point, but that only lasted a day or so.

I'm having fun right now getting TV shows that I watched when I was a kid from netflix and watching them with her. She's been exposed to Kimba the White Lion and HR Pufnstuf, and Sigmund and the Sea Monsters is next.

She loves PeeWee's Playhouse and the Weird Al Show too.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 09:00 PM
I love watching movies with my little monkey. He talks all the way through the film and asks questions all the time, which is great. And a huge plus to me is that he watches a lot of them in Cantonese so I have been able to pick up loads more as well.

Although when we were in the video shop the other day he picked up A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 and got a bit upset when I wouldn't let him get it!!

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 11:05 PM
I used to love taking my daughter to movies
. But now she is almost 20 so going to movies with Mom isn't a big treat like it used to be. I miss it. Intrepid is right; enjoy it while you can.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 08:27 AM
Finding Nemo is one of my sons favorites, as is Cars.
Shrek was really good, I also enjoyed Ice Age.
A really fun movie that my son repeats the words verbatim is Monster House.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:00 PM
You know what I really enjoyed.. Happy Feet. The music in it, had all the kids dancing in the Isles (as well as my boy), and It is one of his favs. Shrek 3, wasn't that great for kids... It really just was to adult in content, I think. Flushed Away was good as well.

I can't wait to see what comes out this summer, kidwise.

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